What is the equivalent of "the cake is a lie" in regards to movies?

what is the equivalent of "the cake is a lie" in regards to movies?

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this gives me great memories
even tho that era sucked too it was years ago so i cherish it
and yes pickle rick is spot on the cake is a lie...
i cant even come up with something better


>You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Meme of the year 2017. Can't wait for next season of rick and morty to save this board again.

there is no spoon

as in a quote everyone knows or as a phrase that is spouted by "quirky nerds"?

Holy shit man, on God Rick is cray af. This dude had me laffin hard af when he turned him self into a pickle XDD

You know it to be true

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>a line with actual impact after a good hour of buildup for that moment
No, user, you're just full of shit.

any Pulp Fiction quote

Nigger get the fuck out of here. When he finally faces the 6 fingered man and says that line to him its hype as fuck.

You do not talk about Fight Club.

Nostalgia fags, or more likely young fags trying to fit in with le epic ultimate fantasy movie! Isn’t it so great reddit?!
If you watch it as an adult for the first time, it’s pretty lame

probably some like from harry potter

This is a good one

Can you imagine being a fully grown adult and typing something like this out unironically. How embarrassing.

he guts his father's murderer. how is that tame? Should he have pissed on his corpse too?

no luke i am your father

Haha, reddit! XD


Just because you're miserable doesn't mean you have to drag us down.


could say the same about you

oh, hi mark

Has to be "these are not the droids you're looking for"

Its because you triggered their memories of them repeating that princess diarys quote on imgur
Quote is fine but ffs redit ruins everything by repeating it over and over and over

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I see dead people.

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Remove your paws from me at once, you disgusting gorilla!

"I believe the problem here is a breakdown in communication."

Fuck it, Jack, it's Chink City.

"Waking up to the smell of jellied gasoline never fails to get me hard!"

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i wanna watch the complete trainwreck pls

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