Charlie Bronson thread

Charlie Bronson thread.

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The Dirty Dozen and Once Upon a Time in The West are fucking great.

Obrigado Charles

>Bronson was married to English actress Jill Ireland from October 5, 1968,[36] until her death in 1990. He had met her in 1962, when she was married to Scottish actor David McCallum. At the time, Bronson (who shared the screen with McCallum in The Great Escape) reportedly told him, "I'm going to marry your wife".

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Would you like a cup of tea too m8?

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I watched the first 3 Death Wish movies. Should I do 4 and 5, they don't seem well regarded and lack Michael Winner.

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He aint a mongol he's a Pollack

4 is a fun movie like 3 that gives no fucks, avoid 5 though.

>worked as a miner to make a living when he was a teen
>war hero
>/fit/ as fuck age 60
>cleans minorities off your streets
Is there something he coudn't do?

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he had tatar ancestry. also he was lithuanian, not polish.

Possibly his coolest movie.

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Whoa. Time the fuck out. I just went to his imdb and apparently he was not Oscar nominated for The Great Escape. I could've sworn he was. Am I imagining things or does anyone else remember this?

>yfw you learn bronson lost his virgnity at five years old

>"But, anyway, this was a Fourth of July picnic, and there was this girl, six years old. I gave her some strawberry pop. I gave her the pop because I didn't want it; I had taken up chewing tobacco and I liked that better. I didn't start smoking until I was nine. But I gave her the pop, and then we . . . hell, I never lost my virginity. I never had any virginity."

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The Mechanic is a great flick
Also enjoyed pic related

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Bronson makes fabricating weapons from household items true art.

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If you look into it more you'll find out Charles JUSTed himself, David definitely dodged a bullet and won out in the end

mfw my dad looked like him
why did the good looks have to skip over

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Hey Ma, how 'bout some cookies?

No dice

I always wanted one of these supersized switchblades.