ITT: Actors that you used to love but now you hate because of their political bullshit

I'll start
>Remember how much of a next door qt3.1416 she was on Easy A, House Bunny and Superbad
>Watch how she Turns into a massive feminist bitch whore that can't spot crying MUH WOMEN on the Oscars

Same for Saorsie and Katy Perry

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I pretty much hate all of them, they are almost all narcissistic freaks anyway

There's a reason for that, user...

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>Why aren't pretty girls racists like me?
idk user...

Not an actor but I used to love Brad Neely because I figured he'd be too caught up in his typical childlike absurdism to care about politics, and then he turned out to be a raging libcuck with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Now I want to watch her crash and burn

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This fucking bitch

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why can't all actors be based like based Goose and leave politics pandering bullshit

>Mr. Gosling please tell us what are your opinions on Drumpf, you think he should be impeached
>I act

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Emma Stone comes from a conservative family, this is all an act out of fear of being blacklisted.

>he doesn't know

>he doesn't separate art from the artist
lmao snowflake

He supported Bernie. He's a liberal.

>Can't separate their politics from their work


I mean I don't like De Niro at all but that doesn't stop me appreciating the vast amount of absolute kino he has made in his career.

Jesus Emmafags and Goosefags are retarded.

Hollywood as a whole is like this and made up of some of the most degenerate scum on the planet. If this didn't already push you toward only watching pirated content then you're either retarded or leftist (and retarded).

>He's never lived in rural America where all the qts love God as much as they hate niggers
What are you even doing with your life user?

This. My gf's casual racism is honestly one of my favorite things about her.

Nothing inherently wrong with being left of center, I couldn't care less as long as he didn't sell his soul to Hillary like every other celebrity. Bernie was the "I don't really give a shit about politics but I don't like Hillary or Trump" option.

>le snarky actor turned political commentator

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For sure. I don't think I'd want date a hardcore KKKutie but humor is a big thing for me and the less there is that a girl gets offended about, the better. Any girl who can make nigger jokes and isn't grossly overweight is a 10/10 to me.

If you girl 'joked' in front of me I'd kick her teeth in and yours too when you tried to help.

ooga booga

hes based though, just doesnt give a shit. Also totally redpilled.

chicks think they can get away with anything until they feel man strength hitting them in the face lol

I lost all respect for her when she threw a tantrum when she found her Mexican lover with another woman in Argentina.
And Paltrow with that Goop thing

Never really lusted over any (non-porn) actresses and I don't follow celebrity gossips. What's Kristen Bell up to these days?

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as a white person I can say that i don't say anything offensive while around blacks due to how sensitive they are. i also never make any sudden movements and always watch them very closely.

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Hating someone =/= can’t appreciate their work

Race mixing

>Sup Forums cries about X on Sup Forums
My favorite.

This is why we should have never given women the rights to vote. Same goes for any male under 25.

As a white man i'd do the same to them

You should probably noticed that when she did The Help

How about actors you like even more after hearing their political opinion?

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Liking actors for anything greater than their looks or ability to act seems really strange to me. Hollywood lives and breathes insincerity, I can only assume actors are the same way.

>mel gibson

>I used to think du dhubz man was funny
Guess he just had good writers

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Saoirse had to do that because she wanted an oscar, shes there to do business not to fight sjws

Based is based

>just doesnt give a shit
He gives an extroadinary amount of shits
the man is seething every time you see him post on Twitter

>when she threw a tantrum when she found her Mexican lover with another woman in Argentina.

>Why do cute girls, those women that get help and good vibes from everybody for everything every minute of their lives until they hit menopausy not see each person for what they really are?

stfu reddit cuck hes based kino fpbp

The problem is not what they vote, but shoving politics everywhere everytime like if somebody cares about their opinion.

not a problem as long as they keep to themselves

Fuck off Zachary Hasbrouck. Go back to shilling Watson on Reddit.

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>conpletely turn on her because of one shitty quip that everyone would've forgotten about if not for the butthurt
She wouldn't want you. No one does.

I'm glad there is no politicsshovers on Sup Forums

Only Sup Forumstards and libshits gave it a second thought.

>oh look! emma stone! that girl is adorable
>"these four men and greta gerwig"
>that smug face
>what a fucking cunt

>soybitch provoked and intimidated by smug emily jean

Still doesn't cry everywhere about it unlike everyone else

fakeflagger. Ur Robertsfag or Watsonfag?

tits or gtfo, roasties.

Reddit is the other way

Michelle Beadle. She was this pretty funny super cute sports host. Trump won and she literally lost her mind. The sports show she hosted became 40% sports 60%politics/let me tell you how my opinion is the only one. I didn't even vote for trump but I watch sports to hear about sports not your personal political opinions for an hour.

Emma did nothing wrong, she stated a fact. 4 Man and Gerwig. What is wrong with stating a fact? This wasnt even political, u are retarded or falseflagger.

*projectile vomits in your FACE


>Emma did nothing wrong

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Not an argument.

>I hate Feminism!

>Abusing women is A-Okay!

Be sure to tell women this IRL

Now imagine the reverse of that little exchange. Shed be hung right there at the ceremony.

Oops, stopped reading!

Claiming that the "4 males" were the same and only Herwig should've been named because of being female is fucking stupid, because Del Taco, Peele and Nolan were different from each other than HURR DURR THEY HAVE A PENIS

who gives a shit

Too easy to spot the Plebbit shills

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Loved Sacheen Littlefeather until she read that PRO INJUN speech at the Oscars.

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>Reddit Spacing

Didn't see that one coming. I thought she always stayed out of politics. She deserved that Oscar though.

If she did that today everyone would applaud.

Stating a fact is no wrong. Its true and honest.

she dated Gael Garcia Bernal
guy went to film to Argentina
portman flew there, catch him with another woman
she made a drama
thats all I know
There was a video where she even curses in Spanish, now you can only find one on YouTube where she covers her face as she arrives at the car

user had a rough life


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> Seething over celebrities you don't know because they're pushing what's "trendy" and cool right now
The state of you, you fucking autist. AHAHAHAHAH POINT AND LAUGH

no worries, I don't live in ghettos

t. Stonefag


She was perfect, pure, bootylicious. Then this. Damn it, Emily. Damn it all to hell.

they're just waifus, you'll never meet them or have a relationship with them, who gives a shit what their politics are

only one i've found over the top is Emma Watson, Stone is just rolling with the tide

what business does anyone here have going to your homesite you homesick faggot?

Almost all of them
There are movies I’d like to see but contain actors who are politically active against my interests and I’d see it as funding my enemies.

fuck you nigger

Niggers show they’re incredibly violent when ‘offended’
Wonder why nobody likes them

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honestly I hate any actor who goes out of their way to mention their political status
> how many hours did you have to put in every day to get this picture done in such a short time
Well I like Bernie
> that’s not what I asked but ok
For that matter any racebait movies lthat fail and have the lead actors get salty because much racism are purely shitty actors

>Media has been calling her a Nazi because she won't denounce Trump
>Ignores them and keeps breaking records
Truly /ourgal/

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I dropped her last year for all that campaign to make her win the Oscar even if she sings like crap and this year she looks forced to be with Lawrence like she's paying some favors

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>Brad Neely
really? i had no idea he was like that too. Pretty sad.