After the success of the Warcraft movie, do you think Blizzard will adapt any of it's other IP's into film?

After the success of the Warcraft movie, do you think Blizzard will adapt any of it's other IP's into film?

I think a Starcraft feature film would be very successful. Hearthstone or Diablo could also work well.

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Formerly Gazlowe's

Hearthstone is Warcraft but you already knew that.

I would watch a Starcraft movie. Warcraft was better than expected.

This official cinematic makes it seem like it's a separate universe.

they took a big dump on everything that was cool about Starcraft with SC2 and it was mostly a pastiche of science fiction cliches to begin with so no thanks

a Diablo movie with the tone and art direction of the cinematics of Diablo 2 could be good but again that ship has sailed

>After the success of the Warcraft movie
160M budget, 430M boxoffice, terrible reviews

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Warcraft's Third War is best arc everything else sucks

starship troopers

Diablo should be done, funny thing is the mummy (waifu version) kinda rips it off the ending) but retards would say Diablo is ripping off the mummy.

>try to play Hearthstone ranked mode
>everyone has legendary heroes and minions
>Get fucked up every round
>thought the game wasn't pay to win
>turns out it isn't
>instead you have to play 10000 hours to build up 160000 dust to unlock ONE legendary card
>delete app

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An Overwatch animated movie would probably go pretty well. The shorts are pretty great and I could see the film having a similar quality. Don't let Michael Chu near it though, you'll get instant dogshit.

Why were you playing ranked if you don't have good cards?

>$270,000,000 profit isn't a success

Damn, Bill Gates why are you spending all your time posting on Sup Forums?

It's pretty clear that they are working on an animated series with these characters. I'm looking forward to it, too. Never was a big WoW fan, but the HS world seems really fun.

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>>thought the game wasn't pay to win
>collectable card game not pay to win

Retard alert!

While it certainly wasn’t as good as the original Starcraft, I think Wings of Liberty could work pretty well as a single film. It’s story had an overall flow that I think would fit in a film format quite well.
The original Starcraft would probably work better as a show.

You don't have to have legendaries to play ranked up until rank 20. But after that you pretty much need at least one deck that has a legendary minion or hero or both.

It's still not pay to win exactly. You can pay for gold to unlock packs but that decreases your odds of getting anything good. You really just have to craft cards but that takes literally months and months to save up the dust

160 is budget (don't know marketing)
430 is boxoffice,
about 50M is domestic, where they got big take (50-60%) so lets say they earned 25-28M in USA
then all resy (390M) is from the rest of world, and here take varies between countries, some give 40%, some 20%, for easier calculations lets assume 33% which should be fair
33% of 390 is around 130
now add domestic 25-30M and international 130
it possibly breaks even. but marketing doesn't

it's same case like that Dark Universe "Mummy"
80domestic, 330 foreig
50% of 80M = 40M
33% of 330 = 110M
150M, movie reported 125M budget, so in theory it made profit, but marketing was costly enough to kill "Dark Universe"

ah, just to be clear, it's not asspull
forbes also reported loss

>You might live to see "DAROU! HEARTHSTONE CARDO!" be a thing

That being said, this is literally Warcraft universe with a different artstyle.
>Explosive building Gobins
>Pink haired gnome with engineer goggles
>Orc with usual kind of Horde shoulderpad
>Wizard wearing
>Warcraft style Axe of +3 Overcompensation
>Two headed Ogre, one head with 2, one head with 1 eye
>Blood elf
>Druid in whatever the name of the wood form is
I could also mention stuff like the Dwarf and a few other things, but Warcraft Dwarves don't really have anything that outstanding and unique about their looks, unless they're in Iron or Stone form

Best argument you might be able to say, is that "this wouldn't happen in Warcraft" but Alliance and Horde literally have no good reason to still be at war after Burning Crusade, outside of the odd mad scientist or power hungry jackass fucking shit up because Thrall or [insert whatever other leader managed to fuck up this time] was a dipshit, and that's less a cause for war and more a cause to pucker up and create Interpol.

They made a children's book about World of Warcraft, it could be cool if they made a kid's show in the universe and I bet they would get a lot of adults to watch it just to nerd out at all the references to lore characters.

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>this is literally Warcraft universe with a different artstyle
Perhaps. I'm not taking sides. But it could also be a different world. Like the one in the Nexus. (Actually I'm a bit bummed out that the next HS expansion isn't set in Ravencourt, despite the fitting theme.)

>You really just have to craft cards but that takes literally months and months to save up the dust
Not true. I've pulled a lot of legendaries and never had to craft one.

There's a legendary in every 12th or so booster. But you still need to grind for gold, which takes months.

The way HS is monetized baffles me. Who even buys the cards? Only the überwhales?

t. never played Warcraft II

>which takes months
As it should. Do you think you should get the best cards with no effort? It really doesn't take that long, as long as you do your daily quests and win the tavern brawl once a week you'll have plenty to work with in no time.

Diablo 2 could make for a good 5 part hour-long miniseries (1 for each act) IF it were directed by someone with an eye for cinematography and most importantly proper use of darkness and shadows. This makes it downright impossible because the idiots would just CGI it to hell and back and probably abandoned the storyline for their shitty OC like in Warcraft. But the potential is there.

>As it should.
So you are one of those people who likes to stomp newbies, I take it? Because you've "earned" your cards? Gimme a break.


Usually blizzard competetive games aren't very noob friendly to begin with but with Hearthstone it's different because it's never a matter of skill, it's a matter of how long you've played the game in order to build an unstoppable deck. Even if you open a legendary with your first pack your deck is still going to be shit. It's just a really annoying grind

Plus you'll have people who play Rogue and sap away your whole deck by making you draw cards, or hunters who can use Devilsaurs to swarm the board with 5/5 minions by turn 4, or Warlocks who can literally just destroy your whole deck with 1 cheap card.

Really it's a competition to see who can cheese you the hardest. It's fucking gay

Obviously I was in your same position at one point, but I enjoyed playing regardless of whether I won or lost. If you don't like the game then you probably shouldn't play. It shouldn't be contingent on you winning. And no one is trying to bully you either.

I've played since launch and have plenty of cards, don't get me wrong. But I still dislike the business model. It's really difficult for new players to get into the game, without dropping something 50 to 100 euros up front. That's why I can't really recommend it to anyone.

If the boosters were cheaper and/or gold was more readily available, then maaaaybe. But like the other user said earlier: getting into the game (as a F2P player) at this point is just madness.

Blizzard made a mistake with the model. It doesn't incentivize old players to spend more money, nor easily hook new players with smaller payments.

God damnit it, reading Duncan Jones recount on his regrets on working on the movie makes me pretty heart broken. I remember reading it some where but I frogot where, it boils down to 'Having a pretty good idea, script, cast, but having to change it over and over all the while Blizzard,producers and etc hovering over your sholder demanding it appeal to overseas markets to get big bucks back while upsetting no one was nerve wracking.' Poor bastard.

Diablo would make a pretty cool grin-dark fantacy adventure but good luck having any one want to produce that without producers demanding 'MAKE IT T OR ELSE WE WONT GET MORE RETARD BUX' and butchar the premice entirely.

Overwatch would be a safer option but the thing is 'what the fuck would it even be about?' we have a lose plot, some good chariter ideas and some maps but an overall story arc? getting over watch back together? for what? its alittle too early for OW to have much of anything other than some comics and shorts.

Starcraft would be a huge 'been there seen it' with a bunch of SUPER COOL BOMBASTIC SPACE BATTLES WITH ALIENS AND SHEET', only way to make it work is make it vaugely like starship troopers, thats what all I got for it sadly.

I would just Make a Movie out od Blackthorn and just make it a super fucking cheesy salute to all the B movies of the eightys, idle be costly with alot of preposed pratical efects and animetronics but if you make it tounge and cheek but not too obviously so idle probibly be pretty neet, hell maybe throw in a Vikings cameo around the end for funzies.

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>what the fuck would it even be about?
Literally the backstory of the world. What was it like before and during the omnic crisis? That's where the game basically picks up after.

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After the burning legions is defeated sylvanis gets the goblins tl start harvesting the blood of azeroth as a resource to make super weapons from a wound the legion made, the weapon that caused the wound landed in horde territory. The alliance starts mining the blood because they are the good guys. This causes kadghar to not rejoin the alliance.

I went with Op's 'Adapt these IP's into film' idea, I guess that idea might work as a short netflix series?

I see what you're saying and mostly agree with the sentiment. Maybe they regret their decision setting it up that way, who knows.

Still the most kino cutscene in gaming history