Even if you leave this theater, you can never leave this theater

Even if you leave this theater, you can never leave this theater.

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That's nice Robert, now give me the tickets to Black Panther.

Hotel robertkino

Robert let go of my moviepass

Just watch me.

I'm sorry sir but there aren't enough tickets for all of you and besides: you're here all alone.

this level of shilling....kek

Hey Robert! Can I get the shrimp fra diavolo and a side order of lamb chops and mint sauce?

Hey Robert, how's the kids?

I don't mind, Robert, it's not like I have a life worth living out there.

>"The Kinoplex? I haven't heard that name in years. Those days are behind me though, user. I can't go back, not after what happened"

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falcons on the ceiling,
The pink crab legs on ice
And Robert said, 'we are all just prisoners here, of our own device'

I'm putting together a team, Robert. Only the best. Ready for one last ride?

>Even if you leave this theater, you can never leave this theater.
Because the real theater has been in our heart all along, Robert? Really makes me think...

>the world was destroyed by the kinowars
>robert's kinoplex is the only habitable place left
>outside is a radioactive deathzone

Could be worse. At least I don't have to sleep in the manlet pit and the crabs now have a dozen extra legs each thanks to the radiation.

>A-user...who are you talking to?

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Have you ever tipped your local kinoplex carney?

it's spelled canary

Ive been coming here for ages. Yet you never seem to age Robert. Why is that?

Pretty sure I can leave whenever I want Robert! See?!

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Hahaha you sure do ask a lot of questions user! Anyway what can I get you?

"user, I'd like you to meet my son, Johnson."

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user, you got the job! Welcome to the Kinoplex team!

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Thank you but please do not reply to my posts again.

Robert I didn't ask for this and I don't want it

Get on the boat or we have a fucking problem

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You know people like us never retire, Robert.

Ill take three buckets of crab legs robert.

and lets skip the penis inspection today if its all the same to you.

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Your other worldly powers frighten and confuse me, Robert, but at least the popcorn's good.

Not to mention the scenery!

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Yeah whatever. I took a girl to watch Den of Thieves yesterday. Nothing happened but oh well, at least I took the step. We might go watch Ready Player One sometime.

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I took a girl to go see Annihilation and she wanted to leave because she thought it was boring, so we went to a local burger place and she blowed me in the toilets. Kind of annoyed because I was enjoying the movie but whatever.

Youl popcoln with the soy sauce, user-sama.

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Uh, Jiro, this popcorn is raw. I'm paying three hundred dollars for this, can't you at least cook it?

Your indictments, Donald

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Oh, solly user-sama, I not terr you. Duling movie, we bling hot oir to you! You pop coln youlser! Rike how we do back in Nihon, since the filst Kinoh pray.

I want to see Kinoplex: The Movie (2019) so bad

Where do you think we are?

It's been 20 years since the Great Kinoplex War, user...

Hotel kinofornia
New Cuck in Town
Life in the fast Bane
Wasted Time
Victim of Dubs
2D Maids all in a row
Try and Dubs again
The BRAAAP Resort

You are the concession worker. You've always been the concession worker. I should know sir... I've always been here

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this webm is perfect

About to head out into the ICEE wastes to get a drink, anyone want to come with me?

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>tfw this is genuinely good writing

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hey little guy

>We might go watch Ready Player One sometime.
Really keen on not losing that virginity huh?


Only oldfags will get these jokes

Ill take some kino corn for me and my falcon and some cravlegs with extra butter please!!

Oops cant forget about penis inspection kek ill go to the showers now

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Fucking lost it when I noticed Pablo and Chloe

Yeah, for the first four hundred times it was used.

you're doing Gods work outing the reddit filth

Five. This is five. Ignore the sirens. Even if you leave this room, you can never leave this room. Eight. This is eight. We have killed your friends. Every friend is now dead.

I don't know much about it, the poster just looked cool and she seemed interested.



included best emma too.

It's faggot reddit-teir popculture garbage, you are better than that.

What compels you homesick faggots to shill your homesite in every thread?

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Yeah I told her it was reddit tier garbage and explained to her that Spielberg was cinema's biggest enemy as an art form and she instantly lost interest.
Leave your basement dude holy shit.

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first 100 times i saw this i didn't feel a thing
now i can't stop laughing

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BASED chadbro

shouldn't there be little incense sticks in front of his portrait

god bless