Sorry haters, but the Roseanne revival is a real treat

Here's the new intro:

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Other urls found in this thread: from:realdonaldtrump&src=typd&lang=en

But Sup Forums told me it was supposed to be redpilled!

It is. Gender creativity is the true redpill.


one of these things is not like the other


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This show had so many great comedy writers and producers who would go on to do other good to great comedies it's kinda disgusting.

Glad it's continuing the tradition.

Back to Sup Forums retard


no but nice trips my man

goddamn they are just so OLD now. i can't handle this lads

Well it does help that Norm is writing for the new season.

Jews are redpilled, it's why they're able to manipulate the goyim with their lies so well

whose the black girl's parent?

A threat to what? It's just another way to laugh at white trash.

A threat to the Trump presidency. That fucker is going down.

So where's David did he go gay like Darlene or is he just on another network...

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Roseanne needs to up her security game, that niglet ran right in off the street and tried to steal food.

>no young and handsome
not interested in show

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why are both beckys in OPs pic

Roseann is friends with norm so I like her

And wow Goodman looks better than ever! that's great

I thought Goodman died in the show.

Damn. Is it me or is there something slightly psychotic feeling about this intro? Like something's not quite right?

One of them became the true Becky and the other one was recast as a new character.

Is the dyke going to have a girlfriend though?

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What now, Sup Forums?

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what a non story thanks wapo

that boy wearing a choker? lol

i thought rosanne was /our Sup Forums girl/

If more jews were like Roseanne Sup Forums wouldn't complain

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who even remembers this show to care enough to watch this new season.

you have to be over 15 to remember the 90s sweetie

Even if you hadn't seen this show in the past it's on MeTV every day. There's no excuse not to watch MASH.

Token nog and weird young fag are weird, but I'll watch since I grew up watching this.


'96 Bulls > Warriors




Norm's writing this like he goes to the gym. He'll show up but who knows what the fuck he actually does there.


Have you seen the original?

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so both beckys are in the show? hows that work

wtf that's awesome!

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I'm 31 y/o but never watched the original. Was it actually redpilled? I dated a feminist bitch who claimed it was one of the all-time-great sitcoms back in 2007, but because she was a feminist I never took her opinion seriously.

wish I had a Darlene gf when I was in high school

what no you imagined that

should have had her be Becky for the first few and last few episodes, but Sarah be Becky for the middle few episodes.

The final episode of roseanne said she was actually dramatizing a lot of it for her book. Explaining "in reality" Dan had died from the heart attack at Darlene's wedding. Obviously this reboot is retconning a lot of things.

Different user, but it's redpilled in the sense that it depicts the American working class as realistically as it can. The early seasons were more about the family going through hardships and trying their best at having a slightly better life

It became the most popular show in America and Roseanne got pretty insane with power and the episodes took on a feminist slant. It does sound annoying, but it was always about the aging ideals of 60s/70s rebellion clashing with the younger generation's struggle to find their own identity.

Last season is unwatchable, but before that it was always entertaining and had some truly emotional moments.

Fuck no. Roseanne Barr is a Jew, and the show promoted homosexuality, promiscuity, etc etc. It was just very tame by modern standards.

>What I Figured Out About America's Future from visiting Trump resorts throughout the world
what a fucking rag

Original Becky is best Becky, full stop.

>reading Roseanne's Twitter
>every single reply to her tweets is BUBUBUBUBUBU BUT HILLARY
She's not president. Why are these retards so obsessed with her?

She was the better actor. Young Chalke had god awful delivery.

sarah gilbert is executive producer

whitney cummings is in charge of day to day oversite of the show

norm hasnt written for characters other than himself since doing 2 episodes of roseanne in 1993

i would like to extend my prayers and condolences to all parties involved

You say "young Chalke" as if she suddenly became a good actress later on. She didn't.

jews gonna jew their race mixing agenda

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Back to Sup Forums retard

Because she won't shut the fuck up and go away

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who are these alleged "haters" who have never even seen the new season yet? another clickbait headline posing as a review

Who is, uh, are we hate this? I'm confused, why did you address us as haters? I don't think we care about this show?

Who do you think? Go to any site's comments about this and you'll see an endless wave of "FUCK THIS TRUMP LOVING BITCH" comments

>The original cast is all so goddamned old
Man its gonna kill me when Goodman passes, seems like an all around great guy.

Is Galecki in this? Thought he'd be too expensive

Isn't Galecki a main cast member in the Goldbergs?

is roseanne Sup Forums?

He's in one episode but it's not because it's too expensive, it's because he's busy with BBT.

>Much has been made over Barr’s decision to have her alter ego be a Trump supporter, but in the episodes screened for critics, politics serve mainly as fodder for intrafamilial ribbing: Jackie passive-aggressively brings a bottle of Russian dressing to dinner; Roseanne counters with “Aunt Jackie thinks every girl should grow up and be president, even if they’re a liar, liar, pantsuit on fire.” Mercifully, Jackie and Roseanne end their election feud in a tearful hug by the end of episode 1.

>Some of the best moments center on the family’s attempt to understand Darlene’s son, Mark (Ames McNamara), a 9-year-old who likes to wear skirts and “colors that pop.” Roseanne and Dan are befuddled by the boy’s clothes and worry he’ll get bullied at school

lol the executive producers son is trans... yeah you guys are going to love this show i cant tell already

>little black girl outta fucking nowhere
Would make zero sense for a poor ass white trash family in bumfucksville to adopt so wtf

I think you mean 25 skipper

so you fuckin telling me in the roseanne original show the final was the black haired girls weeding on wich her father died

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What about Mark?

It would honestly be weirder if they didn't mention Trump. That's kind of a big thing to just gloss over.

You guys ever watch Last Man Standing? There was a whole multi-episode arc with Tim Allen obsessively supporting Romney for president and getting depressed when he lost.

>liar liar pantsuit on fire

is the most memorable gag the reviewer could write about

Big Black Traps?


>She's not president
why do cucks keep repeating this?
OJ isn't president either.

when will this bigotry against haters stop? do they feel proud hate shaming people? are they so naive to think that only white people can hate?

it must stop.

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And we stopped talking about OJ a long time ago.

Have you missed that OJ is in the news again for some reason? I guess he's doing a sequel to "If I Did It."

Also, the problem is that Trump and co. are using her as a distraction from their own faults. The president doing the shit he's doing is a lot worse.

Trump hasn't said shit about Hillary in ages.

Bull fucking shit he hasn't. Hang on a sec. from:realdonaldtrump&src=typd&lang=en

I hate looking at this retard's tweets but I made an exception just because it's so easy to prove you wrong.

Well this place sure got quiet fast.

Fuller House is unironically great. Just wanted to say that.

Based Netflix. Nothing but quality.