This has to stop

This has to stop

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Other urls found in this thread:


Ironically, Precious was raped in a similar manner to Audrey. Audrey however is not nearly as funny running with a bucket of chicken.

Course of the thread
>user gets disproportionately mad over this
>someone points out it's fake

striking resemblance if you ask me

lies and bait

It's believable.

>lady on the left
Is that what happens when you eat one of Willy Wonka's blackberry candies?

Then why don't you and your neckbeard friends come together and make your own movie studio?

That would involve 1.) leaving the house and 2.) getting a job though

Attached: life of pol.png (816x960, 487K)

no it isnt

>Adam Wingard
>horror director of medium talent

Good one.

What if it takes place in an alternative reality where someone who looks like the chick on the left is considered the beauty standard?

You could fry the country of Italy with the oil on that thing's face.

And that's a good thing!

>people making fake news so I can't trust png anymore

noooooo I don't want to click links and give them money

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stemfags dont browse (((pol)))

>biplane guns

They would need a soy boy to play the romantic interest because no self respecting black man would fuck it.

Oh god I fucking wish this was true, this shit would be so fucking funny

Attached: 1461286409050.jpg (1462x1462, 189K)

Audrey Hepburn is my deadfu and if it were real i would watch that, i'd love seeing a big ol fat black woman in as Audrey.


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is that real? would watch

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Nice photoshop

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>fat Ghandi

Attached: 1428614406549.jpg (517x768, 331K)

You mean fake news, Sup Forums baiting or general shitposting?

i dont get what this picture is implying? this stem major obviously got a job that pays enough he can hire a personal maid and chef, and can lounge around in his undies while posting his thoughts with other intellectuals across the internet. why is this bad?

would watch with my wife's son and her boyfriend to be utterly honest

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>saying cringe in 2018

i'll never understand why stem majors want more competition




>saying yikes or cringe



Oh jeez, Rick

Unironically the best thread on the internet let along this East Timor tapatalk group chat.

made me laugh



This is what peak Sup Forums looks like

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Attached: 17992361.jpg (796x436, 25K)

i really like this pic, mind if i save it?

Be my (his) guest

Given how retarded diversity quotas are in film/tv, it’s definitely believable

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then how come anyone who isn't an absolutely retarded Sup Forumscuck can immediately tell it's fake?

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Black Sir Lancelot is actually real
>inb4 muh fiction.
Doesn't matter, you're still presenting a time period and culture exclusive to the Medieval Europe.

>Black Sir Lancelot is actually real
so is Eddie George playing Julius Caesar btw

forgot pic

Attached: nsfcaesar2byjefffrazier_wide-026cbcad519e9913779257160c3d3541f0a630fc-s900-c85.jpg (900x506, 104K)

>He actually thinks it's fake

Attached: Ralph.gif (576x304, 3.25M)

Well it IS fiction and thats important. An actor should be judged on their acting ability not their skin color.

Also is it explicitly written anywhere Lancelot is white? If not then its no problem. There WERE black people in medieval europe so its not too much of a stretch.

nothing wrong with that. movies and plays are different stuff, different mediums.

>There WERE black people
well maybe in like Spain, or Italy.

but then again this whole conversation is stupid. Sir Lancelot is not even a real person and the Arthurian legend is not middle ages. it's early dark ages

>Precious was raped in a similar manner to Audrey
wait.... what?

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>can't even copy the original formula properly
>cartoon stock image

this is embrassing tbqh

Was Queen Margaret really a black woman?

Attached: QueenMargaret.jpg (1000x700, 126K)

>well maybe in like Spain, or Italy.
We really at a point where we're just gonna pretend that's even remotely possible? Just because our current society is diverse doesn't mean Europe was also diverse half a millennium ago.

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you're telling me no west africans lived in moorish spain? and no east africans ever traded with the various Italian states?

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>There WERE black people in medieval europe so its not too much of a stretch.
like clockwork

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The BBC do this type of stuff because they have to, right? They have some sort of qouta from what I've read.

i wish they do colonial africa stuff

Ethiopia before the border clusterfuck with Somalia was basically the horn of Africa
They traded but I doubt there was cultural exchange except slaves from Arab traders bc hey let's make these literal bugmen and make them slaves

They also write articles in corrupted English

>Chaw gay menerz dey Ghana, sometimes dem dey dress like woman but others be normal, but one challenge dem get be say Ghanaians no dey accept demma sexual preferences.

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Wew she got pretty lewd.

it takes a while to find lewd pics of her, but when you find 'em... oh lawd

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whoah is this rEAL!?

yes, absolutely real.

If only somebody would so I could see them burn hollywood down to ground afterwards.

This is my absolute favorite one. That look on her face. Her hair, the dress, that hint of her thighs and her pretty feet. Glorious.



i'd give anything to get a time machine, go back in time, and literally bake cookies with Audrey Hepburn

Attached: a10762fca13255ce720bbbe787f2b312--sabrina-audrey-hepburn-audrey-hepburn-style.jpg (500x629, 37K)

prove him wrong


The burden of proof is on the guy who said there WERE black people in medieval europe

But this is something they WOULD do!

>Then why don't you and your neckbeard friends come together and make your own movie studio?

Doesn't Troma still literally screen anything you send them? You could film some dumb shit with your cellphone and it'll get played at Tromadance and you can tell women at bars that you're a filmmaker whose work has been screened at a famous film festival.

Attached: best-troma-movies.jpg (808x519, 139K)

Attached: Audrey Hepfu.webm (720x540, 270K)

they'd get a big old fat black lady to play a 88 pound white woman? i'd watch that tb.h

>that wink

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