Wtf I like J-Law now

wtf I like J-Law now

Attached: sparrow.jpg (670x368, 16K)

She has offensively dishonest feet.

She's a cunt.

What do you rate her b-hole, though?

Judging a work of art based on the artists rl persona.

You are treading dangerously close to pleb territory there bub.

No you don't

>work of art
>Jennifer Lawrence is in it
Pick one

>I like J-Law now
You mentioned the person. Not the role.

winter's bone was pretty good

This movie surprised me with how edgy it was.

top pleb

Attached: mother.webm (1280x524, 1.79M)

I'm op, not him, and yes, she was more enjoyable in this trashy spy sexplotation than in those David O'Russell hack jobs with Bradley Cooper.

Literally any other actress could have played the role either just as well or even better than this overrated twat.

If you dont like a song or painting or whatever soley because the creator is an asshole you're a pleb.

Doesn’t she whip her bazongas out in this?

Can’t wait to see them

is she in Roomba mode

Are you willfully dense? Saying you like her isn't the same as saying you liked her in the role. Word your shit better retard.

>complaining about someone else’s grammar

I hope this post isn’t lost on you, friendo.

The first line in my original statement here was supposed to be greentext but Im walkimg outside so I forgot the meme arrow.

So just to be clear
Judge the work om its own merits.
Not the person, unless the work is shit. If it the work is shit all bets are off.

And yet I can still get my point across even with my shitty grammar.

Someone should tell him.

Yes, the movie has a lot of nudity.