What are some kinos about fucked-up fathers and sons?

Attached: JUST.png (936x1124, 1.28M)

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someone shoop the hair on them

How he has fallen

>its actually real

Is that an actual purse? And people make fun of me for wearing a fanny pack

Imagine the kind of pressure you're under being the son of the coolest black man in history. I'd probably go kind of nuts if I had the entire world expecting me to be the second coming of my father.

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>Imagine the kind of pressure you're under being the son of the coolest black man in history.
shill please

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It should 'dad, I'm fucking my shit up' at the bottom

Willard makes everything look good

>Yo where you at?
>fucking my shit up dad

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thoughts on willow?

Attached: willow-smith-bikini-boyfriend-pda-002.jpg (587x880, 93K)

>he fell for the "meme magic isn't real" meme

>it's called JUST
>isn't owned by Brendan


If she were white I'd say she had a pretty nice ass, but she's black, so it's pretty terrible.

are they gonna get brendan to be the spokesman for it?

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Wudd fugg :DDDD

this meme magic has gone too far guys we are playing with some dangerous shit I'm out

Who's cooler then faggot?

>Imagine the kind of pressure you're under being the son of the coolest black man in history.
Imagine being so white that you actually believe this

What's wrong with that family?

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who is a cooler black guy than a puppet '''asset'''?

all of them

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she looks like jaeden... no ty

>actually joining a "movement" with the word JUST on caps
>honestly not acknowledging the meme

You can't make this shit up.

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>has willowy figure (best shape of woman desuaside from pear)


>Brendan is not a shareholder

JUST, not even his own product is his

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thats the appeal though

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Life imitate memes

>a product to JUST yourself

Why would they do this? JUSTing yourself is torture, just look at Brendan for fuck sake, What were they thinking?

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why can't he smile like a normal human being? He looks so damn worried in all these photos.

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How the fuck is his hairline WORSE?

Holy crap.

She looks more like Will than Jaden does.

why do so many black women look like fucking men if you take away their hair, and everything below the neck?

Attached: willow-smith-hair.jpg (700x479, 60K)

If you think men look like that you're a complete fag.

(((hollywood))) psyop to finally break our spirits

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She has a pretty face, amazing eyes

why won't someone cast her in the cyberpunk movie she desperately wants to be in?

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i want her to sit on my dick

a professional hacker from the far away future of 2015

Because blacks have higher t scores. Duh.
See also how Asian men are more likely to look like women.

how is will smith so respectable, yet his son is a gigantic tool?

Barry White
Michael Jackson
Danny Glover
Sidney Poitier
Michael Jordan

the entire Smith 'family' has that Tom Cruise brainwashed stink about them

>how is will smith so respectabl
yeah, no

>yet his son is a gigantic tool?
nice recovery

blacks are weird
also she was the worst part of Gotham

She's gorgeous

>Barry White
>Sidney Poitier
>Michael Jordan

nice try SHILL



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the good doctor owns the just meme

Reminder that Will Smith has an older son who literally wants nothing to do with his idiot family.

So do white women lmao user

Get outside more

el extraterrestre del americano

the chad son

Attached: will-smith-sons-jaden-trey-louis-vuitton-event.jpg (300x300, 46K)


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he played football, which Will Smith shilled against.

>muh CTE

>Because blacks have higher t scores. Duh.
>See also how Asian men are more likely to look like women.

It's a fair comment. I'm black and I can see how some of our women look manly. Which is why I don't date our own women.

And yeah, Asian men are LITERALLY soyboys. My girl and I laugh about it all the time.

She's not white, if you're wondering. But I've had those.

Your eyes aren't even real so you don't know what his smile is like.

god you shills are retarded


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Friend in the movie biz says Will Smith is Bi......this pic kinda solidifies that notion.

That belt ruins it

Do blacks not realize they are a fucking joke when they dye their hair a non-natural color?

is he really Will's son? are Jada genes the weak ones?

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>Do Asians not realize they are a fucking joke when they dye their hair a non-natural color?

>JUST the two of us
damn you meme magic!

football is pretty much the opposite of Hollywood

>the coolest black man in history

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Keith David is pretty cool.

who do you consider to be the coolest blackman in history then?

Holy fuck are you trying to objectively argue this?

How do we live on the same plant?

>if you take away their hair, and everything below the neck?

Just say "facially," "in the face." Jesus.


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>The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion character generator all sliders set to far right

He raised him as a friend and not as a son

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>the coolest black man in history
pretty much the equivalent of claiming Tom Cruise is the coolest white guy in history

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She looks like a normal black girl so she's already way ahead of her brother.

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nigga u gay

Most students have felt that way at some time.

Is this a "my wifes son" photo with both of the dads?

>who is Master P's son
>who is Michael Jordan's son
>who is Magic Johnson's son
>who is Denzel Washington's son
>who is Dr. Dre's son
>who is Snoop Dogg's son

>being this low-key racist

dude what the hell

Will he make JUST into a postitive?