Thanos' Motivation In AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR

>“He’s from a planet called Titan that’s no longer inhabited because of things that he thought he could help prevent, and he was not allowed to do that,” Feige says. “What he feared most happened, and the planet and everybody on it basically went extinct. He vowed not to let that happen again. He thinks he sees the universe going down the tubes. He thinks he sees life expanding outward unchecked. That will bring ruin, he believes, to the universe and to that life.”

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Someone in the other thread called this “leftist”.

Sup Forums users are retarded partisan reactionists, example 40596148

This is a lot better than edgy "I love death" desu

I thought Thanos was trying to impress his waifu

Shut up commie

This MCU doesn't take itself TOO seriously anymore, but it is way above that kind of edgy plot.

No it’s not. I mean yes it is, but it makes no sense the way he has been set up.
It’s almost like they didn’t have this thought out ahead of time.
Who the actual fuck cares about MCU Thanos?

>overpopulation destroyed his planet
>think overpopulation will destroy the universe
>wants to commit genocide in order to stop it
He's your standard leftist.

Definitely, a more believable and with better motivations.

Thanos believes in a:
authoritarian dictatorship, check
culling unwanted people in the universe/womb, check
all power in the universe should be directed by the government and no one else should be allowed to have guns/infinity stones, check

sounds super leftist to me

thanos did nothing wrong

I think this is an analogy to leftists thinking mexicans are the future and trump not wanting them

Why is that edgy?
Sounds more desparate than anything, which is more character than he has now. Even from the trailer I still can’t read the purple pruneman.

>authoritarian dictatorship
not necessarily left or right
>dude abortion lmao
>all power in the universe should be directed by the government
not necessarily left or right. tyrannical governments can take from both left wing and right wing ideology, hence why the political spectrum is 2d

>it makes no sense the way he has been set up.

How so?

So... what? He’s Anakin with LESS characterization?

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>He's your standard right wing retard


Bad form. Shit effort. (You) withheld.

Because all we’ve been shown is that he’s a somewhat chill eggplant looking for space eggs.
I guess they’ve got two movies to make him into a forgettable space Trump... what the fuck ever

I guess the universe isn’t expanding too fast...

>Avengers 2012
>mid credit scene
>To challenge them is to court.....death.
>Thanos turns around and smiles
>6 years later
>I wish to save the universe by destroying a large amount of it

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That doesn't conflict with his well-intended extremism, though. Josh Brolin already said believing he's saving the Universe doesn't prevent Thanos from being a sadistic asshole.

Thanos had a unique motivation that made him completely impossible to reason with. Now he is a generic muh planet space villain like every other generic piece of shit.
You know it's going to be some SJW shit about he wanted to save the planet but the greedy corporations had to keep strip mining.

This has been a villain motivation a bunch of times I swear

Right. Good intentions, and all that... I’ll reserve judgement for the final product, it just seems like a played out archetype.
Why can’t he just be a desperate beta asshole? Zod was already portrayed this decade. Fuck Kryptitan.

Thanos has had many motivations through his history. Even with the original Infinity War saga it wasn't to please his waifu, though he was upset that She ignored his deeds. He was brought back to the realm of the living as Her agent in order to wipe out half the life in the universe. Getting the Infinity Gauntlet was just a means to that end. He's saved the universe about as many times as he's threatened its existence.

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>Thanos, stop!

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So he's a Smith?

Sounds a lot like the motivations of Osma Bin Laden. He joined a grew that basically thought the elite should control and channel the masses. Just like the neo-cons really.

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I see him more as a communist dictator. Kill all dissenters sieze the means of control and force people to live in pods while the elite live it up.

>no Silver Surfer
>no Adam Strange
>no Cosmic Entities

They are really going to fuck the Gauntlet storyline over. I just hope we get some awesome recreations of Thanos' destruction somehow.

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He probably won't even kill everyone

>Adam Strange
wrong company m8

I don't know how someone can read this and tell me it sounds better than his character in Thanos Quest, Infinity Gauntlet and to a lesser extent Infinity War. The thing about Thanos is that his convictions were not his. When he tells Surfer his plan he has no real bravado, he's simply telling him something Death told him. He's literally just trying to impress Death, and when that doesn't work he's left as a conflicted broken thing with unlimited power. If he wanted he could easily MAKE Death love him, but that's not what he wants.


Apocalypse would make Thanos his bitch.

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>Adam strange
You don't deserve to complain about "muh comics"

W-what does he want?

But that's why it works.
He wants love but he cannot force it.

a friend


It makes more sense than the comics where he wants to kill everything in the universe in order to impress his waifu.

sounds similar to nazis, who were right wing

I wish that his motivations were to become a god so that he could stop some universe threatening force like Galactus or something.

I wish for his motivations to be suicide. Nothing in the universe can hold a candle to him, he's won every fight and nothing is left to fight at all, so there is only one way to end his pointless existence. But he can't just say that, so everyone tries to stop him getting all the stones, they fail ultimately, he erases himself from existence, and then the stones and gauntlet are loose, for the taking, and we get what civil war should've been.

But hey, that'd be good.

Actually nazis were socialists

I just really like the music in the trailer. If they can bring that dread to the movie, ill be satisfied

who the fuck are they avenging?

Remember Age of Ultron’s trailer?

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>thanos the farmer
I really really really they use this ending in the movie. I could see it being really well done and comfy as fuck.

Nah baby, that's Doom's modus operandi.

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Um, Titan is a moon not a planet

Titan is Saturn’s largest moon and is the second largest moon in our solar system. If it were not orbiting Saturn, Titan could be considered a planet as it is larger than Mercury.

Well you know more than the average amerimutt but politics has way more than 2 dimensions, even when boiled down to very abstracted notions

They cant make a cuck the villain cucks are the good guys


>ywn (Probably) see a proper Doctor Doom movie, where he just goes to town on beings wielding the Power Cosmic, like Tony did in Iron Man 1, taking out the terrorists
Feels bad, man.

Lol I should hope a lot of us can relate to this. Wanting to prevent things, wanting to set things right how we see fit, and just never really being allowed to try... I feel like thats sort of the human condition ya know? I think that speaks to a lot of things, I think its part of the reason a lot of us either just give in to drugs or artistic escapism, set our goals towards technological advances and entirely new planets, or just give up and lose hope entirely, that sorts of things. For me this def hits the Sup Forums meme of sympathetic villains, he seems pretty human for a mad titan. I wonder what exactly it'll be in the movie that he feared.

This is kino after Black Panther
>See brown degenerates taking over
>Want to save the universe from decay
We can all relate. Marvel knows what they're doing.

National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus), more commonly known as Nazism.
I guess when you go too far left or right of the political spectrum the same problems arise, hard to tell them apart

Isn’t one of the reasons Thanos is seen as the “mad titan” is because he killed all of his people including his mother?

Seems like a big change even for Marvel


so instead of an authentic portrayal, we get YET ANOTHER villain who arbitrarily wants to use le nazi eugenics to genocide all the peoples

this isnt even about politics, the story is an attempt to convince stupid people that any real historical figure ever used a stupid strategy like this in the real world

real evil is much more subtle than this, and the entertainment/ programming wants to make sure you never consider that possibility

stopped reading right there

Adam warlock

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No. No it's not, it's fucking not. The courting of Death as a real entity, was one of the more interesting villian motivations in comics. He's not gaining power for his own sake, but for his one true love, who just happens to be a fundamental force of the universe. For all his generic "end boss villian" status, from his point of view it was always a love story. I mean, he became omnipotent, but it didn't matter to him because his love still didn't acknowledge him. That is a WAY more interesting character, but for that to be in the movies they would have to deviate from their cookie-cutter bullshit and actually spend some time with character interactions and motivations. What a cock-up.

But hey, Iron Spidey huh?

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iron spider is based.

I remember this villain backstory from man of steel.

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>he thought he could help prevent
This is the fucking thing. This implies that he was wrong anyway, so no harm done and he's just a fuckhead witha complex. Why not just confirm that he COULD have saved the planet, but wasn't allowed to? Would that makeit too morally grey or some shit?

well, of course it was going to end up like this, with a generic motivation replacing his more interesting comic book one. his comic book motivation would require a good chunk of time to explain properly, and movie thanos just doesn't have have that kind of time to be explained. he's a full on character in only two movies and those two movies have a huge ensemble of characters that require their own bits of time, leaving very little for thanos himself, so they're just gonna give thanos a generic motive that easy for mass general audiences to comprehend.

It's disney. What the fuck are you faggots expecting?

>they were leftists because socialism was in the name
I guess North Korea really is a Democratic Republic!

Damn, I really wanted them to do a "Rise and fall with redemption" story.

>Mistreated from birth for being a disfigured purple grapefruit
>Becomes obsessed with power and kills his own planet. Power becomes his only comfort
>Death takes interest he finds comfort in pleasing death
>Move into infinity war, he wins and kills everyone
>Death shuns him for having absolute control over life and death
>He rules the universe all alone for a billion years with monologues and introspection
>Love was all he really wanted, he'd rather die than have power and be alone
>Rewinds time to final infinity war battle and loses on purpose
>Cap gets gauntlet and reverses his damage. finds out thanos lost on purpose
>Universe is remade, damage is undone, Thanos has farmer ending, but with a family

Throw in some flashbacks of being fatherly to Gamora for good measure.

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>You know it's going to be
you literally cannot get an erection without fantasizing about being oppressed by someone's identity politics

fuck off

I don't think they'll give him much depth. Which is sad, Thanos went through a lot in the comics.

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Just cause I like guessing, my theory would be that he feared that whatever he imagined bringing peace to his planet didn't truly exist, especially considering that he did not have the power to bring that peace himself. Maybe he became cynical and jaded or even suspicious of others over whatever was bringing the extinction. Maybe he somehow thinks others aren't responsible/trusted/appreciative, or that others aren't actively trying to do the the right the thing or even able to. Maybe that has to do with why he is searching for the gems in the first place, to make his actually well intentioned dream a reality. Except as stories normally go he suddenly finds more good than he expected in the avengers, in the MCU earth that is making more and more heroes by the day, and realizes that all their end goals are pretty similar. Maybe harboring those fears instead of just trying to be hopeful and give others a chance, the same one he wasn't given, was exactly why he was succumbing to them and thought he had to gather the gems at all? Idk I feel like that'd be a pretty disney-esque happy ending and actually a pretty good twist of event. Also as a meta-theory because I'm a lunatic and just spent way too long theorizing on all this, I like to think in this crazy head-canon I've constructed here that if Thanos couldn't find any reason to truly care about anything and just stayed on his planet by himself, all the hopeful and heroic stuff on Earth would eventually reach him and be shared with him thus resolving his fears. I'm not even that crazy about the MCU movies but now i'm super excited to see this after theorizing haha. Idk my brain is fucking fried, what do ya'll think will happen?

whats wrong with a little laughter? i know this is a marvel thread by why so serious bruv

lol. dumbest thing i've read this year so far

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so better to just watch TTGL again instead?


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Thanos believes in:
Everyone should die to please the love of his life
Death is the best
That's stupid

North Korea is communist shit for brains. It is leftist to the extreme

Leftists aren't against overpopulation, that's just a meme to discourage White women from having kids. The Left loves creating unsustainable hordes of non-Whites.

What is nigger abortion?

But apocalypse is a giant jobber, how can he ever hope to defeat Thanos?

>wears his glove on the left head
it's like poetry -- every stanza rhymes with the last one

But it has democratic in the name

is that a reference to climate change?

So he's basically space trump?

Of course.


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It's also totally not a fascist dictatorship, no matter how much it's run by one guy or founded on notions of nationalist solidarity.

I think they are a monarchy

Fascist dictatorship is the final stop on the leftist express.

Military theological dictatorship is the final stop on the righty express.

Actual it's a republic. You can't have a dictatorship with a heavily armed civilian population.

>Actual it's a republic
Sure it is cuck
>dictatorship with a heavily armed civilian population.
That's where you're wrong cuck.