While Last Jedi was an awful film, the practical effects look great

While Last Jedi was an awful film, the practical effects look great.
Just look at this alien, it almost looks real.

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I don't remember it. Blended in with the film.

She looks like even an easy mac donald order would confuse her.

God damn niggers are ugly.

Nope just the ones Disney and (them) keep picking for some fucking reason.

Lol females in charge are so jealous of more attractive women they are literally doing them out of work.

They are, it's just that dark skin helps hide their ugliness. Ever see albino negroes?

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Shitposting aside, did the effects in TLJ feel...worse than the ones in RO and TFA? Hell, even the trailer to Solo looks better.

>Last Jedi was an awful film

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they used a really strong fisheye lens to film this right? RIGHT???

>The cumskins
I liked the episode where they all went outside and got lynched by leftists for being white nazis

>le racism is funnay, amirite?

Oh no, racism, I'm so triggered...

I hate hearing ppl say this. The visuals were generic blocbuster space battles. It was unimpressive and outright ugly sometimes. There is not a single scene that makes your jaws drop.The Holdo suicide looked like somthing from an anime.Nothing looks real in this movie, you can feel the sets and green screen. Just like TFA

You'd have to be a brainlet to think otherwise Disneymom

I think both TFA and RO look decent. Not incredible(Although I enjoy RO's cinematography), but it gets the job done. TLJ just felt...off. I legitimately don't why people love the Holdo sacrifice scene so much. It looks like something done on a computer.

>Haha niggers are so ugly, am i right guys?

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And btw there was some fucked up confusing shots. It looks like the picture is reversed

Attached: Star.Wars.The.Last.Jedi.2017.720p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4_snapshot_01.51.53_[2018.03.12_10.34.01]. (1280x536, 29K)

On one shot the impact is on the left, on the other it's on the right. You might argue that on picture is from above but the direction is opposite. This is very bad editing and lacks basic principles of cinematography.

Attached: Star.Wars.The.Last.Jedi.2017.720p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4_snapshot_01.52.00_[2018.03.12_10.34.25]. (1280x536, 24K)

How would that creature be intelligent enough to work on a star ship with a cranium that tiny? Pretty unrealistic desu senpai

See, why are people calling this great? Some of the shots on Ach-to looked better.

Jar-jar binks looks like THAT?

I'd have to see it again, but I also remember being confused as to whether she smashed through one ship alone or somehow caused a chain reaction that destroyed the entire fleet. I think that latter was implied, and it's fucking dumb.

Yeah the debris obliterated the entire fleet but the shot of the big ship is confusing. And for some reason Hux survived and they still had ships to attack Crait. That entire fleet destroyed should have stopped them but no.

>black people are one of the most beautiful people on earth, you racist fucking cis WHITE MALE!

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I can't tell if it's a old as fuck granny or an auschwitz skeleton crossdressing

>nigger sticks out more than a wookie
jesus christ

>Unironically defending this
Your brain on radical leftism, everyone.

Yeah I know right? I'd rather have a based aryan goddess like pic related

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That one is an ugly girl, which is incredibly rare since white women look average for the most part
this looks like your average nigger

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Those tits ate good to go, just brown bag her head and have a good time.

>When you fuck up the sliders on your redguard but already hit okay.