The A-list actress' recent stumbles with 'Red Sparrow,' 'mother!' and 'Passengers' are no reason to gloat...

>The A-list actress' recent stumbles with 'Red Sparrow,' 'mother!' and 'Passengers' are no reason to gloat. The death of the movie star is bad news for everyone in Hollywood.

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A/B/C list are dead concepts. Actors are no longer a draw.

Because Jlaw is only good every now and then. Rewatch Hunger Games, she's fucking awful.

Good. Fuck hollywood.


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If she can't, THE ROCK CAN.

Leo & The Rock are all we have left. I think Tom Cruise just lost his with The Mummy.

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all that matters now is the IP

Its 2018, not 2008


nobody cares about him either

>Who can?

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Are there any A list starts anymore?

Baywatch was a huge flop though

does he count?

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the new generation of actors/actresses is a mess of unlikable and unmemorable shmucks

>Jlaw is A-List
What went wrong with Hollywood?

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>The death of the movie star is bad news for everyone in Hollywood.

Tell that to The Rock. All his movies are mediocre at best, and none of them floop.

Anything bad happening to Hollywood genuinely warms my heart. Please die quicker

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t. critic

>Rewatch Hunger Games, she's fucking awful.
think she can't act for shit.

Her only asset was her pussy, however since Harvey is not around anymore the roles are drying up fast

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she kept opening her mouth and Hollywood kept shoving it's dick in it.

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2049 was a spectacular failure so no

if she'd done a Disney movie like Emma Watson she'd be raking in money but instead she does these flicks that target a small percent of the adult film going audience

Jennifer Lawrence was NEVER able to open a movie. Every hit she's been in was either an existing superhero franchise or young adult trash that would've made a billion dollars if it starred a nutless monkey

not an A-lister

The Cruise has had like 1 flop in 30 years, I still trust him to make bank.

Fucking lay off this shit, it's not the movie's fault Paramount went full retard and gave it a wide release.

as box office poison maybe

>still thinking the Soviets were the bad guy

No wonder Red Sparrow flopped.

IP brand power is more important than star power these days.


all of them look so samey and disposable i cant even name half of them. all of these skanks are interchangeable

old stars like jolie had very distinct looks

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It's absolutely hilarious how scared they are by the speed with which these people are being tossed aside by audiences. They're realizing that no one actually cares about these people beyond Twitter sycophants and it absolutely terrifies them.

>even pleb audiences are sick and tired of this particular unssuferable bitch

kids nowadays care more about ecelebs or their favourite twitch guy

They should start casting no names.

Let's not kid ourselves user, she may be a degenerate piece of whore shit but sadly she's A-list

And Here's Why You Should Accept It

>sadly, she's A-list
cuz she sucked her way to the top of the apple.

>create a system so spectacularly retarded that even your sheep citizens rise up against you and it collapses from the inside after less than 80 years

Came here to post this. Doesn't help that Hollywood is slowly dying anyway. Capeshit keeps it all afloat. That's new A/B/C list actor tier now. You're either a major figure in capeshit or you're just another actor. All the big older stars are retiring/dying off and nobody cares to replace them or the new talent fucks off to streaming/television.

>disney started filling their top franchises with no names (bogeya, ridley)

>people start to realise you dont actually need ""stars"" for a movie to make money

Commie pls

this, centralized entertainment is dying and they're starting to panic
(and that's a good thing)for you

The A list of today is the C list of yesterday.

People don't see movies for the actors anymore. It's hilarious seeing Hollywood realize what an archaic institution they are. Rip in shit, kikewood.

if it wasnt for me surfing Sup Forums i wouldnt even know who she is.

Tom Cruise.

Why is Satania so fucking dumb?

That's less about The Rock himself and more about the films The Rock chooses to do.

He knows what films will make money. He's somewhat of a draw but he's not turning an obscure indie film into a cash cow just from him being in it.

>it's not the movie's fault Paramount went full retard and gave it a wide release.
True but it is the movie’s fault for being an utter piece of shite.

There's only one remaining movie star

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and he was already posted

>The Rock never flops!


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there are no A-list actors anymore, only A-list franchises
there's no Tom Cruise or Rock, there's MI and FF and then there's the capeshit A-list characters some actors are attached to

You gotta be a part of a cinematic universe these days

Tom Cruise and Dwayne Johnson are the exception to this rule.



you can always replace capeshit actors, like how tobey isnt the only spiderman.

how come sh's even in a position to be considered a big name?
is it just because of Hunger Games?
I really don't understand it.

Is this the butthole general? Post more buttholes

I will literally see anything if Tom Cruise stars in it.

>The Rock

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The Revenant made over 500 million

>if a porn star cant open a movie who can?
literally any one else. pay some homeless person $20 to do it as long as nobody has seen their anus. there is a such thing as sharing to much and single men loose interest in women that give pussy away to easily. we know to much about her to care what she does

feminine movie critic detected

A list means your a household name so yes, Hunger Games, X-Men, and Silver Linings Playbook made her A-list

infinity war is about to crush rampage.

sucks for the rock, but great for movies that aren't rampage.

beats me too

shes not overtly attractive either

emma watson is a household name, does that make her A list?

Those flicks she did with David O'Russel got her a ton of nominations and awards

>thinking actors sell movies these days

>how come sh's even in a position to be considered a big name?

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Hahah I saw your bunghole and the frumpy dumpy done gang of you were nice enough to tell us all you had happily traded sexual favors for roles.

Eat shit friends!

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he alienated half of america.

She's A+

they sure as fuck will care about Leo in the Tarantino flick next year with Pitt.

Oh fuck I remember trying to kill myself after watching that David Lynch shortfilm.

household name != A list

A white male actor?

What did you think of American made? Aside from the ending and the random shaky camera during casual conversations I enjoyed it.

With what that carbon footprint docu? I doubt it


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>Don't know / generic filler bitch you put there to make a point
>Mila Kunis
>Jessica Alba
>Carol Danvers
>Olivia Wilde
Did I get them right?

>old stars like jolie had very distinct looks
Because extra plastic, and worse surgeons.

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>American Made
I wanted to see this but since it wasn't Mission Impossible I didn't go. Cruise is losing it too.

>is it just because of Hunger Games?
Pretty much, Hunger Games was a success and they thought she was the reason for it so they started putting her in other movies that ended up being successful because of everyone else in the film but they still attributed it to her
Now people are realizing those other movies were good in spite of her, not because of her

lawrence was never a draw, hunger games would have made bank regardless of who was lead actress

>True but it is the movie’s fault for being an utter piece of shite.
I really enjoyed the movie before I listened to Aronofsky ruin it with his explanation of what it "means." I had a really good time just enjoying watching the allegories and symbols working with each other and just kind of going free-associative in my interpretation. It's loud and obvious and doesn't say anything very insightful but it's overwhelming and visceral enough to win me over

J. Edgar was his only flop this decade

That movie was kino.

No one cares.

never even heard of this before. sounds like boring political shit.

>nudes leaked
>won't shut up about political shit
>public found out she was Harvested for Oscar.
the three major blows to her dead career.

>Forty Seven. Pounds.
>That's like 4 tickets maybe 5 tops

>You could make more money putting on a backyard wrestling show

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>>old stars like jolie had very distinct looks
>Because extra plastic, and worse surgeons.

Mother was good but too intense for normies.

Hollywood thought they found a star when she was in Hunger Games. But it was YA adaptations that general audiences responded to not Jennifer Lawrence.
Same reason Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are not box office draws post-twilight.