This movie is a complete joke, what the fuck...

This movie is a complete joke, what the fuck, the first half hour is just bleak sound effects while people are talking about nothing and staring "deeply" into the distance. Is this what dumb people think a movie for smart people is like?

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>"user annihilation was so great"

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Now I'm at the "all women scientists and two of us are black and one is a lesbian XD" part, Jesus Christ.

How did RLM actually like this?

Actual fucking retards.

Pleb detected

the absolute cardboard box of nu/teevee/. stay lynched kiddo.

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before the release of today. this crap of a movie was 24/7 praised for every fucking faggot on earth. Now it's a fucking shit.


I agree 100%. This is the kind of movie that retards walk out of thinking they saw something "deep" and "intelligent" when the movie fails to even have achieve passable dialouge/ writing. You throw some decent philosophical musings in an otherwise dumpster fire of a movie and normies will think they just watched the next 2001SO

>tfw to smart too sell your movie to retards

Pretty much every "research team goes to research shit" movie I've seen so far is more intellectual, like Abyss or Sphere or Leviathan.

Kek you retard it's light on dialogue for a reason, sorry your dipshit brain must be force fed information

The movie was fairly good with the exception of her getting blacked. Solid 7.5/10 or 8/10 imo

nu/tv/ are the underages, brainlets, and rlm dick riders who thought this fucking 4/10 schlock was a good scifi film. I swear to god, half the arguments I hear praising this movie are just "it wasnt an action movie" and "it took its time" as if those qualities alone make it a good film. You fucks are all so used to star wars and capeshit that the second something different comes along you all start blindly sucking it's dick

How is it light on dialogue? I'm 45 minutes in now and it's all just women talking about complete bullshit that I don't give a shit about.

Red Letter Media likes it.

Therefore your opinion is Wrong.


This is what I mean by brainlets who enjoyed the movie. This user clearly lacks basic reading comprehension. If he could read properly he'd know I didn't complain about a lack of dialouge, but I complained laughably awful dialouge.

Just wait until the movie tries to discuss psychology and philosophy. It's literally like a 9th graders first attempt at deep edgy poetry and it's delivery is comical

This movie is all dialouge except for the last 20 minutes you fucking retard...

It was decent. The bear scene was actually freaky. But it just doesn't go the entire distance and it ends on a predictable cliffhanger that's a bit of a groaner.

>her getting blacked

Every single time, it's actually starting to annoy me. Let the other guy be asian or samoan for once, fucking hell.

There's literally a 5 minute scene where Portman and some girl's gym teacher-looking molester dyke are reassuring each other and asking each other if they're ok and if they slept enough and shit. Holy fuck.

The entire fuckinf setup of the film doesnt make sense. Theres no reason 5 women scientists would just arbitrarily decide to go into the center of the shimmer, where 5 teams have died previously, on foot and without any protective gear. Why the fuck wouldnt they drive or go in helicopter when its established the mechanical things still work in the shimmer? Why wouldnt they study things around the edge of the shimmer without going all the way into it? The writing is extremely haphazard and just wants to move the plot forward without making any sort of considerations about how scientists would actually approach this.

It's a great movie but I would have changed some Thing.
>Remove the whole beginning of the film. 1st Shot is a cold opening of the Team Walking towards the Shimmer.
>Remove every Scene with her husband and the black Lover
>Instead we get flashback to the Team introducing themselves to each other and learning about their reasons for going in as the movie Progresses
>Add a couple of more Scenes with her husband inside the shimmer
>Him being her husband is now supposed to be a Kind of plot-Twist at the end of the movie


They probably tried those things in earlier expeditions you retard

I read on Sup Forums that some chick was supposed to have cancer and that's why she always talks like a nihilistic disinterested bitchface lesbian with a dried up womb.

60 minutes in and I couldn't guess which one it was until they said it.

>former team died with hazard suits
>better go in myself just wearing a jump suit and with no fucking clue what Im doing

>Fuck it the guys with the suits aren't coming back either, stop wasting money on them

You have poor deduction skills

It is a cliffhanger because the book series continues. It's not in the sense that it's dramatic, even though it's played up like a Twilight Zone twist ending. What word would you use?

>accusing anyone else of having poor deduction skills
>thinks scientists would just keep sending teams of people in over and over again with no plan or idea of what theyre looking for and eventually just go in themselves for "reasons"

And why wouldnt a helicopter work? Its literally established the mechanical things and electronic things work fine, it's just signals that get scrambled

>Portman is fucking a random negro
Thanks Obama.

I only watched half of the movie and it's absolutely BOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIING. The actresses are fucking annoying. Looks like following a day in the life of some random middlle aged women talking about their breast cancer


Why didn't they just bomb it?

>we throw a lot of people on vietnam and everyone is dead now.

>Ok, in future wars they go with a pajama and a fork then

Fucking kek

Nothing they decide to do makes any amount of sense. To add to your metaphor
>we sent tens of thousands of people to vietnam and they all died
>what are we doing in vietnam again?
>idk, but lets send more people!

>retarded bitch that cuts herself has flowers grow from the cutting scars on her arm

Could this shit be any more tumblr?

Also, do they really allow mentally insane people who cut themselves into the military now?

Literally how science works. Repeat experiment with slightly altered conditions. This experiment was the full women variation of the conditions. People like you are ruining cinema.

The dialogue felt annoyingly minimal, it was short where it needed to be but also too short when there should have probably been more. It was hard to care about the cast because there wasn't enough to them I felt.
I don't know, I wasn't so hot about the acting either but I didn't hate the film entirely, there were good elements here and there.

Apparently they need to send armed scientists with guns to study things, because if trained military teams couldnt handle it, then maybe a bunch of nerds who can barley fire a gun will be able to survive...

>all the brainlets that are in moms basement now torrented it and have to start shitting on the movie now


Scientists literally don't figure out what something is by sending people into over and over again so that they die. Do you honestly fucking think that when space travel first became possible we just kept shooting people into space killing them over and over again until we figured out how space works?

>Too intellectual for Euros
>Better to give it a wide release in burgerland

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i don't know who i am
am i you
are you me
i can't bear it
it's inside me
i don't like it
it's not like us
it's unlike us

You don't want to agree with a dog raper, do you?

>all the brainlets are now praising the shit out of it because rlm told them it was good

He honestly wasn't hard enough on the movie. 6/10 is very generous

so kinda like arrival?

I wish there was more 'memory loss' stuff. I really like how it just cut to them having already set up camp, and not having any recollection of doing that or staying there a few days already. That coupled with the sense that they really are losing it would have worked well. I feel stuff like that could have fit into the parts they wasted flashing back to Natalie fucking that guy, or the scenes of her report to asian-guy-in-hazmat man.

So it's Arrival and Blade Runner 2049 all over again?

I liked it. Genuinely. Yeah all lesbian team was a bummer but the plot and ending was fine

Much worse. It's like if Arrival had super dark/ edgy dialouge written by a high schooler

Why do some guys get so butthurt when they see a woman having consensual sex with a black man? Herschlag isn't even a white woman. Why the anger?

>getting fucked in the ass by a crystal doppelganger with random synth shit playing


It's because it's so obviously a hamfisted agenda. You never see this shit with any other race combos, it's always white woman + black man and the frequency of that combo appearing in media is ramping up more and more.

So this was basically all just stupid Kalergi propaganda?

"the alien didn't come to destroy anything, it just came to mix up our dna, it's all still there, it's just mixed" - they literally say that in the end

The movie tagline should honestly have been;

>Burn The Coal, Pay The Toll

I thought Jews weren't white?

>thinking everyone on Sup Forums watches RLM

No. In anycase there were threads way before that review dropped.

The doppelganger had a vagina actually


I noticed that slit too. What was the fucking point of adding that?

here here, calm down.

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Looks like they're literally made of garbage, is this really how Transformers look now?

People say it's smart and that no one is seeing it because everyone else is dumb, he can't fully hate on it and risk losing film connoisseur cred.

I mean, it did

Space isn't slowly advancing towards us dsestroying everything in it's path. And space doesn't break the laws of nature and logic. The shimmer was a desperate situation.

Arrival and 2049 are kino, so yes.

But in this movie them the interracial scene is meant to show how fucked up she is. This movie literally condemns getting Blacked.

>watching RedditLetterMedia
go back.


>how did rlm like this
Mike loves shitty movies and Jay is a queer

>let me fixate on the irrelevant part of his point and hope nobody notices I ignored the relevant one
you're in the movie's target audience I see

Your argument was wrong. Sorry if discussing a movie is too much for your brain.

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>continues desperately obfuscating
is this like a symbolic thing? you trying to imitate the movie in shitposting form?

>not even coming with arguments at this point