Movies liked more by women vs movies liked more by men

Movies liked more by women vs movies liked more by men

Attached: 12341233412234432.png (1442x414, 580K)

Other urls found in this thread:

wtf is Dangal?


indian flick

Why do women like Harry Potter so much?


I'd be more interested in the men's top 20 vs the women's top 20

>women are idiots
Tell us something we don't already know.

Because Voldemort is totally like Dlumpth


More like Hermione serves as a perfect self insert for girls.

this they want to fuck those young boys

How? Hermione is smart and beautiful (in the movie), and she is also bullied. I don't see how she is a good self insert for most girls

goddamn I fucking hate w*Men, they're like dumb boring soyboys, but even more annoying. At least they're cute I guess, fucking slut roasties.

>thinly veiled women hate thread
we get it, you spent your early 20s being rejected. fuck off to /r9k/

>women love children's movies

>Women don't see themselves as smart and beautiful people who are bullied

a few movies i only sen as a kid vs movies ive never heard of in my life

Women are a women and shouldn't have a right to vote. Eternal children and morons with no moral values and artistic taste.

Whats wrong with a good ol' women hating thread?

Attached: 1328945615421.png (861x758, 26K)

lmao almost all of them are post 2000 too

lmao at putting harry potter movies that high

I was expecting a lot more chick flicks and a lot less children's movies.

OPs image is supposedly a list of IMDB data complied by a Redditor which OP is also:

That list shows disparity between men and women ratings but if you're interested in a top picks by women:

women are always victims
>smart and beautiful
all women think they are clever/smart and Hermione isn't suppose to be traditionally beautiful, at least not initially. She grows into her beauty, something tumblrina's all believe they are destined to do. Then the Chad's/Ron's will notice them.

And yet they still think they're "powerful", "stronk", and "smart". LOL what a joke of a gender.

This whole thing reeks. I'm calling bullpoo.


Heh, I should have known. A disingenuous crybaby faggot OP as usual.

>treat women like children for 2000 years
>why are women dumb?

Are you saying we're gonna have to wait 2000 more years of sjw leftism until women finally reach the level of men?

wrong sweetie

itll take like a generation of you treating your daughters similarly to your sons, although not the same because we are distinct genders.

Double indemnity is really good. Actually all the movies on the right are really good except those indian flicks I haven't seen. Why don't women like Indian movies, are they racist?

Which side is which?


>for a few dollars more

ultimate women will never understand-core

Left is white males (including hispanics), right is black females.


Weird. I can understand why most of those would appeal more to women, but harry potter? Why?
Also, this list makes women look like total plebs; now I'm interested in seeing more rigorous comparisons and studies about this.