Dunkirk, the way it was meant to be seen

Dunkirk, the way it was meant to be seen.

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wtf lol how did you do that?

double dipped



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Nolan should just film himself taking a shit and it would be exactly the same as watching Dunkirk


>being such a whore for yous that you repost this shit


Does anyone unironically watch movies on their phones? My computer broke and I've bee watching some shows on it and it isn't so bad once you get used to it. I'm just watching shit like Trailer Park Boys which is horrible quality anyways


Used to watch anime on my iPod Nano 3rd Generation back when I was in university because I had a bunch of downtime between classes and didn't have a laptop or anything. To be honest the screen size doesn't make a huge difference because if you're watching it on a tiny screen you have it really close to your face so it's just like watching it on a big screen.

>wanting to experiencing Dunkirk
That's like wanting to experience getting shit on

that's weird to look at

how did you read the subs user

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The subs aren't as small as you might think. The only stuff that I couldn't read was like in Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei they have stuff written in the background and it's too small to see the subs. But the subs themselves are in a clear and visible white font.

Well Trump sure is a retard.


Pretty sure that pregnancy test reads positive.

Even watching movies on a small computer monitor is completely unacceptable. All you basement dwelling faggots who watch movies on your computer in your parents basement and think you are experts or even fans of film are kidding yourselves. Total plebs, the lot of you.

Heh. You will never know how I watch my movies. The beauty of anonymity.

Oooh tell us more about you pleb. How long have you been a basement dwelling faggot watching movies on a small monitor? I only ask because you brought it up.

You wouldn't be so mad if I hadn't hit a nerve, which tells everyone all they need to know

>2018 still toting "He mad bro"
You keep on keeping on.

I unironically watched Twin Peaks The Return on my phone, just to spite Lynch.

I don't think you get it lmao
Replying with such salt is just confirming the obvious

>not watching movies ripped from VCDs on your first generation iPod nano by changing its OS

literally better than VHS

This site has rules.

Do you really think I'm going to get banned for pointing out that watching movies on a tiny computer monitor is pleb-tier?
I don't think I have ever got under someone's skin so easily, this is bizarre and hilarious. You must be the most delicate and insecure little flower I have come across on the internet in an age. Cheer up bud.

I have an iphone x.

humans can only see at most 30 frames per second.

>That's like wanting to experience getting shit on
that's TLJ

i have done it while traveling. i watched get out, pitch black, and one flew over the cuckoos nest during the 6 hour holiday trek to see my family.

>you can't experience films on a phone
>you have to pay for tickets to see it in a movie theatre
>probably it is more expensive that way but you wanna experience the real way to see films right?
>the fact that I get money when you buy tickets is just a mere coincidence, don't pay attention to that and keep experiencing films

It's just that your "lmao"'s and infantile trollability places you under the age of 18.

Like I said just keep on keeping on. You'll face embarrassment and learn.

I win.


>Lynch movies getting played in theaters
He’s said a million times he thinks the best way to experience a movie is alone in the dark and with headphones on

This is how I've always watched anime. Pretty comfy in bed.

>Lost my ipod nano in a fucking corn field
I still miss it to this day, apple made solid mp3 players

go back

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Literally Trumps son.

obviously firing a warning shot

Thats what I do

On your 3rd generation iPod Nano? Surely you have better technology than that by now.

But yeah, I remember waking up in the morning on the weekends and watching Minami-ke in bed. It was very comfortable.

I used to watch porn on my Nat Geo.

Felt good mano.

i bet you watch nigger dicks on big screen

I hate his movies but I like him for this. His accent is very nice too.

How retarded do you have to be to think Lynch is still releasing movies into theaters?
Lynch doesn't make movies any more. He doesn't profit from movies he doesn't make. Unlike you retards, he actually cares about the experience of film.

this would be a fun thread if people weren't so upset about how other anons choose to watch movies. we could post our setups. have a good time. a few jokes. but no. this is Sup Forums

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exactly, on an ipad.

This isn't Sup Forums, Sup Forums can't appreciate the novelty and engineering that goes into making such small devices play movies. It's really amazing to have an S8 and see just how much of the phone is pure screen.

>in the dark
that fucks up you eyes though

That's okay because glasses are moé.

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>watching something on a 10 year old iphone with a 3" screen is the same as watching it on 2018 oled phablet

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I used to in the army all the time when I had down time during field exercises. Was pretty comfy


That was one time, and then I gave your mom the ultrasound.

I watched godfather on my phone