Afternoon everybody

Afternoon everybody.

Attached: mr peterson.png (388x388, 125K)

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What kind of beer did he drink?

Attached: Norm Beer.jpg (453x626, 61K)

i think, deep down, we all want to be Norm

Hey Mr Petterson. How's the wife today?

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Was Shelley Long really difficult to work with? Also my god does she strap herself down or is Shelley a card carrying member of the itty bitty titty committee?


Attached: cheers-diane.png (220x308, 112K)

I remember Danson saying something like about how she affected his "professional relationship" with him and that she was a lot more like Diane Chambers than she would care to admit...kinda diplomatically giving her some shit

Shit, I don't know if that makes her a nightmare or the entire thing surreal. I hear she only really got on with Woody and Ernie before he passed in the third season. I always imagined Danson and Frasier carried something of a torch for her professionally but that she was detested because, like Danson said, she was more like Diane than she'd ever admit.

>she was a lot more like Diane Chambers than she would care to admit.

Diane or Rebecca?

>I hear she only really got on with Woody and Ernie before he passed in the third season.
Huh. I wonder what Ernie did after he died to make people so put off by him..

> (You)
>...kinda diplomatically giving her some shit


>"Whatcha up to, Norm?"
>"My ideal weight if I were eleven feet tall."

Because Diane is an insufferable elitist.
Intelligent, but a dick about it.

In the Cheers biography documentary, costar Ted Danson admitted there was tension between them but "never at a personal level and always at a work level" due to their different modes of working. He also stated that Long was much more like her character than she would like to admit, but also said that her performances often "carried the show."

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Damn. Alright, thanks.

Put a smile on my face.

Diana was good at being who she was as an actress.. but who she was was not very likable. I actually prefer some of the later stuff over the early early stuff... but her last few seasons are good.

Afternoon ya fucking alcoholic bastard

"Just gimme a beer, you braindead hick!"



Am I the only one who didn't actually watch the show itself, but always stuck around to watch the whole intro before switching the channel? I did this for years before the format of the show itself started to appeal to me. I did the same thing with Gilmore Girls.

Why would you bring up such a terrible show?

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For a second there I honestly thought someone had colourised that Alternate Deathstyle AIDS comic.

You're not alone. I did this with Three's Company. But seriously watch Cheers. It's worth the time.

He said it took him years for the show to start appealing to him.

So he has done it, you dope!

I oughta find you and club you.


The cast was a bunch of hard partiers. Some of the directors complained because they never wanted to rehearse. Shelley Long was a perfectionist who wanted to over rehearse. You can see why there was a clash. You can search Ken Levine's blogspot for most of this. He said she was good to work with but the issue was she would want to discuss scripts with the writers, not in a rude way but way more than they cared too spend time on that.

How did this retired manly cop raise two soyboys for sons?

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they took after their mother

nope. I loved both as a kid.

Especially in the hair department.