Did I like it?

Did I like it?

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You didn't watch it.

I am all for squawsnatch

the snowman was better as snowcore

Looking at this just reminds me where is my fucking Simo Häyhä movie.

You better watch Snowpiercer if you like snowcore, and of course The Grey.

the snowman got shit reviews tho

jeremy renner was good in windriver

already seen the grey, never watched snowpiercer back in the day, thanks for reminding me, gonna download it

Who was Thassa Renner's character always mentioned?

nigga snowpiercer is truman on a train with very little snow
hell the ending scene is the only real snow scene and it’s the dumbest part

>Not including the most intense 90 minutes of people sitting completely motionless ever put on celluloid

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>police chief and friend gets brutally shot in a shootout
>first thing you do is run over to the woman you've known for literally 2 whole days
>let everyone who's still potentially alive bleed out to death while you run off to chase the runaway
Were some scenes cut? Because it makes no sense whatsoever that he wouldn't check out on everyone, completely out of character.
This film was ruined by FBI-girl, feels like her character is shoehorned in. A couple scenes of her are exactly the same as in Sicario with Emily Blunt (e.g. the house shootout), so not even original and definitely a rehashed script. Except with Sicario, Blunt's character is at least relevant.

>back in my day she would have had to run FIFTEEN miles in the snow BOTH WAYS just to get some milk.

What did grandpa mean by this?

I will also include:
The Thing(80s version)
I don't know what your screenshot is from

Are they trapped on a ski lift? Is that the premise?

and most accuratest truthfullest

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>>first thing you do is run over to the woman you've known for literally 2 whole days

sounds like you were too much of a pleb to pick up on the fact that she reminds Renner of his daughter

>let everyone who's still potentially alive bleed out to death while you run off to chase the runaway

They were clearly dead. The one guy who was still alive after the shootout was then executed by the bad guys when he got up.

>Why are you flanking me?

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This is why I watched it honestly. Still liked it though.

what and also it had been established that they are in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and that seeking aid for someone that was shot was useless.

that was pretty intense. also my gf didn't understand why that was such a big deal

checked. This movie was on the verge of being "women don't understand it"-core.

That shootout was so brutal

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>why you flanking me bro?
Amazing how this one line made a nameless nobody character into the most interesting character in the movie

My mom understood. She said "Are they going to have a shootout?" and I said "i dunno probably"


why indian girl didn't just hide somewhere in drill site. Run barefoot when there's nothing around in miles was a little retarded


How did those hicks expect to get away with what they did?

>sounds like you were too much of a pleb to pick up on the fact that she reminds Renner of his daughter
No more than the girl lying dead in the show did. That's just exposition, he has no connection to her.
>They were clearly dead
How could you know that without checking? Why would anyone in such position just assume the worst when lives are at play and can potentially be saved?
Imagine going to such lengths to justify contrived, undeveloped writing and rushed narrative. All it they needed to do was add one more scene, him checking on the bodies, and it would have been explained.

>medical assistance is useless, and you should let someone you know bleed out and die in the snow alone
No, something so retarded was never established in the film.

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It should have been longer. That flashback came out of nowhere

Budget Bruce Willis wasn't a hick. He seemed pretty calculated. But you can tell in the flashback scene that they didn't plan it, it just kinda happened in the heat of the moment.

Oh those evil gun loving oil drilling global warming women raping land stealing white mens at it again.

No one would ever find her

that reaction to being hit is kind of overdone. wasn't renner just shooting a magnum round

>He seemed pretty calculated
>"Hey Pete, its Curtis, FBI is standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE DOOR"

He was the only smart one.

no because the audio was SHIT. you couldn't understand a word any of them were saying.

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t. yify faggot

/r/ing that shot of elizabeth olsen's ass

No one could account for some random tracker coming across her body in the middle of nowhere.

well they had no idea what happened to her anyways, she ran away from them

Hide and then wait for what? Only people at the site wanted to rape and kill her

The alternative being what? Sitting there and comforting them for the 5 minutes of life they have left while one of them gets away?

>she wrote a post on anonymous message board Sup Forums.org mocking her running 6 miles in the snow barefoot, now thassa warrior

Watched the scene again and the camera focuses on Elizabeth Olsen shooting the last guy in the back as he runs away on the other side of the trailer. You could reason there's enough time for Renner to glance over the bodies on the ground before he makes his way to her.

If the leader was as smart as he seemed, he sure as shit knew that girl was dead.

idk did you


where tf are we?

your momma's pussy, reddit boy


Why are Nick Cave and Warren Ellis so damn kino?

He was shooting 500gr .45-70, the actual round is heavier than .50 BMG

Correction, .50 cal is 660gr, I knew it sounded funny when I typed it

out cold is the all time best snowcore

I thought it was fine, they were close to wrapping up the whole case, Renner already found out that the guy died and there wasn't much option aside from the drillers, guess they just wanted to give some closure with the flashback so we'll know what really happened.

>the movie
You did
>Nick Cave music
You did not