Why did they swap Rey for Rose as Finn's love interest?

Why did they swap Rey for Rose as Finn's love interest?
>even Boyega looks distraught about it

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Its still disappointing and sad that i thought Finn was going to be the main character or even a jedi. But this garbage is all we got.

Lmao he looks fucking disgusted

>Why did they swap Rey for Rose as Finn's love interest?
Because Finn is a comic relief character with no importance. Wtf is that question anyway

>tfw you're forced to kiss a fat chink

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>Rey = pretty
>Most women = fat whales
>Hero must kiss fat whale to please audience
>Hero kisses Rose

Don't know if it's clear enough OP.

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He's much more entertaining and likable on screen than Rey.

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Rey is the main stronk womyn character, she can't have no love interest, except maybe some sexual tension with Kylo.

cause he doesn't have the acting chops to pull the fire between Kylo and Rey.

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Finn is garbage and Rey was never his love interest dumb fucking cuck. Kylo is the lead now, not Rey or Bodega. Keep crying.

hes not the male lead, or a Solo....or anything compared to Kylo.

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he is a side nigger so he gets a side fat asian whore
there is some justice left in this world

>muh military industrial complex

i thought they took out the gay romance to appease the chinese. chinese ban skeletons and gays in their movies. should've left it in, considering how hard TLJ bombed.

JJ could redeem himself by having Finn dump Rose at the first chance

In the TFA novel:

>Rey and Poe were not excluded, though their sudden, tight clinch of shared excitement led to a moment of mutual awkwardness. “Uh, hi,” the pilot mumbled. “I’m Poe.”

>She nodded slowly, searching his face and finding that she liked it. “I recognize the name. So you’re Poe. Poe Dameron, the X-wing pilot. I’m Rey.”

>“I know.” He smiled back, a little more at ease. “Nice to meet you.”

post the drawing

They killed my illusions of true romance.

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>JJ could redeem himself by having Finn dump Rose at the first chance
back to plebbit nigger

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The Kylo and Hux dynamic is already homo as possible just to get more shippers without actively alienating anyone

I am Jack's complete lack of midline

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>rian filmed fanservice for all ships
>Stormpilot got deleted
>Finn/Rey got deleted
>Hux/Rose got deleted

>Reylo got the whole movie based around
>Sney was there
>Kylux got some BDSM

It was a massacre

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Just looking at this nerd's dumb face makes me want to cave it in so fucking hard. He killed Luke Skywalker, I hope he burns in hell.


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>wakes up from coma
>where da white girl at?
Meanwhile Mary Sue didn't even bother waiting for him to recover but went on an adventure to meet Luke instead because the resistance trusts a cunt that nobody ever heard about above anyone else. And with lightspeed travel anyone could meet Luke within a minute.

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it's only she who likes him, he's still into Rey
or did you miss the long hug at the end?

>minority wars : the last whyteboi

>it's only she who likes him, he's still into Rey
or did you miss the long hug at the end?

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I didn't miss that he was beside chinkfu like a nurse, they love role reversal in nu-wars, and Rey is across the room looking at them and smirking. That scene is made to make white feminists comfortable knowing that the black won't try to copulate with their white goddess

>hugging people now means you want to fuck them

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That's just what a niggers face looks like

you know they cut a scene from the Supremacy where Rose was getting changed and Finn was checking her out ?

>That scene is made to make white feminists comfortable knowing that the black won't try to copulate with their white goddess
>'white feminists'
nigger needs to fuck off

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>Rian Johnson
>finds himself square in the middle of the pancake stack that is the sequel trilogy
>smugly rips that pancake right the fuck out of the stack, toppling the rest
>even tells JJ to fuck himself with his white/black racemixing by throwing in a chink to fill the interracial quota
>BTFOs Hamill, likely because he was tired of being told how evil blumpf was for the fifteen-thousandth time
>symbolizes this by turning Luke, Hamill's favorite character, into a sad shell of his former self
Eternally, unequivocally, /ourguy/. Even his feminism t-shirt tweet was just to keep Kennedy from suspecting his master plan.

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>Just looking at this nerd's dumb face makes me want to cave it in so fucking hard.
Rian is as much of a nerd as normies watching Big Bang Theory.

Why do you think this means that Rose is his love interest now? If this is romantic love, its the most neutered romantic love in cinema.

>Rian Johnson : You want intersectionality ?
>Heres a asian fat boy and a black guy

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This is what autism looks like people

look at this duuuuuude

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>berry nice

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blame the actors and their lack of chemistry for that senpai. They got the whole movie together to make it work, they didn't.

Meanwhile Driver and Ridley were oozing with sexuality and chemistry in their scenes.

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Lets be honest here, most of us would have preferred Finn be the main character/Jedi and have an epic fight with Kylo at the end of TFA. Rey would have been a better damsel/eye candy character like Padme.

Rian is not base-

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>Lets be honest here, most of us would have preferred Finn be the main character/Jedi and have an epic fight with Kylo at the end of TFA.

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>eye candy
You mean after they recast the Xenomorph?


Boyega is going around interviews saying he wants Finn to fuck Rey.

Thats a bit disrespectful towards Kelly isn't it ?

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>most of us
You mean whats left of his fanbase and the finn/rey shippers ? They aren't that many.

Same fanbase has no passion for Finn other than because hes black, they don't care if hes nuanced or not.

Same goes for Finn/Rey, you can see the lack of passion from the shit fanart they put out, and the way they bailed on it after TLJ.

Finn is also a deadend character, thats why Rian didn't know what to do with him except redo his arc from TFA and Poe outshined him.

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his last interview, he is a fucking brainlet who things that Finn is somehow an important character.

It was poorly written also

>ROSE: My sister died, I'm going to taze you now for deserting

>ROSE: ...and so, slavery and animal cruelty are bad
>FIN: ooook, Im gonna go try to save the resistance now

>ROSE: "I saved you, dummy. That's how we're gonna win. Not FIGHTING WHAT WE HATE BUT SAVING WHAT WE LOVE."

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holy shit you can see the frustration on his face

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The worst part of this scene is that it's in no way plausible that this would save him. They're now sitting ducks. There's a whole firing line with nothing else to shoot at but them. They have to walk miles over a salt flat to get to safety. They're about to both die for nothing. But no, the writer ignores that and they just show up in time to get on the escape ship.

because Rey is pure and strong and doesn't need to be kissing no nigger.

I just figured the downs troopers were scripted to think it was cute so the held their fire

This is what I totally wanted, but nooooo.
Rey is the main character > __ >;

>main character
Even Daisy is a better choice (Adam can also carry her when necessary)

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The real question is why didn't they do what was set up and make Finn and Poe a couple? What's the matter Disney, too homophobic to cast a gay couple?

Sure, I wanted finn to be one of the main characters.
Pic related.

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I think I would have rather have them make a fucking joke out of it.

>in the background you see Rose dragging an unconscious Finn

Problem is Boyega user

I wish it were just Boyega.
Imagine if they got an ideal actor akin to that concept art I posted?
He would also have been a bumbling retard designed to evoke cheap laughs and fill airtime as clumsily as possible.
Boyega is part of the problem, but nobody can save the scripts we've got so far.


Could asian women be the new white male? The new unvalued workhorse? The anonymous bent spine whose endless toiling keeps fresh Obamaphones in the hands of society's children?

Boyega is one of the bigger problems, Adam makes his job pretty good and carries even Daisy.

why is he crying? he is uglier than her, and she is hideous

Adam's an acting force in his own right, and even he's wasted on the garbage character he's playing.

>garbage character he's playing.
It's the only real character with substance

He's the most solid log in a sea of shit. The character is still awful.

Am I the only whitey who genuinely likes Finn here?
A dude is always better than an edgelord.

The character has a backstory,actor carries his character with his acting skills, that should be enough for Star Wars.

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his facial expression is LITERALLY disgust.

>get to be the Darth Vader of nu-wars
>Rian destroys the series

Will Adam have to go crawling back to licking Lena Dunham's crusty fish reaking pussy again?

No. They save the gay romance shit for Frozen 2.

He’s built like doorbrah

>get to be the Darth Vader of nu-wars
The chance for staying alive and having kids is much bigger for Kylo. As last guy with skywalker blood he will be the most popular SW guy for the next years anyway

>Will Adam have to go crawling back to licking Lena Dunham's crusty fish reaking pussy again?
Just go to imdb an take a look brainlet

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the audio commentary is gold

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>Finn being degraded to comic sidekick, no plot importance whatsoever

I wonder what the actor is secretly thinking about his role.

he looks like a dude who fights with a laser sword and fucks everything up. Not too cut, not to plump.

Peak performance.

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He wasn't comic relief ? Surely you jest ol' chap. He was nothing but comic relief and Rey's sidekick.

Where fuck do you Finn fans get this ideea that this dude was strong, important or anything for that matter ?

He says to Han in TFA he was from sanitation for fucks sake.

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>tfw no chubby viet gf

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>this bad writing excuses all the rest of the bad writing!
Why make Finn a janitor?
Why do that? Cheap laughs? Did they not have enough time to invent porgs so they just decided to make one of the main characters a stand-in?
The writing team had, in its hands, the opportunity to look at a Storm trooper on a redemption or awakening arc.
Why didn't they attempt this? Was it another subversion tactic?

Looks like Danny DeVito in yellowface.

>user, why do you have to be so mean all the time?

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Actually, Sam was Solo.

what the hell is that? is this shit edited?

black guy and asian had no chemistry.
Rey is playing a guy, seriously she looks like styxhexenhammer or some effete metal head, the lack of femininity overwhelms the character.
The Hodor x Leia x Oscar Isaac's character, wtf was going on there, what a mess.
Benicio del Toro and Oscar Isaac are the only ones worth watching, the rest are complete hacks.


The way snoke used the force was one of the best things about this movie. I wonder how would a fight between him and sheev would look like.

because reylo tumblr bucks

because the whole movie is just "let's subvert everything xD"

>Benicio del Toro
Possibly the best actor in the entire cast, too bad his character was awfully written and completely irrelevant to the plot.

IMO Rose was one of the best-acted characters in the whole movie, even though she was completely pointless. She actually cried and showed emotion like a girl instead of some macho super woman like the other female characters.They also made her look frumpy even though she's a qt in real life.

>its the writers fault because he isn't what i think he is

Fucker, every character starts out as blank slate. If they wanted Finn more than what he was in TFA and TLJ they would have made him.

This is what he is, the everyman, comic relief and a hero.

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>The writing team had, in its hands, the opportunity to look at a Storm trooper on a redemption or awakening arc.
>Why didn't they attempt this? Was it another subversion tactic?
Because they are talentless corporate hacks who write movies by committee and focus groups. Every movie has to follow the MCU formula now.

>she cried and showed emotion
>macho woman

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Ah, you're baiting.
Last (You).
One thing: there's nothing wrong with calling out a terrible decision, and Finn in his current state is absolutely a terrible decision.

>If they wanted Finn more than what he was in TFA and TLJ they would have made him.
Then their goals are fundamentally flawed and they shouldn't be making movies.