Should I watch it?

Should I watch it?

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De Godfather of Tv


Do it, it's legitimately the best tv series ever made.
I would actually recommend doing a second run as well because there's a lot of stuff you won't pick up on the first time, keep in mind it's more like a drama and comedy just with a mob coating on it.

I've never been more immersed in a tv series (or a film) like it in my life, James Gandolfini put his heart and soul into making Tony a real living being (plus the writing and other cast performances are godly). It should still be on Prime.

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ive watched the complete series over 5 times, it never gets boring.

When I rewatched it for the first time I felt like the cop at the end of The Usual Suspects when I finally made the connection with the whorse/horse thing.
>She was a beautiful, innocent creature!
>What did she ever do to you?
Literally the greatest of all time. Season 6B was touched by God.

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>Ralphie loves Gladiator
>Is killed in hand to hand combat with a gladiator.

pure kino

It's more of a black comedy than your standard drama desu

You should kill yourself you memeing faggot.

Kill yourself nigger poster

Kill yourself 90s born scum

Just stop

Fuck off newfag. Youre killing Sup Forums with your fucking faggot shit. Lurk more cock sucker.

you hate yourself.

yes now fuck off and watch it before the spoilers roll in

I personally ban you from Sup Forums for the time being
leave NOW

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Stop ruining Sup Forums you little cunt.

Kill yourself tumblr