The Last Jedi

>you can see Luke's dead students
>pretty much all kids

Goes a long way to explaining why Luke fucked off for a couple of years since he felt responsible movie should have focused more on the massacre honestly

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Is it an allusion to the rape of nanking?

Those are the corpses of our childhoods.

And it carries zero emotional value because we've never seen them alive and all is dark and sitant.The film is very bad, the editing is bad. You have the flashback of Kylo Ren sleeping twice separated by a short sequence. WTF is this film?

>brainlet can't into rashomon homage

They're not the same sequence.

Luke said Kylo wiped out the academy with a handful of his students. I assume they went on to become the Knights of Ren. Guess we'll never know.

gg Rian

Is almost as if the movie had all the ingredients but it was terribly focused and directed by a fat fuck hack.

why did Kylo wipe out the whole school if only Luke wanted him dead

Maybe we will know in Episode 9.

A good question... For another time ;)

>he must have thought I was dead

You think the rest of the students would have reacted kindly when Ben said he killed Luke? I doubt Ben was very popular, hes probably the kid they all joked about becoming a school shooter (and then actually does lol)

>Kept waiting for Luke to describe the force as a malevolent god creating endless cycles of unimaginable destruction in the name of balance
>Hints at it multiple times throughout the movie even going as far as for Luke put himself out of tune with the force and for the hacker to allude to it through arms dealers profiting both sides
>Luke never makes the leap beyond emo-bullshit

I know there was a lot of talk about fan theories clouding judgement but this annoyed me. Everyone above a certain age in the Star Wars universe should recognise the cycle they are trapped in because they live through it.

It was the moment he fell to the dark side. Also muh Anakin Skywalker.

They were the same age as Ben. So 20+

but luke is fine with killing kids, just like dear old dad

>my mentor just tried to kill me in my sleep, BETTER MURDER EVERYONE I KNOW
Besides which, how was Snoke even corrupting him? Force skyping him and talking at him about how the Empire did nothing wrong?

Where is he, guys?

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LOL, what other movie does this shit makes homage to. I tried to watch Rashomon but it failed to capture my attention and I like samurai movies.
The flashback was practically the same and felt redundant. BAD

I can't believe I'm saying this but I really wish JJ directed it instead.

This movie was "subversion for subversion's sake." That's all it was. That's what the modern left sees as "deep." They're all fucking jew nihilists who deserve the fucking rope.

>I can't believe I'm saying this but I really wish JJ directed it instead.
Knights of Ren was his idea brainlet

I'd like to think he's dead, but considering how bad Filoni is at letting shit go, I'm sure he'll show up in the next cartoon and either be non-force sensitive so he won't die that way, or there'll be some reason to explain why he wasn't there.

Fucking Filoni should've let Ahsoka die.

So is it implied that kylo did all that himself? Anakin managed to sack the jedi temple but only with the help of a few thousand clones. Talk about overpowered characters

Yes shame on Rian for not following every retarded thread that JJ left hanging. Rian should have just wrapped everything up and negated the 3rd movie altogether

>Rian should have just wrapped everything up and negated the 3rd movie altogether
He kind of already did that.

I know, I'm talking about the whole movie.

As someone who hated her when she first shows up, I've come to adore her, and am thrilled she's still around.

Nah he just stripped out the derivative bullshit and pushed the characters into new places we haven't seen in Star Wars movies. You still have Supreme Leader Kylo, fledgling Jedi Rey, and everything else to resolve. The Knights of Ren, the conflict between the FO and Resistance (I'll admit: this shit is derivative, but it's not like Rian cab undo all the damage JJ did when he wrote TFA).

It doesn't make any sense honestly. Ashoka's fate was ambiguous to start with. She could have survived her fight with Vader, she could have died. Either was fine. Why asspull time travel into the mix and fuck everything up? Why does Sheev care about Death Stars when there's fucking time travel? Why doesn't Ashoka look for Obi-Wan or Yoda? Why can't she sense Luke and Leia? At least when she was questionably dead these questions didn't matter and the story was neatly closed.

>So is it implied that kylo did all that himself?
Nothing is implied, really. Personally, I think Kylo had some help from the FO and they burned the temple and killed most of the students. There'll probably be a flashback to what REALLY really happened in IX, even though we're all sick to death of this shit by now. At least, that's how I'd write it.

>fledgling Jedi Rey
Who is still ten times stronger than Luke was in Return of the fucking Jedi.

>pushed the characters into new places we haven't seen in Star Wars movies
Yes, he pushed them into being stupid idiots with motivations that don't make much sense because Rian is a terrible writer.