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Marvel Batman > DC Batman

fucking niggers and cucks

Will racis/tv/irgins ever recover?


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The absolute state of USA. Literally responsible for every form of degeneracy showcased in last 100 years.

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>marvel film

Good, The Dark Knight is overrated anyway.

Slavery was underrated

that's nice.
It's not as good as The Dark Knight but it's nice that this sort of thing will at least inspire some interesting afro-centric and just competent film making come out of this all.

Black Panther isn't really an amazing movie but it hits most nearly every note competently to both tell a story and evoke an emotional response from the audience. The weakest parts are the "big budget" ones that everyone seemed to be gushing about, ironically

Black Panther is basically an African Batman. America isn't a white people nation anymore either so that further explains it as well.

I legitimately feel BTFO right now. Even the big guys couldn't stop king nigger

So can we pretty much confirm that white USA is in minority now? Whites who defend that garbage just because it has black protagonists denounced their race anyway.


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I thought it was more like Star Wars, what with how the tech was more like magic and it was more centered around good vs evil and family dynamics. The fact that the world Killmonger wanted to take over was the Real World was less significant to the more abstracted idea of Wakanda's relationship with the rest of the world, but it added an interesting political edge to it so I can't really fault that

I'm starting to fear that this movie is going to overshadow Infinity War


I guess some could say that blacks are the largest

Isn’t Iron Man 3 a solo superhero movie?

Alright. You win Sup Forums. I'm sorry I doubted you.

Just please stop. Enough is enough. This movie is fine, but it doesn't deserve the notoriety it's receiving. It's not like this is even the first movie made that stars black people. There's no reason for this literally who superhero movie to be this popular or deserve this much praise.

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>if you ever needed proof that America is beyond saving
A totally average movie about monkeys in Africa will be praised as the pinnacle of art until the eventual starvation death of all mankind once we are all black.

>Disney buys presale tickets in bulk
>nigger celebs shamed into buying tickets for entire communities
>fundraisers to send niglets to see this turd
>money going directly to Jews
>libshits and niggers think this is a "victory" for them
>Sup Forums is "BTFO"

>all this butthurt
I haven't had this much fun on Sup Forums since Bloodborne was announced as a PS4 exclusive.

Every... every single ticket was bought by GEORGE SOROS! It actually lost 2 billion dollars!

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Domestic. It passed Iron Man 3 domestically in like 12 days

*not adjusted for inflation

>Inb4 some autist claims it's only doing good in America when it's beating every Marvel flick internationally except Iron Man 3 and the big team ups

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>The absolute state of USA.
you mean the absolute state of a country that has people that can make movie that breaks 1 billion $?

Meh. I don't care that a black focused mkvie made money. I do care that another capeshit movie made a big profit, meaning movie production will continue to be dominated by this crap. I'm usually not a "stop liking what I don't like" kind of guy but this shit has been going on for too long.

>the eventual starvation death of all mankind once we are all black.
There is hope.

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all i've been seeing for the past 2 weeks is constant praise over this film, i guarantee you most of it is just literal fake news and that they're just making this shit up to brainwash people to believe that it's so good because MUH NIGGERS

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I think you're upset

this. nobody I know has actually seen it nor shown any interest, and when I've asked they can't think of anyone whose seen it either. It's like all fake shit to trick people

Black Panther has beat Rogue One ($1.05 billion) and The Dark Knight ($1 billion). It will soon surpass Captain America: Civil War ($1.1 billion) and potentially Iron Man 3 ($1.2 billion).

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Fuck you're stupid


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