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Why does Holland have an expression like a child survivor of a Bosnian genocide in that picture?

>have an expression like a child survivor
He got it from the Impossible - the only good role he'll ever have in his entire career.

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>Bosnian genocide
never happened

>respecting pedowood white slavers

No thanks.

fuck off George

I don't say hello to non-whites, they're just not people enough.

>saying hello to everyone at work
I'd like to imagine if I had his fortune that I'd do the same. But all I do is slink into my cubicle because I want to try to get through this shit quicker.

From that to this.

Attached: 1040222-will-smith-tom-holland-cast-blue-skys-spies-disguise.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

Getting ass raped in jail builds character

but hes white

Manlets tend to be polite.

>Mel's buddy is the only decent guy in Jewood

Did they?

He does resemble that one meme-dog

Tom Holland's upcoming films: Avengers: Infinity War, Chaos Walking, Avengers 4, The current war(many never get released), Spies in Disguise (voice), The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle(voice), Spider-Man Homecoming sequel, Uncharted (rumored), Beneath a Scarlet Sky and basically more MCU appearances for like 10 more years and Chaos Walking will be a thrilogy as it seems. He started as Billy Elliot, in the musical, then he had great perfomances in "the impossible" and "in the heart of the sea" and he did "the lost city of Z" kino, but since he became Spider-Man, everything went downhill. Yet, other actors at the same age as him, get kino movies, (like Ansel Elgort and Timothee Chalamet). Is it because he did capeshit that ruined his career already or is it because he's not a jew?

Isn’t Holland taller than Downhere Jr.?

I’ve always heard the rumours that RDJ is the infamous Himm

No, he's shorter and that's why they cast him. The other Spider-Man finalists, including Sup Forums's fav Timothee Chalamet, were taller than RDJ.

Attached: marvel-infinity-war-cast-disney-celebration-008.jpg (527x665, 50K)

I think he just takes any role that's offered to him if the money's good enough.

tom looks kino in that shot

He wants to be like The Rock, he's looking up to him, that explains a lot.

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>I think he just takes any role that's offered to him if the money's good enough.
According to this interview, it looks like he would like to make kino and if it was up to him, he would but it looks like his agent/management have other plans for him.

Attached: tom-hollands-five-favorite-films.png (725x1610, 461K)

>saving private ryan

Damn Tom is a pleb

>his agent/management have other plans for him
Maybe. But I'm pretty sure he's a big enough name now that they couldn't force him to do an animated Dr Dolittle movie.

You're right, I have no idea why they even thought making this movie is a good idea, RDJ is also gonna be in it.

I really hope this is true. I might ackatually like someone in Pedowood

Makes sense. His dad apparently tried to fuck all his friends in the boipucci, so that, plus the world he put him into since he was young, may have made him really hate Hollywood.

>His dad apparently tried to fuck all his friends in the boipucci
is this even real? wtf?

Was he even alive when downy was a running joke?

I've read about this on Sup Forums in another thread before but I also don't know how legit it is.

pleb as fuck

>Thomas Stanley Holland (born 1 June 1996)

He's a based Brit white man with a Comedian dad and a photographer mom, what do you except?

He's 25? Holy shit.

Departed and Avatar are unforgivable. I can handle the other 3.

>Departed and Avatar are unforgivable
wtf? those are the only movies from his top 5 fav movies that I watched and liked

Two of the most generic, uninspired movies ever made wih respect to their genres.

you got it wrong, he's 35

its the spiderman curse, happened to Andrew Garfield.
>was great in Social Network
>did spiderman
>every other movie he did was shit
>stop being spiderman
>star in Hacksaw Ridge and Silence
>Oscar nomination
>respected actor again
It's what happens when someone tries to replace based Tobey

It's in that site that gathers all the rumors.agcwebpages.com/BLINDITEMS/MAINPAGE.html I don't remember the month, but it's between May 2017-January 2018. Apparently RDJ would try to help up and comers he'd striken friendships with, but his dad would take them by the side, and tell them to fuck him if they wanted work. RDJ got sick and tired of it, so he said fuck you to his old man and stopped speaking to him.

>happened to Andrew Garfield.
Holland is locked into a multi movie contract for movies that are actually profitable. Short of Sony shitting the bed, or him getting arthritis he's not escaping fast like Garfield did.

this is public education nigger math

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At least Andrew escaped fast but for Tom the news are bad, according to Feige, the MCU will last 10 more years or even more.

>those shoes
heir to the throne

>a Disney employee says it, so it must be true

this is fucked up if it's real but at least it makes me appreciate RDJ


>aunt may is in that movie and I love her to death

Wew lad


I met him once - pic related, he was really sweet.

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awwwww you're so lucky

I hope he fucked the ugly one first. She looks the happiest to be there.

He's shorter than RDJ. That puts them at about 5ft. Why does Sup Forums not like this guy more? He's a manlet with terrible taste in films, and is into racemixing and loli.

>the ugly one
Are you calling me or one of my friends ugly? Rude...

trips of truth the shortest is ugliest.

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is spider-soy-boy even smaller than rhobbit?

I met Tom Holland many times. I have different stories for each time.

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I like how his enthusiasm declines in every picture.

>Why does Sup Forums not like this guy more?
Maybe because he is based. Tom Holland's celebs cushes: Emma Stone, Marisa Tomei, Jennifer Aniston, Anne Hathaway, Ariana Grande and Elisabeth Olsen. Some anons said he posts here too.

When Mel Gibson was at his lowest, Downey was the only one who reached out to help him. Absolutely based.

>Marisa Tomei

>I have different stories for each time
I bet he always has the same story

>Some anons said he posts here too.
You're thinking of his highly attractive counterpart, Dane DeHaan. Great actor and an all around great guy. Not a single bad performance.

you can feel it from their scenes

Attached: may and peter.jpg (900x1487, 136K)

They're all ugly.

>public education nigger reading comprehension

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Come on now. They look good for their age.

His fav male celebs are also based: The Rock, The Goose, Leo and Gyllenhaal. A director he's dying to work with is Scorsese. Notice how all of his fav actors and actresses are white...

>The Rock
So this is the power of Sup Forumstards.

a cute

The Rock is white?

yeah but everyone else is white

but, robert downey was the one that outed dan schneider as a pedo in public, he is definetely based and not part of the hollywood pedo circle.

>tfw you, Vince, RDJ and Mel will never go on a cruise exposing pedos and bashing their brains in
It hurts...

You can't always get what you want. He wants to be the next James Bond but it's not gonna happen.

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He is way too young for that. I can see him being the Bond after the next one though, assuming they don't go with black Bond. Give Tom Hardy or Fassbender their chance to shine and then he can have his turn, he'll be done with Marvel by then I'm sure.

DeHaan looks like he browses /fa/, not Sup Forums

>I hope he fucked the ugly one first. She looks the happiest to be there.
>Ctrl+F 'ugliest'
kys urself, m8

Who can say where that absolute beauty of a man browses? Truly there is no better actor or person in this world than Dane DeHaan.

idk, I've seen this pic get posted a lot lately

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Why aren't the girls adjacent to him touching him? Seems odd. Like reverse hover hands.

Orion Acaba posted in a thread once but nobody paid attention to him because some Hayter soundalike appeared and got all the attention even though it obviously wan't Hayter. Felt bad for him, he's a good actor with a cool name.

if based Tom really posts here, I want him to reply to me,

>how do you go from this...

Attached: elle.jpg (1277x800, 350K)

>...and also this...

Attached: ellicia.jpg (906x1080, 132K)

>...and even this...

Attached: Tom Holland and Ella Purnell.jpg (526x581, 57K)

>...or this...

Attached: marisa and tom.jpg (1494x784, 306K)

>To be fair if I were spiderman I would rob a bank or two!
>I often wish I could have teleportation as a superpower
>my biggest inspiration is The Rock...I remind myself that Dwayne right now is probably at the gym, pushing it, having gains. And I think "I have to try harder"...I mean "what would The Rock do?"
Based Tom.

>...to this!

Attached: JUST.png (1082x682, 1.63M)

yes, he is older than you.

>muh respect

Freezing time or invisibility is a way better superpower than teleportation.

give me the corner girls so I can impregnate them.

that's because you're a fucking pleb.

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He actually said in an interview that he would like to have the power to travel back in time and see how the dinosaurs looked like. He wants to know if they had fair or what colour they were irl but then he said that he learned that messing up with time does not come out as something good and he's the last person on earth who should have those powers/ His co-star Laura said she'd like to teleport because as actors they travel a lot and Tom agreed that it's also a cool power and helpful for his job along with controling the water, because humans are 70% made of water and he could contol them just like that.

Jumper is one of the worst movies I have ever seen you fucking retard.

I meant fur, auto correct fucked this

Jumper is pure kino you fucking imbecile.

I wish we got one more Iron Man sequel to give him a good send off instead of finishing his story in the avengers movies where hes reduced to "le ironic science loving man"

he came in a few times at the restaurant i work at when he was in town filming the avenger movies, really cool and down to earth guy. what am i apologizing for again?