Watched two episodes

>Watched two episodes
>Jerry just comes off as a prick with severe contempt towards the every day person.

How long has he been a soulless fuckhead? I would enjoy this much more if the host had even a basic level of personality.

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*fake laughs*

If you were richer than god wouldn't you hate peasants too

*fake laughs again while staring at you not blinking*

Looks like someone took the redpill

*doubles over from """laughter""" from an unfunny joke

good game

I wish this show was hosted by Bill Burr

He makes it seem like the entire jewish culture is about a quiet numb internal hatred for every single gentile.


Cool music, fàm.

*Grabs his chest while fake laughing*

>christoph waltz
>his friends dumb wife
>Miranda sings
>Amy schumer

What's with all the terrible guests? Patton Oswalt had the worst episode though

>it's a Steve Harvey even remotely believes he's at Jerry Seinfeld's level episode

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Jerry is severely autistic, antisocial and germophobic
Him being a zillionaire is just the cherry on top he is entirely disconnected from us humans

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>he unironically watched a couple of comics drive around and drink coffee

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Miranda Sings was the best episode

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that kino genesis sound chip sound

we are truly living in dark times

The fuck? The episodes aren't even on the website anymore? God I fucking hate netflix man.

The Kramer one is worth watching though. Mainly because the guy is actually crazy. Like irl crazy.

>How long has he been a soulless fuckhead?
since the beginning of his career

In the Julia Lois Dreyfus ep there was so much sexual tension between the two, it was gross.

why would Jerry fake laugh ever? he has double fuck you money, he doesn't have to do jack shit.

steve harvey
>most succesful stand up of all time
>hit syndicated sitcom
>most listened to radio show in america
>best selling author of multiple books
>multiple books have been adapted into hit movies
>host of the 4rd most successful game show on television

I like Jerry's tastes in cars. The Amy Schumer ep was hilarious.
>car is metaphor for guest
>Schumer's is a flashy 12 cylinder Ferrari that runs like shit and dies

>chris rock gets pulled over

>he has double fuck you money
You think that matters to a kike?

one as autistic as he is, yea. look at the guys shoes.

Howard Stern sees right through him. Jerry was so uncomfortable the entire time.

The show doesn't feel natural. Jerry seems to force laughter Jimmy Fallon style the whole time. I watched a few episodes, but it gets old fast.

>not hating all social situations
>not hating other jews
It's like you've never even watched Seinfeld. Oh, whoops, looks like you're a tripfag.

The ''everyday person'' is usually worthy of contempt. Seriously, go converse with the underclass and try to distill anything meaningful from their words, anything insightful.

can you share any of your profound wisdom to enlighten us here on Sup Forums?

Honestly i love the format of the show, but the running time is just too short for me. They probably edit out all the actual funny shit, but it's a very comfy show. However, they could easily pull 45 mins to an hour for some of the funnier guests. Super Dave is the shit

imagine being such a miserable piece of shit that you hate steve harvey

jerry is just a superior being who dgaf about plebs or what plebs think. his arrogance is great because it's totally genuine. most arrogant people are putting up a front of one kind or another. i'm reminded of a story from his early standup when mitzi shore wouldn't give him spots because he was "too independent" or something and it was like water off a duck's back to him, just went on and did standup elsewhere. that kind of shit really bothers young comics and they carry resentment for years but jerry is above it all.

>Jerry just comes off as a prick with severe contempt towards the every day person
Yeah, he's a jew.

Along with most of his guests.

I'm totally ok with real life Jerry being an arrogant dick if he is.

The Garry Shandling episode was sad in hindsight

Jerry was uncomfortable because Howard is a sperg.

Jerry is just as persnickety as Woody Allen, but Jerry projects out instead of obsessing inward. It reads as arrogance, but that's better than cloying self deprecation.

Yea it was. Gary was funny. Did you see the Louis CK one with the boat?

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I like Jerry, despite him being a major psychopath.

>Jerry just comes off as a prick with severe contempt towards the every day person.
He's always had a lot of contempt, but he's just gotten bitter in his old age.

based jerry

best parody of that shit hsow

>In the Julia Lois Dreyfus ep there was so much sexual tension between the two, it was gross.
They were weird. I didn't take that as sexual tension, just general awkwardness.

They're perfectly capable of grasping relatively sophisticated shit you just have to hold their hand to actually get them there

They more than likely had sex on numerous occasions during the 90s, of course it would be awkward.

>thinking the character on Seinfeld is Jerry

Literal autism.
Larry David doesn't give a fuck about Judaism, Jerry takes it very seriously.