What were Airports like before 9/11?

What were Airports like before 9/11?

Did the Pilots really let you in the cockpit before a flight?

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Yeah and people who didn't have tickets could go the gate with you and security took like 5 minutes. I went a cockpit when I was before a flight when I was 8 and the pilots have me a pin. 9/11 happened a few months later and flying has sucked ever since.

confirming this. had chance to visit cockpit of a commercial jet, it was Boeing 767

can confirm, the pilots even let me play with their joysticks!

Yeah, oftentimes mid-flight too. It was fun as a kid.

They let you in during a flight too.
>qt air hostess offers to let us have a look
>pilots say hello and point straight ahead out the window
>say thanks and the air hostess gives us a deck of playing cards
good times

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Sean Penn made a post 9/11 movie about pre 9/11 days Worth seeing.
The guy can get radicalized and leave message and bring gun to airplane and only got shot by accident.

Supposedly, the hijackers only got into the cockpits in 9/11 because they just started slitting random people’s throats until the pilots open the door. This according to one of the few victims that placed a phone call to family from the jet

What I don't understand was even before 9/11 there were several high profile hijacks so why didn't security beef up ?

I was 12 when I took my first flight from NY to TX to see the Houston Space Center. The stewardess invited me up front since it was my first time on a plane and I got to sit in the pilot seat for a few minutes and ask questions and touch a few things. I remember the pilot chair having a rather fluffy shag type of seat cover. When I left the pilot handed me some tiny plastic wings with the american airlines logo on them. Was a great time.

If the pilot didn't give in perhaps we would get a news about terrorists killing passengers. No afghan and Iraq

The security had already tightened by the time of 9/11 compared to 70s

The security depends on technology and information available, and on how wide the tax base (flight industry) is

I don’t know of many hijackings ever happening with major US airlines.

Of all the crazy jet stuff that has happened in modern times, we’ve never had a visual like this.....other than 9/11’s impacts being caught on film

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I can cite at least 30

I used to go in the cockpit all the time to talk to the pilots mid flight. Fucking loved that shit and the pilots were always excited to show you stuff and enjoy your childish wonder.

The 9/11 terrorists told pilot they just want to hijack the planes to land it somewhere, like previous hijacks. The pilots were thinking about previous hijacks too. Plus the fear factor, the pilots let them in, thinking once terrorists got what they want they won't hurt the passengers.

So 9/11 was ground breaking in this sense.

Didn't the Hijackers kill the pilots with box cutters? Thought they used the land somewhere crap to keep the passengers from fighting

>>You ever been in a cockpit before?
>>You ever…seen a grown man naked?

Do you…like movies about gladiators?

Joey, have you ever been…in a Turkish Prison?

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>the pilots were always excited to show you stuff and enjoy your childish wonder.
I really hope the pizzagate investigators won't read this

I thought they slit a woman to make the pilots open the door. I don't know I watched PG movie

I don't think that's true.

The pilots would have sent out all sorts of distress calls if they knew a hijackers were behind the door.

Listen to the ATC recordings.

United 93 towards the end you can literally hear them getting attacked in the flight deck. As for the other planes, no one ever said a peep.

they actually used to let you fly for a few minutes, I remember they let me land the plane once when I was a kid. Thanks a lot muslims, you ruined it for everyone.

>gives us a deck of playing cards
nowadays they'd charge you for taking a piss if they could

Air Canada used to give you a little passport looking book that you could take up the the cockpit and the pilots would sign it. Once I got to sit in the co-pilots seat but that as I said that was a once off.

yer I flew in 1998 for first time got to go up to cabbin look out window talk to pilots etc etc. the door might have still been locked thou but the point was it wasn't a reinforced door like they have now.

pretty sure pilots are trained now if they get hijackers to just land the plane and not care whats happening to crew or passangers because we have learned plane is weapon and who cares if every one on plane dies.

I wouldn't be suprized if pilots are even trained to depressurize cabin and make every one die if hijackers really start smashing the door up really good. pilots have long supply of oxygen