I'm confused. Who was BTFO, Vikander or Sup Forums?

I'm confused. Who was BTFO, Vikander or Sup Forums?

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Lara Croft

But the actress is flat. Did they all jizz their liberalism on Black Panthe?



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Warner. again

i thought she was /ourgirl/? she's cute.

>3 rotten
>3 fresh
Still might be good.
Yeah. Not gonna lie. She's a cutie.

maybe compared to other video game movies possibly even when compared to other WB movies


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>Average rating 5/10

you do know, that normies dont know that she looks like a plywood board?

I didn't give a fuck about the original games and the Angelina movies are some of the worst early 2000s cgi trash fires I've ever seen. I actually enjoyed the 2013 game, and this chick looks almost right in the context of that and the trailer looks like it could be a fun adventure flick.

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TR2013 was actually really good. Though I do enjoy Jolie's film on a So Bad It's Good merit.

Yeah. I really liked the atmosphere. A real Lara's skill set would probably lead her to having a physique like a pro climber. All that hanging and swinging with DDs and a fat ass is ridiculous.

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Globalists BTFO

Remember if a movie has this in front of it it's shit and not worth your time

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You thought wrong she's an ugly sticc mutt. Shouldn't be playing Laura.

>effeminate soymales find this man attractive

Not really. Fat doesn't weigh much. A woman without boobs has very little advantage over one with boobs at climbing. And a big ass is mostly a product of bone structure and muscle, a good looking one any way. The key problem with Vikander is that she has the skeleton of a boy. She has narrow hips and wide shoulders. If you bolted giant tits on her she'd just look like a tranny, not like a woman. Her lack of bodyfat only exacerbates the issue.

Also "pro" anything = steroids. So unless you want the hyperrealistic Lara Croft who has to use steroids to gain male-tier strength Lara should never have chiseled arms etc. Whatever happened to just accepting that fictional characters can bend the laws of physics? Especially in video games. Lara Croft is a busty woman who can jump insanely high, climb better than any living person and she fights tigers that survive multiple gun shots. That's what a Tomb Raider movie should be about, not faux realism.

mean. she's a cutie.

Looks like a man. Well done.