Way of the Gun

Can we discuss this? I feel like this film is ignored. I love it, great Peckinpah-esque crime movie. Seedy character, slow pace, great dialogue and action.
It got tagged with the "Tarantino ripoff" tag which is unfair.
Also gib reccs for similar films.

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Fantastic gunplay scenes, otherwise not as clever as Tarantino films. The duo was great though, just the right amount of mystery. What the fuck happened to Ryan Phillippe? He was great in this. Kinda like Leo with an edge.

I actually like the lack of the cleverness. Its so gritty and straightforward. Reminds me of 70s films.
I agree about the leads, I honestly wish there was less of the subplot and more of them.

wasnt bad except for the way ryan phillipe talks and ryan phillipe in general. coulda been even better with someone you could take seriously and not some nickelodean reject or wherever he oozed out from

The fact that they break that annoying cunt's nose just to begin the movie is pretty amazing, too.

"Shut that cunt's mouth or I'll come over there and fuckstart her head!"

I like the Phillipe in this film. Believable scumbag.

I really didn't like this back when it came out and a few months ago when I gave it another chance. I guess I'm just not into Westerns. I can handle a slow pace, and I love me some complex plotting, but I dunno...something about this one just felt overblown in trite ways. The shootouts and beginning are great though.

It's a resounding 'meh' with an awesome opening and the best gunfights in film imo

Its just super comfy for me. Love it all. Honestly can watch it whenever. Del Toro specifically is a highlight.
Do you like Peckinpah?

Just let it die OP

It's a good movie but I remember it feeling kinda dirty or icky, I dont know how to describe it. Also Juliette Lewis is repulsing, maybe it's her fault.

Are there any other movies where the protagonists aren't very smart or skilled? That's what I liked most about this movie, they're the opposite of Mary Sues.

I mean, they're pretty great at gunfight tactics, they clear rooms better than most cops do.

>I actually like the lack of the cleverness. Its so gritty and straightforward. Reminds me of 70s films.
Have you seen jack reacher, user? You should.

Almost every character is a piece of shit and the violence is prettu horrific. It definitely leaves a bad taste in your mouth, but in a good way

Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia and
Pusher II come to mind

I haven't. I believe its the same director so I'll put it on my list.

It's like one of my dad's favorite movies, and not only for the gunplay and firefight/team tactics.

I think it's pretty decent, a neat side of crime you don't often see in movies, and definitely not the sort of characters you see in movies, particularly the main two. They're a real pair of shlubs who just happen to be great gunfighters, and that's about it.

Also the soundtrack is amazing, and it has some really great writing in parts. One of my favorite lines in any movie,

>"What are you going to say when you have to stand before God and answer for what you've done?"
>Without missing a beat
>"I'll tell him I was framed."

I just saw it last month for the first time and I have to say, I'm kicking myself for not watching it sooner. It's a really well-made and smart movie, with some awesome gunplay, but in my own opinion the dialogue ends up falling short of what the originally envisioned. Sometimes it's quite honestly cringe-worthy. That's a minor price to pay for what I would consider a very comfy movie, and one that I would recommend without hesitation.

I love this movie. It's only real flaw with me is how bland and unmemorable the music is. It's like stock background music from a 90s crime show sticking out when there's a respectable production value everywhere else.

>mfw "are you alright? Are you still with me?"

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I absolutely love this movie. The gunfights are top notch and I like the unfolding mysteries and darkness throughout.

Every movie should start with Sarah Silverman getting punched in the face.

Damn, I love the score desu
>them drums

The glass in the arm scene is one of the most painful scenes in any movie.