Up to 75%

>up to 75%
90% by tomorrow mark my words.

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The fact that it's even at 75% in the first place means that it's absolute shit.
Blunder of the century.

It's sad that THIS is the only movie in the past 2 years that has made me feel like going to the theater.


The new Jumanji had a 6.1 and still made almost a billion dollars.

>puts on gaming gloves
>readies VR headset
>reclines chair
>cracks knuckles
heh...its gametime

Same, though I did see Dunkirk & Darkest Hour.

Meters only fall with time, never rise.

jumanji only got a 6.1 because critics didnt want to give it a higher score than last jedi even though it was better

The new Jumanji had a 6.1? but that was #litty af, I stand corrected.
RPO will still be shit, though.

I thought the early reviews said it wasn't great

that is sad.

not in the way that you think


they always drop the more reviews come in


When I saw the cool pop culture references in the trailer, I was hooked on Ready Player One, directed by Steven Spielberg.

Uh, Master Chief? Check. Final Fantasy weapons? Check. Cool characters from video games and anime and comics? Check.

This movie is gonna have it ALL: spectacle and heart and human. Spielberg really looks like he hit this one out of the park. I’m hearing GREAT buzz on this project from insiders.

I can’t wait to see READY PLAYER ONE, in theatres MARCH 29th!

unironically excited to see this

t.worried disneymom

But we're talking about quality. Box office has nothing to do with that.

t. Shill

I'm glad it's popular because it gives me even more of an excuse to hate it

the new Jumanji had an amazing performance by Jack Black

How do you put your pants on in the morning?

>unironically being excited to clap when you see things you recognize

Is this pasta or a shill

everyone who saw it at sxsw on twitter were saying it was great. I think only Roasties and "male" feminist hated it

Soyboy: the movie

wtf I love Ready Player One now?

>he liked Last Jedi
are you a nigger faggot?

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>>Sup Forums

>worried it'll just be a shitty CGI fest with REFERENCES, "I CLAPPED WHEN I SAW IT"
>most reviews are praising it and saying the reference spam is not noticeable and doesn't detract from the movie itself, it's just peripheral candy
still worried
also it deviates from the book A LOT

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>also it deviates from the book A LOT
That's a relief.

jumanji was comfy af.

but the book was good user

That rating really isn't all that off. The new jumanji movie was pretty mediocre. It had no reason to make a billion dollars.

Why the homophobia?

It was the best movie for a solid two months. Perfectly understandable why it made the money it did.

Black Panther made a billion and it was mediocre
Last Jedi made a billion and it was actually complete trash

Yeah it's sad you have such shitty taste

Because DisneyMoms are ruining my cool site for cool people like me


upvoted xD

you can be gay and not be a faggot. Unfortunately you're both.

I think this may be the most shamelessly manipulative movie in decades.

>you can be gay and not be a faggot.


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Does this post seems suspicious to anyone else?

I don't think it's genuine. Seems pretty suspicious.

dude are you me?

Critics really want to trash this, but for some reason they're compelled to give Spielberg a chance.

>it deviates from the book A LOT

Who wants to watch the MC play Pacman or Joust for 15 minutes?

>Why the homophobia?
WTF disney moms are not a meme?

If you're a bong, then yes.

Then boy, do I have the book for you. It's called My Immortal, same writing style and story structure, even brings in the pop culture refs FTW!

BP was better then Jumanji though

What matters is the audience score


Personally, imo, tbqh, Steven Spielberg can't do wrong.

Actors? Sets? Props? Lights? Count me in.

I wouldn't be surprised if this surpasses his greatest works. Sorry Schindler, your list can't top this. Even The Color Purple might be out done here.

Yes, this truely will be an event to remember. Mark your calenders fellow Sup Forums-ites; March 29th will be a night to remember!

I'm going to clap when the Gundam appears onscreen and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

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>also it deviates from the book A LOT
Even people who read the book like me agree this is a good thing.
RPO is the worst book I've ever enjoyed. Poorly written trash but fun

why the racism

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Hey, african american individuals make some people feel uncomfortable so please don't post their pictures. I see enough of them on the 6:00 pm news and I'm really not interested in any more news today thanks, it's just too depressing.

>when you're such a brainlet that you are afraid to go see Ready Kino One because you know that you'll just be embarrassed when the other audience members notices that you can't recognize even 1/10th of the references

They will never let another film score better than Black Panther.

Unless it's "Black Panter 2: Spiffy Underoos".

I only may see it just cause I for some reason have that moviepass

>blade runner 2049
>baby driver

>Hey, african american individuals make some people feel uncomfortable

this is Sup Forums, you're not supposed to feel comfortable thats what reddit and tumblr are for

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>This is one of the people that doesn't regret not seeing it at the cinema while watching a torrent weeks later.

Black Panther 2: The Queen of Yaass

went up to 76%

It's a great feeling being able to get out of your house user, don't let Sup Forums basement dwellers keep you at their level.

what the fuck is this movie even about

is mechagodzilla in this?

thats like the only think that interests me, is it the cool 70s or 2000s one or the faggy 90s one?

Attached: Mechagodzilla_Incarnations.jpg (547x182, 23K)

this better be true because I actually enjoyed the non-references parts of the book.

Prepping Player one up for getting peg'd

probably works better on the screen, because you don't have to slog through a bunch of shitty writing where the author jerks off to all of that stuff

the only thing i'm hoping they keep the same is the chekov's gun with the little bit of shitty Atari trivia of the game "Adventure" I went bananas while reading that reveal at the climax that's all I ask for it to be worth the ticket.

Doubt it, they had to replace Ultraman with the Iron Giant because nobody knew who Ultraman was. I imagine the same for MechaG

As someone who enjoyed the book, I have yet to see a trailer for the movie that didn't make me want to puke. It looks like WB shoved their dick in and splooged all over this thing. And the CG is shit. Why do they need to look like gay anime characters in game? Because fantasy? UGH.


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