I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese...

I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large vagina.

Attached: jazzz.jpg (969x939, 180K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll take a Double Triple Bossy Deluxe on a raft, four by four, animal-style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it, and let it swim.

The absolute state of american women

Cock, nice and chopped.

Attached: hot pan.jpg (299x168, 9K)

Attached: jennings.jpg (876x226, 74K)

All ya had ta do was cut of the dick, CJ!

What is this an image for? Transsexual ants?

Attached: beforeafterhrt.jpg (1280x1280, 350K)

Attached: >american women.jpg (969x939, 183K)

>spend years of your life and several thousands of dollars trying to transition
>some dude who plays videogames for a living throws on a wig and eye liner as a joke and its more attractive

Attached: 1520909162411.jpg (856x1158, 501K)

"American Men"

>people dont realize jazz is getting fat just to get a new weight loss show - "Trans Fats"


>SA will never get an HD remake

Attached: 1458180571300.jpg (629x505, 33K)


Attached: wait till.jpg (969x939, 179K)

I need more pics or name for research

Attached: noice.jpg (1200x1368, 288K)


Will he suicide before 20 or after?

Attached: 1519861086429.jpg (640x640, 36K)

Why is this such a memorable quote bros?

The fuck? he looks like this guy without the cosplay, I guess crossdressing/transgender is also not for everybody.

Attached: 5.jpg (449x594, 67K)

>your average LOL player

I'm always impressed by crossdressers that can pull off a real transformation.

Pic related. It's the dude from Ultraman X. Who looks really dweeby.

Had a similar story from a few years back

>hot, if a bit too slutty trap (who was a friend of a friend) hits on me one night at a bar
>pretty cool
>two days later bump into some dorky-looking guy who was acting really familiar and chatty with me
>played along with it
>related story to my friend and he's like "Oh, that's that trap from the other night. Are you fucking blind and retarded"?

Still managed to get some head at least.

Attached: Really Ultlives my Spark Doll.jpg (764x1179, 182K)


if he wasn't dressed as a girl its gay

I'd let it suck my cock at least
androgynous enough to be somewhat fuckable, fat distribution looks estrogenic

Attached: 1517110014468.gif (200x200, 1.79M)

He was dressed like a girl. He's a "she" now, incidentally. Has some rockin' tits, but went full retard and is dating some chubby FTM. Also got way into coke.