What happened to Wesley Snipes...

What happened to Wesley Snipes? He used to be one of the most respected actors in Hollywood and no he posts things like pic related.

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i'd choose 1

he didn't open his eyes

$5 Billion
or Restart Life if I get to keep all of my current knowledge

2 if youre not retarded

obviously 3 because reading minds can get you $5 Billion and you can start a new life as a billionaire superhero

What kind of stupid question is this?

>get a big head and demand too much money
>don't pay taxes

That's basically what happened.

The money.

Restarting life: A do-over would be great, but would i keep my memories? Would i just repeat my mistakes?

Mind reading: There's some things you just shouldn't know. I wouldn't want to know the nasty things people think about me.

this but not mine

Money is redundant.

Mind reading is mostly useless.

suddenly getting $5 billion is basically restarting life anyways

No, you either pick Restart Life with all knowledge or telepathy, five billion is garbage compared to those

2 if you're a brainlet. Note that making mad bank is the only option of those 3 actually possible IRL versus time travel and mind powers which don't exist

We are talking about Wesley Snipes and not about his tweet you dumb beta fags

Would I just be restarting my own life? Do I get to reroll all my stats?

Fuck off.

Reading minds can get you anything senpai.

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I'd take 2, mind reading would be alright but you'd become jaded hearing everyone's true thoughts. Now mind control would be great.

>because reading minds can get you $5 Billion
In your retarded anime fiction maybe.

This is the patrician choice. There are a lot of billionaires, but they can’t actually read minds. Also #1 doesn’t specify whether you retain all of your current knowledge and memories.

well then dont post a picture thats more interesting than the topic

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reading other peoples mind would be more of a burden than a gift at the end

5 billion, or read minds.

Fuck restarting life with your memories, imagine that hell.

like think about it. being 5 year old with a mind of a grown men, memories of things that havnt happen, skills to use technology that hasbtn been invented.

can you sell your knowledge? do you know enough how something works to make it possible now? when you're 5, or 12, or whatever.

yeah, fuck it, i'll take billion. no one has to know im still a virgin.

>what is poker

Wesley snipes is just woke you fucking wanker. I'd choose door two though. I don't know enough important people to have the ability to read minds mean anything to me. being able to read the mind of some retard at the local gas station won't do shit for my life.

>he’s never heard of no limit hold ‘em

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>Get power to read minds.
>Now I can know with 100% certainty that other people think I'm human garbage.

>Restart life.
>Come back with all the baggage tying me down in the present and probably fuck things up all over again.

>$5 Billion.
>Can pay all my existing loans, ensure my family can live in comfort for the rest of their days, and become a NEET hermit so nobody has to put up with my presence anymore.

Pretty obvious choice here.

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>He wouldn’t come out of his trailer, and he would smoke weed all day. Which is fine with me, because I had all these DVDs that I wanted to catch up on. We were in Vancouver, and it was always raining. I kept the door to my trailer open to smell the evening rain while I was watching a movie. Then I remember one day on the set—they let everyone pick their own clothes—there was one black actor who was also kind of a club kid. And he wore this shirt with the word “Garbage” on it in big stylish letters. It was his shirt. And Wesley came down to the set, which he only did for close-ups. Everything else was done by his stand-in. I only did one scene with him. But he comes on and goes, “There’s only one other black guy in the movie, and you make him wear a shirt that says ‘Garbage?’ You racist motherfucker!” And he tried to strangle the director, David Goyer.

It's a little hassle, worthy just to buy bitcoins, m8.

This. It's a power that would eventually make you feel extremely depressed. Imagine being reminded of how bad everyone is really is, all the time.

But do you get to restart life like your own life back in the day? Or is it being born anew in the present? Are you the same person and do you have the memories of what happened to you? These are all factors. Honestly unless it's restart life with all knowledge and memories in the original year you were born I would pass. Starting again from nothing means I'd probably end up just as fucked, either in the past or the present. I'd take the money, because reading people's minds would let me do the same shit that money would (like get money and fuck bitches) but I'd just skip the bullshit and pay for it all.

You could easily make more than 5 billion if you restarted life. Reading other peoples minds could make you the most but it sounds dangerous.

5 billion is nothing if you restart life, literally just invest in bitcoin or apple

#2 would basically restart your life or at least allow you to

Read minds
Go to wall street
Make insane investments and become a billionaire
Get anally fisted by the SEC

do you realize how long it would take to win OVER 5 billion from poker? also if you won every single poker game you would be banned for cheating even if they didnt know how you were doing it

that would mean you would have to throw a certain amount of games to make it look real, making it take even longer

you would die before hitting 1 billion

why bother with that when you could have $5 billion that instant?

how would reading minds help you invest? you realize everyone thinks their company is going to succeed right

how much poker would you have to play to make 5$billion?

>memorize some lottery numbers
>they aren’t the same
>buy bitcoin
>it never moons
>try to start company

Yeah I really can't think of a safe way to profit off the power.

If you restart life, you don't keep your previous memories, faggots.

>Door 1 if you're older than 40
>Door 2 if you only care about pleasure right now
>Door 3 if you want power

>instantly lost control of your own thread
>calling anyone else beta
oh lmao

>If you restart life, you don't keep your previous memories, faggots.
then what's the point, you will make the same mistakes and everything will be the same

>Door number 1 you restart your life as either a chink or a poo in the loo with a sub 100 iq
>Door 2 is just a 5 dollar bill with billion written on it
>Door 3 you have no control over it and you learn things about people you never wanted to know and you slowly go insane.

5 billion wtf

stupid fucking question

If you could already read minds what would you even want with a billion dollars anyway?

You could just invest in Apple, Amazon, Google and Alibaba.

You'd have to wait for years until you get that money though. Obviously 50 billion would be better than 5 billion, but at these numbers would you really care? your set for life no matter what

Enjoy living under a bridge with that power lmao

Insider trading 24/7

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1. I wanna experience teenage love affairs

You're assuming it's persistent. What if you could selectively read minds at will?

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that sounds like work

just give me the 5 billion

2. I'm content enough with who I am to decline 1, and 3 is a power I don't have any interest in wielding, and there are some things we shouldn't know. $5 billion is an unfathomable amount of money that would last my family through generations. Why wouldn't I?


fwiw I truly believe there are humans born with special powers that the government is keeping locked up. I mean in the UK we are dealing with a russian agent that poisoned an entire town and got away with it. That's not something a normal human can do.

all 3 options are horrible curses. fuck that.

I don't think it's that kind of question

I just want to be a happy and inocent child again

1, so I can save my family

>dad didn't take care of himself and died slowly wasting away
>dropped out of college to take care of him so my sister could have a life of her own
>sister became a drunk and married a fat loser that she supports because he doesn't want to work
>grandma died all alone and I was unable to be there for her
>other grandma was pushed down the stairs by her drunk husband and died in the hospital
>never got to apologize to grandpa for arguing with him only to find out years later he was right about everything
>mom is now all alone and depressed had to move her in otherwise she would try to kill herself again

how the fuck are 5 billion moneys a curse wtf

literally no more responsibilities forever


$5 billion is a little more than instantaneous pleasure. That's several lifetimes of money that can influence world economies and be used to buy anything you could fucking imagine.

I'd love to hear how becoming one of the richest men in the world is a curse.

this was my assumption. no one wants to be flooded with other people's thoughts 24/7

The point is to get another shot at the joy of youth. Having your previous memories would be more of a curse than a blessing anyways. Imagine your adult intelligence in the mind of a 4 year old. It'd be fucking miserable as your entertainment is basically baby toys and Sesame Street and nobody would take you seriously because you're just a toddler. Not to mention you'd have a hard time making friends with kids your age since you're decades older than them mentally.

could it buy you the ability to read minds? didn't think so

I'd be living in the mansions of the movies stars I'm fucking. At least until I hustled them for capital and started up a sex cult.

5 billion is not that much money.

Who's mind do you want to read so badly?

The fuck you need more than 5 billion dollars for ?

>restart life
>invest in bitcoin

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I don't want to read minds though. The appeal of such an ability is completely lost on me.

It absolutely is.

>bu-buh that'll never happen to MEEE

Who the fuck wants to know what most people are thinking? And if you use it to try to make money and someone figures you out have fun in a government lab.

It is for those who don't seek power, just hedonism

>The point is to get another shot at the joy of youth
The 3 options are suppose to provide some benefit. If you don't keep your memories then you are just living your life, you have no recollection of rekindling the joy of youth because you are experience it for the first time essentially. It's literally just pointless option if you can't keep your memory.

its enough money to live comfortably for 20000 years assuming no inflation

What if I want the goat and start a farm

but you would know if that someone was starting to get suspicious because you can read their mind

Has more to do with kind of people playing the lottery are retarded with money, otherwise they wouldn't be playing the lottery.

>It's literally just pointless option

That's totally subjective, but I could see why being able to hit the reset button doesn't appeal to you.

pick 3 and join mossad. nothing personell

Unless they deduce it from a far, like in a video tape. And if you do catch the guy who knows are you ready to kill him?

Not really, the first thing I do is buy Real Madrid, that's about $3.5 billion. Then I have to buy Neymar, that's another $400 million. To keep winning La Liga and Champions League I need to probably spend about $300 million on the club minimum each season. I can only hope that my revenue is enough to keep making me money. It will be because of the victories and dominance Real Madrid have but just to show, to live my dream that $5 billion is not that comfortable.

I would probably need at least $50 billion to feel safe.

>restart life with previous memories
>the rng shitfest that is life makes it all useless

>read minds
>slip into insanity

I'd rather take the instant gratification of the 5bn$ and chill the fuck out for life

That's not subjective though. Let's say hypothetically, you have already hit that button and are reliving a past life now. Did anything change? No because you wouldn't remember your past life. What's the point of having the relive your life option weighted against telepathy and 5 billion dollar, versus doing something over and over and having no recollection of it

I wouldn't put the average 4chin user's intelligence above that of a lottery player tbqh

>restart life with memories
>panic in the womb
>still born

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Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill.

But that's just you being fucking stupid with the money. It's more than possible to blow $5 billion, but that shit takes effort.

>restart life with previous memories
>the rng shitfest that is life makes it all useless
This. As soon as you made one decision differently everything would be completely different. That shit's only really useful if you have one moment you can pinpoint as the downhill turning point of your entire life.

>get strangled by your umbilical cord and get cerebral palsy

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Choice 3. You could make a couple million gambling around and then use that money to become the world's greatest insider trader. All you would need to do is kick back and scan the minds of Fortune 500 CEOs for information which you could use to make a profit. It wouldn't take long for you to gain a reputation as an investment guru on par Warren Buffet. Once you get your investment fund up and running, you could diversify into other areas of business by stealing trade secrets from established players. Over time, I believe you would be able to use this power to become one of the wealthiest and most powerful people in history.
>Choice 2
Yeah fuck that, I don't want to have to try to explain to the feds that I just magically got $5b by walking through some door
>Choice 3
Am I going back in time here? Am I keeping all of my memories? If it's just a straight up reset with none of my memories then obviously no. Who's to say I don't get hit by a bus at age 5 or end up as a crackhead? If it's a situation where I get to go back to my birth year as a baby with my current adult memories, then yes. I could use that knowledge to become obscenely wealthy though early investments in crypto/Facebook/Snap/Amazon/Google etc

I'm only 21, why would I restart life? I'd chose $5 billion, what kind of idiot would choose otherwise?

>What's the point of having the relive your life option weighted against telepathy and 5 billion dollar, versus doing something over and over and having no recollection of it

Being 80 years old. You seem to think that you won't grow senile as you begin to mentally age.

Once again, the door option was "Restart Life". Not "Restart Life, but keep all your past memories and skills"

With 5 billion I want to live my dreams. My dream is to own Real Madrid and win La Liga and Champions League for at least ten years in a row. I'm just saying If you think 5 billion is a lot of money you'll probably be happy enough with just 1 billion. But even multi billionaires still work. It must be because the money they have is not enough to fulfill their dreams.

Only Bill Gates is the one not working and just giving the money away because he achieved his dreams of a computer in every house in the world.

Choose 1, make significantly different life decisions, invest in Bitcoin and hold it until it's ALMOST ready to tank, live off the profits for life.