ITT : 10/10 creature designs

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so how come it frigged up their skin cell DNA so they turned into trees and spooky bears and other gay shit but it didn't frig up their heart or brain stem DNA killing them in a boring way

Rule of cool, user. Nothing has to make sense.

if they wanted to follow the rule of cool the cast should have looked like this.

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they looked like that when they went into the shimmer but the alien turned them into lesbian females


it looked like that SCP. which was cool. You could pretend it was a SCP movie

You could also pretend it was the precursor to the Pokemon universe. Shame its not an original IP like 'Life' was where there was a possibility it was a prequel to something. Reminded me of The Last of Us too with the music and visuals.

Cant wait to see the concept art of this. Wish she got to see more fauna

It makes sense given the setting we only saw a few. If it was in Africa it would be alot more nightmarish.

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>Small lady manages to beat and tie up three other women while only waking Natalie Portman
>Suddenly clear as a bell voice of friend outside
>Goes to investigate
>Attacked by mutant bear
>Bear now in house, close to three tied up ladies
>Suddenly sounds like a retard and there's no way you would confuse it for your friend

>you will never fuck Arna's pussy

love blinds people. Remember she was lesbian.

My theory is it does the stronger calls to lure more victims out with it does the raspier short calls when its closer to its prey

It does sometimes, that's why the guy who exploded over the wall dies the way he did

nigger fucker/I refuse to watch 10

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jesus how dead is natalie portmans career

The sex scene wasnt even that bad

loved the design of this guy

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Buy a ticket for your wifes son in my place

Seems like it should do that all the time though. All you need is one tiny mutation in one tiny, vital part of your body and everything stops working.- You don't need your head to explode into a mushroom, you just need a tiny mushroom anywhere inside your body and it gets carried into your brain and you die.

Of course, it doesn't make sense. That guy with the fucking living guts or the chick with plants growing out her should both be dead as fuck long before they started seeing those effects never mind while they were happening but they were just fine.

Hershlag is pretty realistic looking

>inb4 Europoors


How come there has never been a fleshgait movie? It's a pretty spooky concept that could be cool if done right

>meanwhile, my DBZ threads get deleted

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and ?

Streaming on Brettygood if anyone is interested, just started

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Not even trying to be contrarian. I like the design but I don't see what makes it a 10/10. It's a bear missing part of its face. I've literally seen that in real life before.

Are there other scenes with this creature that build it up more?


definitely didn't expect this design to be so good for a Netflix original

he's baiting

>Are there other scenes with this creature that build it up more?
it was in literally one other scene where it magically teleports around like jason and you see it for about 2 seconds

Agreed and the acting for the main guys was really on point, I was completely invested by the time they got to the first creepy house.


everything in skull island

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Cuck yourself all you want my man

What is with you soyboys and Pokemon?

So that does happen? I guess I'll skip this one then. And I'm positive it's not the same way in the book.

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The area isn't bound by the rules of biology or reality, so it's effects really shouldn't be either.

why does your anime thread fit here equally or better than a thread about film.

I got a Parasite Eve 2 vibe from this scene

Like that boob

Croc and bear were people.

yeah skull island was killa

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those were the most boring fucking designs in the world da fugg are you talking about

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Yeah I don't get it either. They're just lizards without two legs

this isnt a lizard in the slightest wtf you on

>3 former governors in one pic

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what other creatures the movie had besides that gator and the skullbear?

deers with plants growing on their antlers and some weird fish thing

intestines monster and clone thing

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That scene was pure kino.

Also when he punched the lady in the face I laughed so fucking hard