Counterpart on STARZ starring JK Simmons

this is season 4 & 5 of Fringe the show right?

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Only if it's full of cellphone product placement, with more ads for those phones on either end of a break

Fringe is one of my favorite shows.

at least fringe had anna “poor man’s cate blanchett” torv

He last two episodes have had great twists really moved the show along and only two episodes left to wrap it up

Virgin Howard, Chad Howard

the best new show actually airing right now

user convinced me to watch it in a Sup Forums thread.

I like it too but the ratings aren't very good and the budget has to be high filming in Germany

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The characters are still boring and underdeveloped. Hopefully it goes the Americans route and returns with a kino second season.

Let's put a lesbian scene in EVERY episode. GOT TO KEEP THEM VIEWERS INTERESTED!

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virgin Howard will reach chad status if he cucks that nig that's sleeping with Chad Howards exwife

>The characters are still boring and underdeveloped. Hopefully it goes the Americans route and returns with a kino second season.
Season 2 has already been confirmed i think

Yh the Baldwin subplot has gone nowhere, she was a bigger character than Claire before the last two episodes and now baldwin feels like the lesser character already they need to do something with her literally nothing has happened with her these last few episodes apart from one contract kill

disgusting puffy nips on that one

not many people have Starz

the only character that is underdeveloped so far is baldwin and the black guy. everyone else seems fine to me, we're still only in the first season anyway.

>"baldwin". "Claire"
shit i've been watching every episode so far and I can't tell who's who. mfw

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baldwin is the short hair assassin dyke
claire is the pure wife

Oh... the muslim and the blacked. I see.

claire didn't get blacked, that's emily

holy shit... I'm fucking lost

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>emily is a whore in both worlds

What if Silk shot Baldwin through both of her cheeks - she would get a nice simmetrical chelsea grin like Joker?

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I never thought I would get so sick of seeing someones nipples.

Claire is the evil Persian QT

claire is NOT evil you retract that fucking statement immediately

Are you trying to market this show to Sup Forums? Fringe was the shit.

finally - can't believe i haven't seen a counterpart thread until now

Baldwin could've killed Emily at any time - she could have gone during the day while Howard was at work, or late at night when the hospital was good and deserted

She was there to kill Howard (and possibly Emily as a secondary objective) during his daily visit. Why?

How did they find a guy who looks so much like JK Simmons for the scenes where his character talks to himself?

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it feels like a rip of of the Fringe season with the different dimensions except its in Berlin instead of New York

Haven't seen the latest episode; do we still not know what the fuck the sleeper cell's objective is?

not yet