Thoughts on Battle Royale?

Thoughts on Battle Royale?

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anime tier garbage.


Better than that piece of shit Hunger Games

>gotta love the floating shotgun and ungripped hand sickle

10/10 photoshop job

Hunger Games did it better.

Lol never noticed


Fun movie.

womans killing themselves was top moment

I thought it sucked

Surprisingly great, saw it for the first time in the theater last year

playing PUBG is better

I love her.

Attached: Yûko Miyamura.gif (499x240, 845K)

>best friends
>Best friends 4eva
>best friends
>best friends stick together

Attached: roasties-btfo.jpg (425x242, 41K)

Báttolu Royaworu

Good movie.
Interesting how well they managed to balance all the different, often pretty short POV storylines while still giving the main characters enough screen time.
Something Hollywood could never pull off ever.

Fucking loved it, lighthouse scene was kino. Now's as good a time as any to remake it.

>remake it.
It will be PG13
The Prologue showing their School life will be 45 minutes Long.

I wanted to nut inside Mitsuko

and protect Kotohiki

>It will be PG13
Then they can't show half the movie, and there's no point remaking it if we don't see mitsuko fucking that guy to death

>Now's as good a time as any to remake it.
Please no. Not with the way Hollywood is these days.

Still waiting for locallised versions for the west because of the different stereotypes about school life.