
How did Billy die?

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He killed the Predator, stole its skin, and blew himself up after fighting Dutch.

Probably AIDS since he was a slackjawed faggot and all.

He blew himself up with an arm nuke to try and kill Arnie

Tripped and fell on his machete.

it looks like he killed himself with his knife

Anal rape.

Got woozy from a bleeder and fell.

Predator pulled his spine out through his asshole.

big pusy

congestive heart failure

The spirits of his ancestors showed him what a shill Dutch would become and so he offed himself.

>Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced his intention to sue American oil companies for “first degree murder” over their role behind “global warming;” claiming the energy producers “knew” of the deadly threats posed by fossil fuels since the 1950s.

>The actor-turned-politician revealed the impending lawsuit while speaking with Politico at the annual South-by-Southwest festival in Texas; equating the issue with the tobacco industry and cigarette manufacturers nearly one hundred years ago.

>“This is no different from the smoking issue. The tobacco industry knew for years and years and years and decades, that smoking would kill people, would harm people and create cancer, and were hiding that fact from the people and denied it. Then eventually they were taken to court and had to pay hundreds of millions of dollars because of that,” Schwarzenegger said.

>“The oil companies knew from 1959 on, they did their own study that there would be global warming happening because of fossil fuels, and on top of it that it would be risky for people’s lives, that it would kill,” he added.

>“Every gas station on it, every car should have a warning label on it, every product that has fossil fuels should have a warning label on it,” said the action star.

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bummed alive

With honor

listerine overdose

this is the correct answer

>rarr I am the Predator, the most dangerous hunter in the universe
>uses stealth tech
>snipes with a fucking plasma cannon
>leaves the enemy base untouched, presumably because he couldn't face any of them one-on-one
>disarms Dillon before approaching him
>only fights Dutch in single combat after an extended hunt to wear him down
The Predator is a goddamn fucking pussy. Would've been annihilated if he had to fight on even grounds.

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Predator opened with a piledriver into a running Chokeslam, Billy reared back and countered with a Boston Crab but predator was too strong. Predator escaped the grasp of Billy and launched into a Moonsault which knocked Billy into a daze. Predator finished Billy off with a DDT into the log they were standing on and was crowned supreme intergalatic wrestling champion of the universe.


The Predator cucked him and then drove his alien penis through the back of his skull.

he fell off of the log.

>Would've been annihilated if he had to fight on even grounds.
Dutch proved that much at the end. Predator had to blow the whole jungle up because he's a sore loser.

>he doesn't know hunting is a game with a ruleset

I hate this fucking place, the trolls are so fucking predictable and lame, the way they "meme" thinking they're cool... they should be put down... they are a dishonor to their families and even to good trolls. Last day on this shithole board.

correct answer

predator rolled the tree billy lost his foothold and died

he was on a safari

No, Dutch won with preparation at first. Using traps and the environment that he knows against the predator. As soon as he loses all that, the pred slaps him around like a little bitch in hand to hand combat and is done in with another trap that was laid out.

See you tomorrow.

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The Predator is a 7'2 space alien, of course it can defeat him in hand-to-hand. But it also brings plasma guns and invisibility tech because it's a faggot.

Next time you go hunt a bear or something, throw away your camo and guns and just grow out your nails and try to bite/scratch one to death.


Good thing Van Damm couldn't put up with the suit eh

>saving the environment is bad because someone else told me so
>putting out billions and billions of gallons of CO2 while cutting down HALF of the forest cover on Earth won't have a bad effect
>burning oil doesn't produce carcinogens
>rising sea levels aren't a very bad thing

The worst, and I mean absolutely most pathetic thing about your shilling, is that you do it FOR FREE. As in, for absolutely zero compensation. Why do you do this? The oil companies won't return your loyalty. Just why?

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Reimagine every scene combat scene in predator as a wrestling match


Predator just needs a Paul Bearer

he's turned into such a faggot
I hope he does sue and then the case is publicized and scientists who say AGW is a crock of shit will finally have a platform to present their case instead of denigrated and demonized in garbage newspapers

if Arnie does this, more people will wake up to AGW being a fucking crock of shit

He pulled off the Predator mask

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>a bear
This is more like comparing a professional boxer to a middle schooler.

Based Arnold.

He's just a jewish puppet

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Such is the power of politics

>jewish puppet
I don't think so, Trumpstein lover.

Maybe he can cuck himself with another Mexican housekeeper

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Go be a pathetic limp wristed shill someplace else, faggot.

Dude, really?

The actor died, without legs and homeless a number of years ago.

>hire someone to lead organization he vocally hates and wishes to dismantle
>blame the jews when anyone claims that's a bad fit

My new head canon, thanks user

he was also a porn star

I will tell you how he lived.



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Billy,Didn't die,he wooped the predators ass and went home.

*went home and organized his waifu folders

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Killed by Predator


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>Has laser guns and an invisibility artifact
>Heat machine can´t detect Dutch because of mud
Fuck this logic

Pretty sure he spent his last moments screaming like a little bitch

Let me guess... Emma?

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Of course...the footpussy Goddess.

The infrared wasn't some kind of aid the Predator was using, that was its actual sight. We got an infrared shot after it took off its helmet.

Strangely enough I actually know the answer to this. Back in the UK when this was coming out the trailer showed part of a scene that never made it into the final film. It had the predator standing on the bridge holding him up in the air impaled through the chest on his wrist blades.
It always bothered me as a kid that this wasn't in the vhs my older brother had of it.

So, how could a specie with such a shitty vision create laser guns and invisibility artifacts?

screaming, as I recall

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Fan and some comic canon had them using Engineer or some equivilant tech they'd found.

Smart enough to push a button, maybe modify it for their use, but not create it.

It was way less dumb than what came after.

>Fan and some comic canon
Too bad the movie wasn´t smart enough to justify those things



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ps it sucks you can only post one picture at a time other chans you can post 5 at once

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Died of tetanus from that cut, months later

>and billions of gallons of CO2 while cutting down HALF of the forest cover on Earth won't have a bad effect
>>burning oil doesn't produce carcinogens
>>rising sea levels aren't a very bad thing
>The worst, and I mean absolutely most pathetic thing about your shilling, is that you do it FOR FREE. As in, for absolutely zero compensation. Why do you do this? The oil companies won't return your loyalty. Just why?

They return my loyalty with every ounce they pump. I'm enjoying the oil based economy, as are millions of Californians.

Fuck becoming a third world shithole with no economy, insufficient agriculture, and shitty transportation while India, China and Africa pump out 5 billion more kids while burning every ounce of oil and coal they can afford. Fuck that and fuck you. Stop them breeding and burning and maybe we can talk.

LOL, forgot about that, he's probably going full leftist to get ahead of an inevitable #metoo backlash.

Provide evidence of this trailer.

he lost his balance and fell off the log when he threw his machete away

>Wilhelm scream intensifies...

Was that real popup in the game?

I always thought he fell off the log into the river cause of the scream (being used in a lot of falling deaths) and there was a chance the predator just kept going after the rest of them but Billy might of landed in the river and got away.

Arnold was the Predator.

>After spending three years in prison on charges of making threatening and obscene phone calls to his wife, Landham made several runs for office in Kentucky. He ran in the Republican gubernatorial primary in 2003, an election eventually won by Ernie Fletcher. In 2008, he announced his candidacy as a Libertarian for Mitch McConnell’s U.S. Senate seat. His run was short lived, though, as he was dropped from the ticket after making several controversial and vulgar comments about people of Middle Eastern descent.

He lived the life