"I didn't yield... and as you can see... I'm certainly not dead"

>"I didn't yield... and as you can see... I'm certainly not dead"
it's literally impossible to name a better moment in cinema so far this year

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I love how moments later you see that T'Challa is around 200 yards away but says his line as if the other negro is feet away.

voice throwing technology

Um sweetie these movies are about the EMOTION not the silly little nitpicks

Better than the Avengers communicating across NYC without communicators

Guy was completely correct when he said nah, that challenge shit is over. Bitch was in a fucking coma and had to be saved by outside help. He lost, fair and square

This was a watershed moment not just for American cinema, but for blackness itself.

This has proven that the system was wrong. All the structures of power, the subtle ways of othering and marginalizing non-white art, did so on the basis of profit motive. “Well it’s just good business. We’re only responding to demand.”

Black Panther shows that, far from being less interesting to audiences than white heroes, audiences actually PREFER black heroes. There is something deeper, more profound, more authentic about their struggles. Any person of color understands this dimension immediately. There is something more soulful about a towering black performance. Maybe it’s the subtext of centuries of oppression, but whatever it is, it’s real and it’s palpable.

We’ll look back at these moments as the turning point. The white protagonist as “default” for western art is over. T’Challa is every bit as dignified as Hamlet. Killmonger is a modern Iago. And there are no more excuses for trotting our the same old cis-straight-white “hero”.

He has been replaced. And the future couldn’t be brighter.

Technically T'Challa still had a right. Killmonger failed to kill him (he had the chance to) and he never conceded. Especially since T'Challa gave the exile with a treacherous father a chance at the throne.

He has magical tech balls that can do anything. He don't need to explain shit.

T'Challa and Killmonger both have heightened senses, white boi.They can hear far away.

I call it cheating .

they did have communicators, though

Green screen does that to people filming the scene. They lose sense to this kind of things

nah, killmonger was right. that shit is in the past, take a hike.

This. Their powers quite literally mirror panther-like senses.

Are the earpieces inside of their ears?

best scene this year didnt even need dialogue

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this is the in movie answer
this is the real world answer

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How did he cheat? Yes, Zuri intervened. But T'Challa was completely at Killmonger's mercy afterwards and T'Challa did not violate any of the spoken rules himself.



>Jesus. He is tall.

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Multiculturalism was a mistake

How feasible was his plan? Seems very difficult to pull off and sustain for any significant amount of time. Was there really enough of a gap between normal tech and Wakanda tech to make a global war worthwhile?

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but that's a bad movie

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Is T'Challa a good king? Does he deserve the throne?

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by taking the herb and having his bodyguards turn on killmonger. technically they should have fightinh tchalla

It seems like the outside world still has tech comparable to ours. Things like Falcon's wings are for spec-ops only, only four helicarriers were ever built, only S.H.I.E.L.D. had quinjets, the energy weapons they had were almost never used and it seems only Tony is the only one who can work with arc reactor energy/power armor tech that well. Likewise only Pym has access to Pym particles.

Wakandan's have all that in higher quantities and full on force fields, energy absorption and their own compression technology. Killmonger could put a nuke in a mobile phone being used by an invincible agent to kill whitey en mass if he'd like, the world would be his bitch if they didn't get their act together and all gang up on Wakanda asap.

Tony himself would probably be his biggest threat since he might be able to find workarounds for vibranium tech and he'd be one of the first to respond.

>movie has villain that wants white genocide
>movie causes white genocide in real life


He was in a fucking coma. If Tchalla knocked that gorilla guy out you think he'll come back again saying it didn't count because he didn't technically concede?

>by taking the herb
It was a fair assumption that Erik would have taken the herb at that point too. They were fighting on even terms. And the guards turned on Erik because he didn't continue the combat ritual and he was a madman trying to start a world war. Refusing T'Challa's challenge was the final straw for them.

Literally every second of Ready player one is 100x superior to anything in black panther

Wakanda also has the element of surprise. Few people know it exists.

have you seen it?