
Thoughts on the last episode?

Attached: Gotham.S04E13.A.Beautiful.Darkness 01.webm (1920x1080, 2.85M)

There was one moment of Cat walking away in her tight black leather suit. Very shiny.

What is happening there?

Bruce is hallucinating about Batman, being Hush and some other crazy shit.

You mean this scene?

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Dat ass


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I need to see that ass in motion right now.

They gave Batman a voice. Does mean Jewce Wayne will get recast like Ivy?

I need unfettered access to have vagina right now!


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So much booty


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That scene where Penguin and Jerome play mime was kino

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And that whole hallucination/dream sequence looked amazing
Plus Jim Gordon with a moustache

>Ivys actor is complete shit
>recast her
>"uhh umm she transformered herself like a plant!"
Fucking Gotham man.

Since she already changed once I think it works pretty good. It's like a whole.metamorphosis.She might even change again but this time she will just be the same actress with more plant make up.

Does she do lewd scenes now that she's older?

I could see her humping a plant soon

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Her backstory is quite interesting

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It's TV CapeKino.

I just want to squeeze one asscheek, guys. I only need one.

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Anyone else hype for the Jerome comeback?

Not really. Not a fan. I trust them to form an entertaining story around him but any enjoyment I derive from his story will be despite the actor's performance. I like his look but his voice is awful. It sounds so forced, like a 13 year old boy trying to be edgy, his voice doesn't sound natural and not in a good way. He's not terrible, he's fine, but I wish they had got someone with a better voice, or had him at least not try so hard to sound so croaky and raspy.

Scarecrow is a great example when it comes to the actor nailing the voice. It's completely different and not at all what you'd expect Scarecrow to sound like. The actor is very young and sounds it. When he speaks he sounds very dreary and uninterested, as if he's permanently on the verge of falling asleep. It's completely out of left field but is great. They could've fucked it up and put the actor's voice through an edgy demonic filter in post to make him sound more stereotypically monstrous, but instead they just had a really young actor speaking normally. I know they recast Scarecrow, I hope the new actor is going to be following suit and they don't try to make him sound edgy and "scary".

Also aware Jerome isn't actually the Joker, although the actor is playing two different characters this season, so maybe he's playing both Jerome and the real Joker. If he also turns out to be the real Joker I seriously fucking hope he goes with a different voice. Obviously Scarecrow is in cahoots with Jerome as part of his master plan, so at least I wont have to deal with just Jerome in his arc.

>tfw a fox exec says gotham will likely get renewed and wants it to continue for several more years
The low viewership was really concerning but Fox has some based execs.

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His voice doesn't bother me at all, to be honest. I love his laugh and his crazy antics. This is the first depiction of a Joker character in the Gotham universe that makes sense to me somehow. Most people on Sup Forums seem to not like him for similar reasons like the ones you listed.

I would love this. I wanna see this show get renewed for 10 more seasons. The whole Batman arc just started.

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Big talents

woww imagine to cover with white!

I really wonder who this Jerome character is supposed to be...

Attached: Gotham.S04E13.Joker.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Everything was great except ivy

Yeah I don't like her that much either desu, would be funny if she was recast every season