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Other urls found in this thread:


There's already a thread about this. Sage

Trump went too far this time. Impeach NOW

Pol living rent free in your head :^)

You mean he's not impeached yet? You do know it's 2018, right?

more like bongbuster amirite

>Viewers branded the episode “boring beyond belief” and “ridiculous” despite featuring an inter-racial threesome between Achilles, Patroclus and Briseis.
The absolute state of Britain. Before anyone asks, yes Achilles and Patroclus were played by black actors and Briseis was a white girl.

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It was good. the only reason it flopped is because of the right wing media and toothless tenants sipping neo-nazis who's only knowledge about history is that they think Rome was invented by British aryans.

Jesus fucking Christ the Jews really aren't trying to hide it anymore, they really have the fucking nerve glad this shit is bombing

oh no huwhat happened?

Blacks used up all their stolen money on Black Panther.

2/10 bait, only reason it's not 1/10 is you demonstrated literacy in British slang

>despite attempting to thrill viewers with an inter-racial threesome

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>despite attempting to thrill viewers with an interracial threesome

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Why they all black?

>despite attempting to thrill viewers with an inter-racial threesome

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Ain’t nobody want to see that shit

>despite attempting to thrill viewers with an inter-racial threesome
They aren’t even subtle.


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And what are you going to do about it? Post online? That'll fix the problem.

>brits are literally forced to pay a TV licence for this content

>he's upset that a 100% fictional character isn't the race he thinks he should be

the absolute state of flyover america

When will it be his turn?

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>ancient greek

pick one soycuck

>Achilles and Patroclus were played by black actors and Briseis was a white girl.


This shit is indefensible, yet here you are defending it. What is wrong with you?

>despite attempting to thrill viewers with an inter-racial threesome

>it's like 100km from Africa
>less likely than the birth of a literal god on earth who you can only hurt by shooting his ankles

Holy shit the mental gymnastics you snowflakes have to do

Can you imagine covering your body in that much soy art?

Sup Forums living in your head rent free cunts

>soycuck mental gymnastics

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wwhhaaa they added a cuck scene and i missed it?

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>it's another "user thinks Sub-Saharan shitskins are coterminous with all of pre-modern Africa" episode
sorry mate, North Africa is ethnically closer to Mediterranean Europe than Kangzland

wtf but i love nigger cock?

>North Africa is ethnically closer to Mediterranean Europe than Kangzland
Id like some source on that, and I expect info about the ancient times, not modern.

BBC living your head rent free.....cuck :)

>africa is all black

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W-what are you suggesting?

Stop appropriating our insults!!!

Nobody cares what you want, millenial faggot

It is explicitly stated that Achilles had blonde hair. Who the fuck is the writer/producer who thinks that his fetish is worth more than Homer's work? Shameful.

I hope you die soon and never reproduce. or live to see the hell you chose to usher in.

Gee I wonder (((who)))

I hope he lives a long life, reproduced alot and lives to see the hell he ushers in

always remember the 6 gorillion though goy, ya know what they say about those who forget history

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>despite attempting to thrill viewers with an interracial threesome

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Shadilay! another victory for the white race!

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too many white actors

Fucking Zeus himself is black in this user. I really don't think they gave a shit.

>and I expect info about the ancient times, not modern.

In the Pre-Islamic era North Africa was even more genetically like the northern side of the Mediterranean. The major population change occurred during the Arab invasion and the importing of black slaves.

fucking brainlet

Anybody got the webm to the threesome scene

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That's a woman. Odds are she's a disgusting slob though

Like every fucking book about ancient Egypt? Even 8 year old kids know that.

What the fuck? I'm black and I can't believe this.

Seriously, have people lost their fucking minds?


do you think sub-saharan spear chuckers could manage to trek across the sahara desert en masse in 1000BC? north africans were even closer to europeans back then.

The joke is that ancient Egyptians were even closer Europe/Meds than they are now.
The African admixture if from the recent Islamic salve trade, since most black slaves in the Middle East were women.

Also East Africans are as genetically distant from West Africans as Europeans are from Asians. John Smith and Pajeet Apu are genetically closer to one another than a nigger from the west coast of Africa and a nigger from the east coast.

>since most black slaves in the Middle East were women
or castrated men. that was the first thing they did after a successful slave raid. this one berber tribe figured out how to cauterise the wound, so more of their slaves survived the trek north, which became a closely guarded trade secret.

Removing balls is a art.

>saturday night prime time

what'd they expect?

Can you cite even one?

Didn't think so.

google it you nigger. this denial is pathetic.

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Gather enough support with fellow whites and eventually expel/wipe them out

Not doing your homework for you, snowflake.


Here you go. Download and open up the pdf
Take a look where Egyptians are. Then look the right and you find Copts, closer to Europeans.
West Africans are the very end to the left.

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eat shit soyboy lol

go buy your porg shaped buttplug

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I love how yuropoors talk shit and then when it happens to them its JUST FINE.


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>despite attempting to thrill viewers with an inter-racial threesome

holy shit

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Nice try snowflake. That's not a source. That's a google drive link. Might as well wikipedia because LEL DEY HAVE TEH SOURZES

And here's why that's a good thing.

kek, decent shitpost

I know this is b8, but if someone does actually care about this for real, here:

t. soyboy

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>Africans near the head of the penis
>Europeans near the prostate

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Kohi a cute! CUTE!

>inter-racial threesome

The absolute state of the British Caliphate


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>Be british
>40% of salary goes to taxes
>that are used to fund a broadcasting channel
>that you have to pay for a license to watch

>and once you pay your license to watch your tv your taxes paid for, it's a classic Grecian drama retconned into an interracial threesome between two races that were not present in the historical setting.

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They did this on Britannia.

They had white women drooling over black guys and a cuck relationship.

What in the fuck happened to the BBC?

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>3% of the population
>like 25% of actors
What the fuck is up with Britain? When they say "diversity" it's not even Asians or Muslims, just black people.


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what does a chart have to do with anything

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Cleopatra was Greek by blood dumbass

The entire ruling class since the days of Alexander were of mediterranean descent, the progeny of General Ptolemy and his men

You don't know shit about history nigger

>despite attempting to thrill viewers with inter-racial threesome

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lmfao cant believe I'm seeing PC Siqueira on Sup Forums.
The world is small as fuck.

>attempting to thrill viewers with an inter-racial threesome
>there are people on Sup Forums right now that still think Sup Forums is wrong about anything in the current year

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i see Sup Forums are busy milking their one (1) bit of good news for the week. enjoy it while it lasts. by the end of the week we'll all be laughing at pictures of trump's tiny orange pee pee.

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>Defending this trash-tier revisionist history
>attempting to claim it's Sup Forums celebrating a victory when you would think Sup Forums of all places would champion the death of purposeful historical inaccuracy

Don't you have a TV to steal or a synagogue to burn?

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Who could be behind this thread?

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Only "positive" role models are allowed to get blackwashed
Just wait until the "negative" ones like Genghis Khan start getting whitewashed

>despite attempting to thrill viewers with an inter-racial threesome

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BBC will meet the fate of its Swiss counterpart and get their license tax revoked

>an inter-racial threesome between Achilles, Patroclus and Briseis.

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>attempting to thrill viewers with an inter-racial threesome
Hey BBC? I know you've got the unfortunate name and want to make use of it but holy fucking shit cool it with the interracial shit in every goddamn thing you make. Your agenda is really obvious when every fucking show has an interracial couple even when the show is set in like victorian england or some shit. I couldn't even watch a show about frankenstein in ye old merry old england without having multiple niggers thrown in my face and white woman wanting to fuck them.