Did people hate Lexx as much as it seems like...

Did people hate Lexx as much as it seems like? I've been watching it lately and don't really hear anyone talk about it now but there seems like a small fanbase loved it while everyone else didn't get it or absolutely hated it. It's the only sci-fi show i've ever had interest in enough to watch.

It does parody amazingly, and is much more interesting than typical space colonization as a utopia or grand fantasy space war shit every sci-fi series seems like. Anyone else watch it?

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>a show from 20 years ago must be hated because Sup Forums doesn't talk about it

Its creative and dynamic and does stuff that normally other series only touch on.

But it makes me feel nauseous to look at and all I can think about is how many careers this was the peak of.

Original Xev is best Xev

my dick enjoyed the show.

OOO way yo

I never got what this show was trying to do, it never went fully in one direction or the other. It had moments of brilliance (parts of season 3) and moments of utter shit and nonsense (a lot of season 4). Very odd, intentionally and not.

Yeah, it never really got a consistent plot going. It would get something going it seemed and then just 'lol changed our mind' or something and it just went in some insane direction.

Like, how am I supposed to quantify something's value if I can't count its likes or upvotes though?

Based on the complete non interest of the series and the only reason I ever heard it being discussed was it was mentioned prominently in a thread on another forum of worst Sci-Fi series.


I liked it alright. I just thought there were better shows on around that time. Chief among them being Farscape.

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>thread on another forum

Damn, you're really far up your ass. I wanted to have a discussion on a series I've only heard discussed as being absolute shit and fansites last updated in 2004. Your thread shitting has much more of a worthless opinion than any other posts currently.

no u

It's my favourite sci-fi of all time.

Season 1 > Season 2 > Season 4 > Season 3


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I love this show!


If they managed to pull off 4-5 seasons as good as seasons 1 and 2, it would be regarded a lot more fondly.

>By the box set
>Seasons 1, 2 and 3 are conveniently packed in the one case with season 4 sensibly quarantined in a separate clamshell
>throw out season 4


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I'm only on the fifth episode of Season 2 so hearing that is a shame. I think the reason the series is so great is that instead of the usual Diplomacy/ universal humanitarian values thing a lot of Sci-Fi series does, the Lexx universe is full of scummy, opportunists running crooked hospitals or space brothels or whatever and the infinite power of The Lexx is treated as nothing but an avenue for the crew to act as hedonist rogues and get a free ride with everything. It's a more cynical take on the genre so far with ghettos spread far and wide the universes so far which seems oddly more believable than the usual.

Season 3 is slow and agonizing.

Season 4 is just a piss take, watch it for the comedic value.

I honestly don't know why people hate season 3? In a way, it's the most consistent season of them all. The first two ones are somewhat random, then they take the series in a whole new direction in season 3. And after that return to the jokes and randomnes in the final season.

lexx was never as serious as Farscape.

farscape was never as funny as lexx.

agreed Zev's very cute
but Xev's inflated bimbo lips are top tier

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I guess that's true. Lexx was more of a show concerned with goofy fun.

A TV Show with no blacks in it and it was made in Germany too. Go back to Stormfront.

I only watched S1.

Why is Sup Forumstv/ conspiring to stifle all discussion of The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne?

Attached: Verne1.jpg (280x424, 12K)

>A television technological historic footnote, this work was the first hour-long series filmed entirely in HDTV format.

Kill yourself kid.

Why is reddit trying to kill simpsons, rome and sopranos threads?

Is this some really ironic shitpost trolling or do you just not like Lexx?

Newfags are cancer and should lurk more.