That scene sex in the finale

>that scene sex in the finale
Even the most loyal of LYNCHEDposters cannot defend this and just pretend it didn't happen

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Lynchlets btfo.

The entire 3rd season was Lynch laughing at his stupid fans. And they still ate it up.

His entire career really. They will defend lodge SFX and call you lynched but mention Laura Derns nipples and the lynched fag will stay silent.


>Implying Laura Dern wasn't at least a 9/10 in Wild At Heart

Nah, we ate is up, because it was masterpiece and something original for once. Without pandering, fanservice, and nostalgia. It was great, that is. Episode18 is 11/10

Watch more than one Lynch movie.

All women age like milk except madchen

Lynch strikes me as a man that has total contempt for the fans of his work.

I mean, maybe it's just me, but it looked pretty obviously like Lynch wanted to depict the scene as gross and uncomfortable as possible because of things that were implied to have happened between the characters previously. Lynch is a visual filmmaker, which is truly the best kind as film's defining trait is what it shows you. It's better than Diane saying
like fucking Lena Dunham wrote it or something. He just makes you feel the way the characters feel.

Lynch's SFX have always been this way and I'm convinced it's a throwback to sci-fi/horror camp based on how much of his work is influenced by it. It's not supposed to look convincing, it's supposed to look surreal. His primary inspiration for Twin Peaks specifically was a surrealist painter, and pic related isn't the only blatant send-up in the series. this is why Lynch fans always laugh at critics of his. you out yourself as a philistine immediately. you can not like Lynch. but most of you obviously don't recognize the driving influences of his work which one can easily deduce means that you have a sophomoric understanding of film theory and history let alone artistry itself


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He is laughing at us because what? He is not making generic hollywood shit tier movies with generic straighforward narrative? He is laughing at us because he is one of the few original directors with unique style? Thats why we love his movies. If i want watch generic shit i have 1000 hollywood directors shitting the same shit in every year.

It’s one of the best scenes in the show tho

He's laughing at you because he hates people that lack originality of thought. He could have put any kind of ridiculous nonsense in s3 (which he did) and you'd like it because it's got Lynch's name slapped on it. S3 was an exercise in trolling.

You can evoke bacon with innovative and creative effects ie the sped up head shaking movements in Jacob's ladder. The lazy diy computer SFX of the return evoke nothing, neither paintings nor anything in film history. Original certainly but only because they just look lazy and ridiculous, and no one else in the industry would have dared to release something so sub standards, because it shows contempt for the audience. And don't even pretend his earlier films were the same, he used to be a very ambitious formalist and worked alongside talented people. Eraserhead is ingenious and still looks wonderful. Only since inland empire and his lazy reliance on ugly raw digital footage did he start becoming cinematically senile. I enjoyed the return overall but lynched fags defending anything and everything he shits out with "you don't understand 2deep4u" excuse are delusional faggots.

>s3 was an excercise in trolling

How much of a brainlet can you even be to believe this? Season 3 is by far the best thing Lynch has produced and it's much more clear and graspable than Mulholland Drive, Lost Highway or Inland Empire. I don't know what image people had of lynch if they thought that this was anything special.

The original Twin Peaks falls into line with Lynch's earlier works like Blue Velvet, but the difference between FWWM and S3 is minimal. From what we know about Lynch he's one of the most genuine and unironic people you could imagine.

>The lazy diy computer SFX of the return evoke nothing, neither paintings nor anything in film history

Everyone are wrong!!! Fuck off faggot. Not only Lynch fags loved The Return, it is universally loved u know why? Because its masterpiece. Its better than any other movie or tv show released in 2010s.

>Cooper in the Dougie Jones body hands his boss a paper with incomprehensible scribbling on it
>"I can't make sense of this, Dougie."
>"Make sense of it."
>boss thinks the scribbles are brainless garbage at first, but then manages to find evidence of insurance corruption and praises Dougie's brilliance
>David Lynch is one of the most genuine and unironic people you could imagine

Eh, season 3 was alright. There was way too much filler.

It's better than Mulholland Drive, but Lost Highway is incredible, Inland Empire I haven't seen.

FWWM, Blue Velvet or Wild at Heart is still his best work. I really wish season 3 was more like FWWM. God, he should have just made another actual movie.

I honestly don't feel the same way, but to each their own. The visual effects for the BOB bug looked great, so the more jarring choices for the dopplegangers' disintegration come off as very deliberate to me.

In what way is this related to irony? This is a very common comedic device...

A retard writes random shit and then somebody looks at it and finds some grand solution and revelation in it, i've seen this dozens of times in cartoons. If anything it shows Lynch's appreciation for naive devices in fiction, as he has also shown in the first two seasons of twin peaks, in which he very warmheartedly coupled his twisted stories with the world of soap operas

What filler? There was much more useless shit and filler in original Twin Peaks. There was no scene in S03 that dragged for me.

>There was no scene in S03 that dragged for me.
Lissey's performance of Wild Wild West did nothing for me.

Mulholland Drive is his best film. Wild at heart is the most comfy lynch film, but it is massively flawed. FWWM fucked Laura up, i say, even if it's an unpopular opinion. Blue Velvet is definitely top-tier.

Inland Empire is too out there for me. I wasn't able to vibe with it at all.

For me what others call filler in S3 was to me the meat. While watching it i was distraught at the season ending, because i very much felt like spending my whole life in this fantasy world of Lynch.

Lynch has said in interviews (prior to s3) that Twin Peaks is a very important part to him, that it is world of his fantasy in which he often dwells and works on, and i think this is tangible. Season 3 is definitely less focussed and centered, but at the same time more inhabitable than the first two season, which are more linear in comparison. And then, what makes it really stand out to me is that in regards to Lynch's experimental side, the most daring shit he's ever done, aside from Inland Empire, can be found here and with it's contextualization in a narrative that spans dozens of hours is, atleast for me, all that more symbolically charged meaning important.

Twin Peaks: The Return is honest filmmaking at peak/

Lynch had you tuning in each week to watch a literal drooling retard. Then he laughed as you rationalised it as a masterpiece.

Sheryl Lee looks fine user

No need to rationalizing everything. Dougie is the most loveable drooling retard i've ever seen and i wish i could spend time with him. Very primitive emotions in me enjoyed the presence of dougie.

... Masterpiece

Dougie Jones is funnier than anything on TV right now.

Dougie is fantastic character.

Lynch knows old people fucking reminds the young of their parents fucking, Fucking hard and embarrassingly. He is the master.

Life is pretending it didn't happen. Lynch is life.

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The Return needed more Roy Orbison

lmao i miss that dude. waldo saw some heavy shit, could’ve been a cool bird to chill with

Nah, hollywood directors laughing at u all the time while they are making and then releasing in public the same generic fucking shit every time, and people still eating it.


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this guy is the spitting image of dennis hopper circa rebel without a cause

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Should he be read as a contrast to Michael Cera's carefree motorcycle dude character who only appears once?

nigger shut up Lynch is pure and untainted by cynicism, unlike you.

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Lucas > Lynch

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