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how will warner recover?

Finally confirms full Iron-Spider since this is from the upcoming New Trailer to be released this week or next week

we already knew, pal

Attached: Iron Spider.jpg (796x395, 90K)

>eight limbs
he should always be like this desu

Thanks, Doc Ock

Good, I thought they'd pussy out

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>Peter had to give his own aunt to receive an Iron suit
Seems like Hawkeye doesn't have sisters.

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why not just rename him to iron manlet already

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if you had told me ten years ago that I would be seeing the Iron Spider suit in a live action movie, I would've kicked your ass

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That's pretty much the MCU in a nutshell, innit? We all expected Spiderman, Cap, Hulk and Thor. But then we got Dr Strange, Guardians, Iron Man, Ant man, Black Panther. Some of the least popular/noteable characters/groups have gotten live action movies. It's nuts.

Nice, but they fucked up the coloring.

Attached: Photo(424).jpg (994x1488, 1.1M)

>Calling that compromised suit the Iron Spidey suit


they wanted to keep the classic red and blue, I guess but they added the gold too, as you can see at

Why do people read this trash?

do you think peter ever jacked off with the WALDOS?

>He flies around like iron man

That's stupid. Does iron spider do that in the comics? I don't remember that.

how is that even possible?

Doesn't look too bad. I'm all the more happy it got in anyway.

Because some people enjoy having fun.

Seven vaganias

name one thing wrong with those pages


>stop enjoying things!

Absolute dogshit, spidey could knock out cap with one punch if he wanted to

trailer when?

Sup Forums has been memeing me for days that there is a new trailer yet no one has posted it

Shitting on Cyclops is cheap, but it's never not funny

In the comics Iron Spider came during Civil War. In the movie, they're going to be in space and high-atmosphere and shit. He needs to fly. There's nothing to climb.

no, he couldn't. Don't be a fanboy and look at this objectively.

Cap doesn't get his shit pushed in so hard he can taste it

Is Captain America an anarchist?

This Friday, probably

He's essentially precognitive, considerably stronger and far more agile, he shouldn't even get touched

>do you think peter ever jacked off with the WALDOS?
>do you think OttoPete used to stick his WALDOS up his own butt while he was scanning Pete's sexual memories?

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why would he? He is cap.


>He's essentially precognitive
and he showed that there, didn't help him
> considerably stronger and far more agile
and he showed that there, didn't help him
>he shouldn't even get touched
and he wasn't until cap tricked him.

Stop being a Dragon Ball Z powerlever memester dude. Be objective for once in your life, your favorite superhero can't even punch Superman.

>evolves the characters abilities logically in comic accurate ways so they never get stale
>i-i-i-its bad swear it!!!!!

ok DCuck, see you when it makes 2 billion

fake and gay

It looks shit. Should have just gone full red/blue or have the iron spider as an exo suit that goes over him

Why would a DC cuck tell the truth about the trailer?

HE can see into my vagina???

What's wrong with this? Otto will never have the real thing and is just jacking it to memories

I've read somearticles suggesting that Spider-woman is the character being introduced as the government type femme fatale in spidery 2. who ready for Jessicakino?

Attached: spider-woman.jpg (1239x1538, 581K)

Ock still went after midget pussy cause of his shit nerd confidence even in chad Parker's body lol

this is all I will say about it
>please be white and have curves

>literally no source or claim to its authenticity

looks like a fan shop

I get what you mean but by their logic, Tony made the suit and he only thought about these colours since blue and red were in Peter's homemade suit. It doesn't look that bad, you just have to get used to it I guess. We still haven't seen in in full action other than some trailer shots.

Jessica is boring, Spider-Girl is way better.
>tfw no film about May going back in time and seducing his father

>looks like a fan shop
pic related exists,

like you can do better, go ahead make one if its so easy. we will wait right here

Here’s my prediction, because so much of the MCU is based on the ultimate universe. The femme fatale will have this scene, followed by...

Attached: 77A8DB3D-BAB7-45AC-97B3-A8190AC65045.jpg (1080x1660, 514K)

no shit moron, im clearly talking about the OP's shopped picture you fucking idiot. Nobody is talking about whether peter will actually get the fucking legs you knuckle dragger.

nobody commented on the ease of making the shop retard. thats completely irrelevant to the fact that its fake. unless you can point where this "leak" first showed up and came from

that picture of ironman is literally from promo art

...This scene. It certainly would get a lot of laughs, which is what Homecoming aimed for
Black cat will NEVER throw up on your dick. Why live?

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Please no I want 616 Felicia, Ultimate Felicia is a disgrace

So are you going to apologize and behave after being proven wrong or will you continue to be a cynical jackass for all "leaks" to come?

yeah, it's gonna be her and not black cat, since she will have her own sony movie

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I got diamonds from that.

NoFap is NoJoke

If I had one wish, it’d be to erase Ultimate Spider-Man from existence.

This page is funny though, albeit not in a good way

Spidey solo’d the X-Men in his early years.

To be fair he’s not completely wrong, power levels are fucked in comics. If I recall, Iron Man lost to Spidey around the same time, I’ll find it right now
Here it is

Attached: 21C59F67-39FC-46EE-BE32-CD1FA45CB6D0.jpg (550x835, 140K)

You never proved anyone wrong you moron. OP's picture is fake until you provided evidence otherwise that is actually a "leaked" scene

Why did she throw up

He's man-spider

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pay attention to who you are responding to idiot. nobody was talking about powerlevels

It's clearly a shop. And a poor one at that

Just discovered she’s a pedophile

It’s funny but it’s gay as fuck just like the entirity of USM

I bet she's gonna be asian

I'm talking about Friday night when the trailer comes out and you get proven wrong and cry yourself to sleep. Will you make a thread apologizing?

No, man-spider is another thing.

Will we ever get Man-Spider kino guys? Disney's Marvel doesn't seem dark enough for it.

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Is Supes wearing a kryptonite buttplug under his suit in this frame or something?

It would be a stupid waste of a movie

It's a lot more fitting then Iron Man's new dumb wings

>cap punches
>does a shield hit
>punches again

>its all one move

wtf no its not

Spider-Man fucks Superman up

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I liked it, might have overstayed its welcome, but overall the ultimate universe is good

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just like homecoming

>that jab

I see Cap took up a few fighting moves from his friends down at HYDRA

Just kidding

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so you have no proof? thought so. next time at least shill a good shop, not one of copy pasted promo art ironman

Spider-Woman isn't getting introducd yet. Marvel most likely convinced Sony/Pascal to turn Silver and Black into a Black Widow vs Silver Sable movie to prevent harm to the brand somewhat and also to make up for possibly sexism accusations against Stan Lee. It might be the point where the MCU has over extended themselves and be their first critical failure.

Silver Sable will be in MCU Spiderman 2. She'll get a sample of blood from Spiderman and sell it/give it to Hydra remnants in Europe. Spider-Woman will end up being created as a result and possibly other people with superpowers.

so you will never grow up even after being proven wrong, gotcha.


>She'll get a sample of blood from Spiderman and sell it/give it to Hydra remnants in Europe. Spider-Woman will end up being created as a result and possibly other people with superpowers.
That's sounds so fucking boring and cliche. Only Ben Reilly could save that.

>he doesnt want midget pussy

Attached: midget.jpg (800x450, 82K)

>That's sounds so fucking boring and cliche
So what you're saying is that he is right, that's what Marvel is gonna do.

>proven wrong
>literally took no action to attempt proving anyone wrong

jesus its like talking to a pure retard

>Why'd you get so HARD so SUDDENLY?
>My HAND! You HAVE gotten harder!

wtf this is a blue board

thats not a midget tho

Get your priorities straight, its time to grow up.

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>not Black Cat
holy shit we will never see Black Cat in a Spider-Man film will we?

She barely counts, she's just really short

She's just mad because she wants the Ds

>even with Tony's spider suit he still jobs


>they cast an asian chick

That would be perfect so many reasons. First, asian market. Second, it would piss off blacks to no end.

>we get an r-rated maximum carnage adaptation
>Doppelganger appears with no explanation whatsoever

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