

Attached: 1520812334831.jpg (1000x991, 164K)

i dont get it

true. real men want flat women

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men actually want to die, ya fuckin mong


You're an optimist. It's a depression joke. Death. End it. Doesn't matter.
I laughed.


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Kys yourself

funny facebook memes make me rofl

I remained catatonic but I got the joke.


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This but without Trump tbqh famalam

That's true. Can confirm it.

this post but without the soy

>tfw no quick, painful death while storming enemy trench

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I would add alcohol to the gravestone.

I don't like the sow/snowflake shitslinging (it's old), but this made me chuckle.

I like death too

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I just don't think this countermeme is gonna get off the ground man