Okay, this sounds retarded, but I need help

Okay, this sounds retarded, but I need help.
My friend has a sister, she's 15, soon turning 16, and apparently, she likes movies. He gave me her letterboxd account (which I won't post here for obvious reasons) and he told me that she'd be ok to hang out with us and watch some kino.
She seems very chill though, and we already like the same music so even if my movie taste doesn't 100% agree with hers, I'll still have something to talk about.

I need some movies recommendations, her six most recent likes are Brigsby Bear, Short term 12, Broken (2012), Control (2007), The Green Mile and Hot Fuzz.

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Thanks user, I'll check it out
A movie without sex scenes would be ideal, otherwise it'll be too awkward

Smash her tight teen puss before someone else does, 2-3 year age difference is nothing :^)


It is though, legally

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>Not already planning to watch Lolita with her
The ABSOLUTE STATE of this board

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15 is legal in Islam

user just j-j-j-JAM IT IN

>she already saw it and rated it 4 stars
what did she mean by this?

Watch Ken Park with her.

>Various California teenagers (James Ransone, Tiffany Limos, Stephen Jasso) display disturbing behavior, including casual sex and violence.
Hmmmmmm yeah maybe when we know each other better but for a first impression I don't think that'll do it

holy fuck you're a bitch, you're seriously worried about a 2-3 year age difference? 16 is legal in the vast majority of the world. What exactly is odd about finding girls who are nearly or completely sexually mature attractive

idk where he lives but the vast majority of the world would have this be legal. 16 is legal almost everywhere and since he's only 18 15 is likely legal as well

I loved his documentary about Baseball

It IS legal where I live, but it's more of a moral thing.
If she makes a move on me, it's a whole different story of course

It’s always the same story, young user.

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>no I won't try to get into her pants until blah blah blah

What's the point of this thread? Delete it immediately.

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there's nothing immoral about it, cuck.
It's feminist bs to try to force the government to push the age up.
If she's not fucking you (a stand up lad I'm sure) then she's fucking some 16 year old dumbass that just wants to impress his school friends.

I don't think she drinks. We were drinking beer with my friend once and he gave her a sip to try it and she made the same face as pic related

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Do it nigger

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If you put it like this, sure. But it's still my bro's sister, idk

>having the same taste as a 16yo roastie.

...I don't though. I hated Short term 12, and i thought the rest was meh, except TGM

>mods remove that hilarious piss jug thread, yet leave this up

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>It IS legal where I live, but it's more of a moral thing.
Just imagine being this much of a faggot

Stop being a faggot and smash that before someone else does.

Just fuck her. You know that the REAL reason you posted this was to get our thumbs up for that

>user we have the same taste its so cute user its my boyfriend he's 23 years old and his favourite movie is fast and furious 2

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>Sssshe has to bang me...

absolute state of soyboys

They did it for what?

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if you are 18 and she is 16 and you aren't trying to smash you are mad gay

when you go to your friends house take lots of really long shits there, make this a practice for years.
eventually one day the sister will need to shower while youre shitting and because she's so comfortable with you she'll tell you to close your eyes for a sec so she can step in the shower.

>eventually one day the sister will need to shower while youre shitting and because she's so comfortable with you she'll tell you to close your eyes for a sec so she can step in the shower.
what happens after?

She's probably already more sexually experienced than you. Go for it.

I second this. Great first date movie. Perfect for jailbaity indie chicks

well come on you know