
Now that the dust has settled,

was it good?

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Blacked scene wasn't as good as I was expecting. Though Hershlag does have a pretty sex back

this guitar pieces was wayyy overused. It got quite annoying hearing it throughout the movie.

how many people saw this coming?

Attached: sneak.webm (640x360, 686K)

should have went with this:

Is Hollywood now literally incapable of making films that don't involve white women getting blacked?

If you watched the movie then make your own fucking opinion


Really good. Kino even. Stalker but with women and better SFX.

the netflix version has terrible quality

is this supposed to be part of a trilogy or something? the ending was disappointing

A rare intelligent Sup Forums post.

Why did the woman who died's final moments sound like she was getting anal?

Also, was the bear simply imitating the sodomized chick or was it actually her mind replaying her death within the bear? Because that's what the black seemed to suggest before committing flower suicide.

Attached: bear annihilation.png (824x463, 245K)

Yeah there are 2 more books but I doubt they will get a movie

Just marathoned this.

What do I think of it?

> or something
You talk like a chick, bro.

Pretty damn good. Especially some of the visuals and the score.

is the fucking torrent out yet? what are the burgers doing?

The movie was a mix of the books with The Crawler removed. The Crawler was removed due to being unfilmable.

ah, makes sense.
yes. rarbg or wherever

it's been out for 12 hours

Yes and No. It was absolutly great, but the propaganda was way too on the nose.

>5 women - jew, black, latino, lesbian
>jewess cucks her latino husband with a black man
>she's also a 'scientist soldier', so she can basically do everything (yet another mary sue)
>everything is rainbow - represents the freedom of lgbt community to mix in to something new (not destroy)
>only white male in the movie gets cut open to reveal he has tentacles instead of intestines

If you ignore all that, it's top notch scifi.

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>Are you reddit
>i don't know
>are you Sup Forums

are the books better/worth reading?

How fucking retarded are you? It's like you looked at the movie and didn't bother to even try to understand anything.
Do you have brain damage?

Too Smart for Sup Forums-the Reddit


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It's actually easy to ignore that and enjoy a great film if you're not insecure and autistic.

They are about as long as a Goosebumps book so they aren't much of a time investment even if they are shit.

I'd say I enjoyed it.

I thought I was high during the lighthouse scene. I could feel my heart pumping fast.

The first one, at least, is really great. It's like Lovecraft in a more naturalistic setting, which the movie kind of skimmed over.

It had good parts but overall it was kinda flat for me. Terrible effects and cinematography even tho a lot of the designs/concepts were really good

I laughed out loud when I saw this. Reminded me of the "tell miss Laura goodbye" scene from Django Unchained

Natalie always delivers lewd-but-not-too-sexual kino

Terrible, overused CGI. Had to turn it off

Unironically this, wondering what caused this effect.

Man those visuals at the end though, amazing

btw why did they all lose 3-4 days of memory after entering the shimmer, have they been clones the whole time?

I think they dumped their whole cgi load for the Orb at the end and the bear scene. Everything else like pic related looked like total shit

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>everything is rainbow - represents the freedom of lgbt community to mix in to something new (not destroy)
what the fuck are you talking about

the shimmer reminded me of the pattern you see on a soap bubble

5 women doing fuck all, lieing to each other and getting killed. how's this propaganda?
i'll grant you the nig scene was unnecessary

It was way better than I was expecting. Reminds me of Alien, and I don't say that lightly.

we don't know why and it doesn't matter desu.

>why did they lose their memory?
apparently in the books they were hypnotized when crossing over for some
>why didn't they take a boat
apparently in the books you can only cross at a single location

I bet there are more things that are only explained if one read the books.I hate when a film neglects to explain things like this. I still enjoyed it though.

Reminded me of Stalker a bit

When Portman found the chicks body her throat had been ripped out. So obviously the bear incorporated the deads chicks voice box dna into its own.

Its just to show that women CAN do these things. You see them walking around with guns and with no help from men. Thats pretty much enough to show. Should I mansplain this to you better, roastie?

It wasn't supposed to be good, it was to upset you and explain why Lena was risking everything going there (guilty).

>Midshot, mumbling while looking to the distance
>Reaction shot, mumbling while looking to the distance
Do any modern directors know how to shoot dialogue scenes with rhythm?

Oh fuck off. Alien is a masterfully designed cinematic experience. When you look at the two side by side it's not even remotely the same. The world of Alien feels real. The atmosphere is not even comparable

Annihilation looks like a bunch of food coloring sitting in a toilet bowl

Attached: 0c0fb3beb09c70f208268012f68987b3--alien--alien-vs.jpg (685x720, 131K)

I confess I never watched that. I'll download it now.

very annoyed that i didnt get to see this in the kinoplex

I think they became clones when they got the infinity tattoos. The one that went crazy and tried to detain them all looked like she had a tattoo from the four day black out onwards. Portman only had the tattoo when she got back to the non-shimmer world.

If you actually enjoyed Annihilation you'll turn Stalker off after 10 minutes because it's a real film. Don't even bother

Annihilation was a psychedelic Alien IMO. The cave in the lighthouse especially, they weren't even trying to hide the inspiration. It also shares some narrative elements.

Tarkovsky's films are slow and put your mind in a certain mood. It isn't for everyone, but if you have an open mind you may enjoy it. Solaris also has similar themes to this movie.

I'm going to watch it anyway.

>Tarkovsky's films are slow and put your mind in a certain mood.

I don't mind that.

Another thing I found incredibly annoying. The film never realy showed the Shimmer having a physical effect on any of them. All the changes happening to them were conveniently small enough to where you never actually saw it. I thought they were going somewhere with the memory loss but nope. It happens once and it never happens again despite them getting deeper and deeper in

We almost had an awesome cosmic horror film

Pretty much almost everything in Annihilation was a cheap knock-off Stalker. Only the last 20 min were good.

>psychedelic alien
So a worse Alien

Got it

The doppelganger alien at the end also looked pretty crappy. Reminded me of the Destoryer armor from the first Thor movie

Visuels were really good, it's like cross between Beksinski and Lovecraftian art

This, Alien is extraordinarily deliberate and intricate. Annihilation is very natural, blending elements of surreality and uncanniness. Not that that's to Annihilation's detriment, it's just a whole different beast

>implying they aren't swapping each other's skin cells without realizing it

She just absorbed/duplicated the tat.
All you had to do is listen, they fucking explain it.

The cut open corpse at the bottom of the empty pool is the best Sci Fi prop in a film since the Thing

>Portman only had the tattoo when she got back to the non-shimmer world.

No, she had it during the scene Josie transformed into a plant form.

Who the fuck designed these missions? A woman. A dumb fucking dumb. Keep sending in people. They keep dying. Still expect different result. How about giving them a fucking bio hazard suit. Tying a rope to the team. Having them just stay next to the border and study the effect of this new biome. How about doing animal experiments and just cross the border extremely temporarily.

This movie is fucking stupid on the level of Prometheus and it looks way worse in terms of cgi effects. There is no kino only the attempt and the theme is just awful. 1/10

And it's used for absolutely nothing. Literally they walk in and say "that's creepy" and walk out and its never shown again. Wouldve been cool if at night one of the women doing guard patrol notices it's gone or moved from the pool

>It had good parts but overall it was kinda flat for me.
same, I really liked Ex-Machina but it felt like he was trying to use the same tone and low energy acting and it just didn't work very well here, barely felt any tension

Honestly this. They should've studied the edge and just travelled inside and out. Just to get a sense of what is going on at least.

Then it would be too much like the Thing I'm afraid

But yeah, should have done more with it. Was hoping Ventress or whatever her name is would have her cancer cells bursting out of her in the same form as that corpse

Whats with the very ending ?

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Worst was when she got more data than ever, she decided to push her team forward even knowing the risks of losing all their lives and information. She just didn't care at that point.

They were swapping DNA. That was explained. Tattoos aren't DNA.
And even if they were swapping skin cells as you suggest, they were swapping them in a refractionary pattern, not a direct translatory one. So for the tattoos to transfer the two of them would of had to of had their arms right up against each other the entire time. Which probably wouldn't of worked and if it did then the tattoo would of been much fainter as well.

>and your trying to imply that I'm the idiot.

and the one even admitted that the guy's Rambo MG was too a bitch

this is the kind of movie that brainlets find "mindbending"

>wouldn't of
Opinion discarded.
Idiocy confirmed.

Imagine being so deluded you get triggered by seeing rainbow colors in bubbles and people who are not white men portraying (flawed) human beings.

The Shimmer and it's effects represented change. Everything and everyone at last becoming one. Change is represented as a destructive force that replaces something constant. The physical act of change is also represented in the human biology in the film. How cells divide, grow and then die. Everything is a cycle of death and bith. New ideas growing out of old

Attached: aanihialtion.jpg (640x480, 165K)

How many blacked scenes are there? If it's just one I'll just skip it. If there are multiple I'm just going to skip the movie completely.

good shit

The whole point of the movie was self destruction, from cancer (unavoidable) to poor choices (Avoidable).

The characters all wanted to die to some extent.

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Just to piss off the insecure white male who spends too much time on the internet inventing or reinforcing an entirely imaginary enemy stereotype ;)

>would of
>wouldn't of
people like you need to be hunted down

No tension
No atmosphere
No character
No depth

I feel like it had good ideas but it was never going to work with a sophomore director and a cowardly studio behind him

Literally one. She has an affair with another professor at her university and immediately hates herself for doing it.

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>A dumb fucking dumb. Keep sending in people. They keep dying. Still expect different result.
To be fair that's 3 years of WW1 in a nutshell with no women involved

2. 3 if you consider just talking without any romantic/sexual dialogue.

Really, didn't see it. Was looking for it the entire movie. Portman did have her sleeves down in that scene so it might of been hiding under there.
But I'm not gonna rewatch the movie for the benefits of this debate.

Learn to count.

it's one scene in 2 parts. the purpose of the scene is to show why her husband went in before her (because he knew)
You basically see her the first time fucking the black dude without context
and the second time they show the same scene and the minutes after, where the 2 talks and you find out the suspect her husband knows

>might of
What did user mean by this?

Politically I'm extremely far left and would probably be considered an SJW by Sup Forums standards but even I find something disturbing about the number of blacked scenes in modern movies.

She said that they could turn back if they wanted but she personally was going forward.

this was because she knew that if she got to the lighthouse and got assimilated by whatever the fuck that thing was it was end up incorporating the cancer into its system,
which eventually spread throughout the whole zone and killed it all

that bruise she gets after the alligator thing is what turns into the tattoo

Honestly pretty trash, I'm 100% underwhelmed

It's still not showing up as available for me. What the fuck?

Let me break it down for y'all
>god tier scenes
-screaming bear
-lena shimmer clone
>good scenes
moving parts inside of army guy and cutting
>shit scenes
almost everything else
>how to fix the movie
-less annyoing guitar
-no retarded scientist clairvoyance "its all refraction", and 2 minutes later everyone forgets about it
-less shitty acting in the beginning of the shimmer "zone" (are you ok? blabla)
-more emphasis on monsters

All in all, it was a little bit better than your average sci-fi flick but the plot tries too hard to be all "le existential crisis and it wants to change everything"


is your spoiler a speculation or something that is clarified in the books? because the movie doesn't suggest that. not saying it doesn't makes sense
