Cast it

Cast it

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it's never happening, just accept it

Jesus H., I need to read that fucking book.

>this post

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Judge Holden. Only correct choice.

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he looks nothing like the judge, good glanton though

The Kid

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He'd need to bulk up a bit. Holden is 6'5" and fleshy.

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Eroll from True Detective as Holden.

He's 6'2". Some camera trickery and stacked heels and he could add another half a foot.

He'd be perfect.

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Viggo would gain the weight

He's a big guy.


He's seven feet tall my man.

There's a scene as well where he's selling a revolver to two Mexican soldiers and it reads "the top of the Mexicans heads came to the Judges armpit. "

He's a monster.


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He's 7ft in the book that's an IRL description of him.

Yeah, the guy was real.



this or viggo desu

ooo not bad

Fuck. Cover that little hair patch at the back of his head with your thumb and he's perfect.



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That description is from chamberlains 'My Confessions'


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Tobin the expriest

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Been meaning to pick up this book. Is it good or does it just have a following of edgy teens

you can make him look that tall easy

it's a great book desu

Perfect actually

Nice. Actually better than who I was gonna post.

Very good book. A good chunk of it is very descriptive regarding them crossing deserts and shit but outside of that each scene is great.

Its one of those books that is for adults and teens just get the wrong idea. Kind of like fight club. The novel itself is a masterpiece.

Captain White

It's written in a very strange but endearing type of prose. Can be hard to understand at times but it's very good at helping you imagine the scenes.

The closest way to describe it would be like reading a nightmare.

>mfw somewhere out there today there's probably descendants of this guy running around Texas, not knowing who they descend from

The gang were serial rapists its possible

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Sam Rockwell as Toadvine


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>not white jackson

The Kid

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Tom Holland as The Kid
Buffed up Stephen Merchant as The Judge (makeup similar to Logan)
Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Glanton

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All the Delawares

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Read Cormac McCarthy in this order before reading BM:
The Road (very accessible)
No Country for Old Men
Child of God
Blood Meridian
Border trilogy

The final 5 books are the best with BM being GOAT

This movie will only work with long and gratuitous shots of the wildnerness. Particularly the part where the kid goes into the mountains.

The Kid could be played by Will Poulter.

Too old and tall

Tom Holland may actually be a good choice. He's for that young look to him.

Steve as Holden though. KEK!

Viggo is the only one I can see pulling off the grotesque yet charismatic nature of Holden

Who to direct?
Refn could handle the visuals and gore but probably not the heady dialogue
Coens would be good
John Hillcoat, maybe? The Proposition was close
It needs a strange, dreamy tone.

Andrew Dominik

Coppola in his prime probably could, I don't think there's anyone alive today that could

Coens since they captured NCFOM's atmosphere and Anton Chigurh's unstoppable evil presence pretty good.
PTA for good scenic long shots of the desert as they travel
Tarantino if you want it to be an action-pack gorefest

The film would have to be very carefully executed in how it treats the passing of time. In the book whole months may pass in a sentence. So think directors that have successfully edited films where they play with time. Nolan is good but not quite right.
I would go Villanueve


That was my first thought

Definitely not

>completely ignores the characters to film grass for two and a half hours with whispered voiceovers citing passages from the book
could probably even work

>finally read the book
>it's violent white man's fantasy with total shit prose

One of the worst books I've ever read. Can't even tell who is speaking. Full of disgusting, disgusting content. I don't understand why it is praised so much it portrays white people as total scum, it portrays everyone as total scum.

mexicans are manlets tho

you can do better than that

that's the whole point. The wild west wasn't romanticized setting for good cowboys fighting petty thieves and dueling at high-noon over a game of poker. People were truly fucked up during that era of westward expansion

Nah, Suttree is the GOAT. It'd be more easily adaptable to film as well.

this this this this this this this

you missed the point

How is that enjoyable? The book felt like getting beaten up and robbed.

Not every book needs a happy ending

Literary fiction isn't supposed to be completely plot-driven. The whole novel examines the depravity of people outside the confines of law and order. The judge was a figure who saw order in war, and couldn't live without stirring shit up.

Who is Idris Elba going to be?

God no. I'd fall asleep half way through his customary "narrator questioning the meaning of everything" shtick

fuck you

Blood Meridian is a dream project of mine. The color pallet of the movie has to be fucking RED or crimson. Or a color pallet captures the heat of the desert and reflects the blood lust

The soundtrack also has to god-tier. Absolutely no electronic or synths. Has to be pure acoustics. I always think violin or guitar, an instrument with strings. It has to be fucking creepy and dark

He in my opinion is the best guy for the job, but if they really want to do the Judge some justice they're going to have to use a ton of prosthetics and special effects. Judge looks like something unworldly. Literally a giant pale devil baby.

And lastly if a Blood Meridian movie were ever to be made it MUST be NC-17

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>The color pallet of the movie has to be fucking RED or crimson.
Yes. Good taste right off the bat.
>the soundtrack also has to god-tier. Absolutely no electronic or synths.
Electronics or synths? It would just be Sergio Leone my man
>but if they really want to do the Judge some justice they're going to have to use a ton of prosthetics and special effects
This is why Viggo Mortensen should play him. He would gain weight and then you can make him look fleshy, bulbous, and tall.
And lastly if a Blood Meridian movie were ever to be made it MUST be NC-17
Haha you are right but I don't remember there being anything in the book that they don't show in rated R movies.

It a fantasy project of mine as well, but I am not convinced the timing of the plot could be pulled off in film.

I would love to see the Coens have a run at it, they obviously have a love of McCarthy's work and have proven their aptitude in the western genre.

Why do redditors like this comic book so much

the judge was completely anti-order. he wanted to bring about his own form of "order" (if you could even call it that) by fucking burning everything to the ground

>reading comprehension
that's what i said

I don't think they do films unless there is a level of comedy to it, per their "brand." But I would love to see them do a crack at it. They do violence all the time.
Is Coen violence hardcore enough? I think so.

They did No Country, one of McCarthy's, albeit weaker, novels. Both have 2 "unstoppable evils" in Chigurh and the judge, and also gore, with BM gore ramped up to 1000. They definitely love his stuff and have an idea of how to capture McCarthy's vision of the west

Think about it...

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This is true. There is no comedy to No Country. Maybe its Tommy that gets them riled up...

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Judge Holden

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he'd be best as tobin.

I'm wondering who could play the Delaware's. I enjoyed the chapter where they attend a party dressed in fine clothes yet are only described as "menacing". These two would be good.

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>huge and pale and hairless like an enourmous infant. He never sleeps, he says. He says that he will never die.

give him the hobbit treatment

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no country was also intended to be a movie from the beginning. the coen brothers pretty much copied the novel verbatim for the screenplay. BM would be much harder to translate. The imagery is far more intense and could easily come off as gratuitous. I would love to see the coens take on the judges monolouges. The one where he strides along the ramparts, naked, during an electric storm give an old testament style speech would be amazing.

There's a black man in the group so him.

it's dogshit. mccarthy is a fart sniffer.

The rape and child killing is brutal.

>Naked 12 year old girl in Holdens tent
>Naked 1 year old with his neck broken after being violated by Holden
>The Indians raping soldiers as they slaughter them
>Tree of dead babies
>The Indian kids being swung by the legs and their heads bashed off rocks
>The retard being led about like a dog on a leash covered in shit
>The dog trying to escape the fire as it burns alive
>The little baby bear getting shot

Those are some things I think theyll be iffy in portraying accurately

He's still in good contention as the Judge, makeup is a magical thing.

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Between these two big guys desu

devito would be a great choice for the retard in the cage that eats his own shit and gets implied raped by the judge

I'm not even memeing

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>Blood Meridian is a dream project of mine. The color pallet of the movie has to be fucking RED or crimson. Or a color pallet captures the heat of the desert and reflects the blood lust

>The soundtrack also has to god-tier. Absolutely no electronic or synths. Has to be pure acoustics. I always think violin or guitar, an instrument with strings. It has to be fucking creepy and dark

what vision. what insight. a fucking regular stanley kubrick we got over here

It would be essential for the film’s soundtrack to soley be composed with a yaybahar

It has such a brilliant, alien quality that would perfectly encapsulate the tone of the novel

Just get Tarantino to direct and the rest will fall into place.

Liam Hemsworth as Bathcat.

Tim hecker, t bone burnett and harold budd for the soundtrack

Heavily dramatized... yes.

What do you want, 10 pages breaking down an entire plan for every single scene?

idris elba

I always pictured Glanton as Viggo desu

I like it

Tom Hardy- Judge Holden
Mel Gibson - Glanton
Idris Elba - David Brown
Aaron Paul- Toad

Ed Harris as that guy in the bar that scolds the kid and talks about God's wrath.

El Topo had some pretty messed up shit, but that was made in the 70's, when directors had actual creative freedom, unfettered by moralfaggots and revisionist leftists