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cutting the flap in his stomach was worse than what was inside desu

Fuck it ill make webms. What scenes you guys want?

Post that scene from Will wonka where the grandpa licks the wall

Was talking about this movie

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mimicing alien at the end

>mfw that entire bear scene

I wasn't afraid. I was overjoyed.

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This movie was gud but i didnt get it

What was that actually supposed to be in his stomach? A worm or some shit?

>this food is good i just dont have taste buds

That's not how intestines work

Film is a visual medium. If it looks good, then it can still be good

Intestinal worms

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They're clearly not guts anymore at this point.

His DNA got mixed with some intestinal worms he maybe got infected with, or it came from just a worm somewhere else. But an intestinal worm is the creepier explanation. Remember that whole 'k bye imma be a tree now' thing? Like that but with worms.

Also I should note he probably died afterwards, and the weird remains of him we see is probably just mutated slime mold.

just a thinking movie, don't have to "get it".

It can be about cancer, which it is, or about duality and change and the incomprehensibility of the next moment to the next.

It's more like
>this food is good, what is it?

>about cancer

No. It's not about cancer, and the Thing isn't about AIDS. The truth is that Annilation is about depression, and self-destruction.

Man, the Event Horizon remake is really tame this time.

It's actually a Sphere remake.

has all the effect studio's been infected with autists? nobody seems to understand realistic movement even though the technology is supposedly getting better.

How do you go from this...

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Unironically, special effects aren't trying to look realistic because if they look realistic they come off as more unnatural and fake

What movie is this? Seriously, no idea.

that excuse only works for human faces because they look uncanny, not special effects in general.


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Oscar Issac is in that? I thought it was just women.

In Green Room when Anton Yelchin's arm gets macheted and that guy gets his stomach cut open.

The women make up the civilian expedition, but there are other characters - including the military unit that was the expedition before.

Don't get fooled that this is some feminist movie, because it is not. All of the main women are seriously flawed characters - including the protagonist, who cheated on her husband and basically made him go commit suicide by taking a mission with 0 chance of survival.

Oh, and the lesbian is absolutely nuts. It's like an anti-SJW movie.

she fucked her way to the top I heard

Is that some Valkytrie?


Why is Oscar Isaac in this Mexican Cartel video?

I want to FUCK that Guatemalan manlet.

>Food analogy

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Ho do I make webms user?

Dumb cunt paramedic needed to be shot right then and there desu

Don't post porn dude!

She's really aged poorly. Looks like she's in her late 40s

Oh, it shows

Fuck this must be a YLYL thread.

Cancer is a literal form of self-destruction


which scene(s)?

How come the psychologist disappeared in the middle of the final act only to turn up again randomly in that lighthouse chamber

What absolute trash writing

so by your logic it's only feminist if the women aren't flawed?

>everyone's DNA gets fired with just one thing
>Natalir portmans just happened to be some unsubtle snake-eating-itself tattoo

This film was dumb and retarded. The thinking man's scifi for thick people

Why didn't they just walk in along the beach to begin with?
Why didn't they go in by boat?
Why didn't they send in more than 5 people at a time?
If expeditions had been missing for 3 years, why wasn't everyone told to take extensive diary notes?
Why was the acting so bad?
Why did that woman guarding them stay in a little shack with a light on on the ground, instead of the tower where it was much safer?
Why didn't they try to tether themselves when first entering, then immediately come out?
Why did people only blend with one bit of DNA at once?
Why didn't they incrementally just burn the whole forest down?
Why did everything suddenly disintegrate except the mutations within Natalie Portmans character and her husband?

Honestly there wasn't much to this movie and an awful lot of dumb contrivances. Terraforming and the inability to contact properly with extraterrestrial intelligence is something that has been done many times before, it just feels like there was nothing new to this movie

Explain. Use your words, user.

Here you go, cucklet

I was torrenting this movie just now. Hovered over your webm and immediately canceled the download. Won't watch anything with this repulsive demon spawn in it. Hope everyone else enjoys the movie though

nosferatu - the mountain passage

It's just a trick of the light bro trust me i've got 10 years experience

THIS. The acting and writing in this film were both so bad

why are their actions so in sync, who thought this was a good idea

reminds me of the mexican cartel videos lol. nice dude.

i think its about earth creating an antivirus for the human population.

when natalie portman shoots the alligator

if you haven't seen the movie, there is a scene later that explains it, its intentional. Watch the movie.

more like

>go in
>see mutated flowers
>ait bois lets get back and get hazmat suits
>go in
>see shark alligator
>ait bois lets go back and get a fucking tank
>burn down the forest as we go along
>set up a base inside
>send in will smith and goldbloom, goldbloom figures out the entity feeds on energy
>call nasa tell them to block out the sun
>will smith smoking a cigar.jpg

fuck, I laughed harder than I should have at this.

so let me get this straight, the mirror swapped with natalie in the end, handed her the grenade, and ran out, or is the chick in the hospital the real one?


Hershlag - herself, but with ayy lmao dna mixed in
The fag from Star Wars - duplicate

The mirror got burned up, but Natialie was infected and although she is the original Natalie she is also part shimmer.

Her real husband died in the lighthouse, the husband at the end of the movie is a copy made by the shimmer.


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Anything with Oscar Isaac looking hot as fuck, no homo

is this porn, it's weird