Did it clone itself of did one walk up behind it i rewatch this 1000 scene times and still dont get it

did it clone itself of did one walk up behind it i rewatch this 1000 scene times and still dont get it

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A clone walked up behind. The whole point of the movie is how the shimmer clones and/or mutates DNA/genes.

ok then 3 people had this same tattoo on their hand the man with the snake in his guts the dyke and lena did the shimmer clone the dyke and lena putting that on them if so where are the real ones

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>ok then 3 people had this same tattoo on their hand the man with the snake in his guts the dyke and lena did the shimmer clone the dyke and lena putting that on them if so where are the real ones

the same war it cloned bambi but it skin was fucked up cause it added more shit to it

and the bear that took the woman wasnt the same bear that came after them it was a clone with the new imprint of a voice mimicker

I mentioned this a couple days ago. Lena didn't have the tattoo yet when she tested her blood. If you look at the scene you can make it out as if it was fading in.

I assumed she "infected" herself when she took that sample from the dude in the pool. Not sure about the significance of the dyke.

Another user here said it appears when people are freaking the fuck out.

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with in the shimmer when a cell divides it adds other thing to it

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The whole thing with the shimmer is it copies stuff, usually distorting it in some way but ultimately replicating. The dyke sees the tattoo and the virus replicates it on her, Lena sees it and the virus replicates it. The ouroboros symbol of a serpent eating its own tail relates to infinity, like the infinite reproduction of the virus. It's a whole lot of symbolism for a very basic idea they end up spelling out later anyway, put there so fags like me can pat ourselves on the back for getting it.

i hate when they flood scifi with bullshit metaphor and symbolism it takes away from the fucking scifi turning it into bullshit woohoo hippy shit

It's uncanny

That's pretty much this movie in a nutshell. Take the manbearpig, it kills a woman then uses her dying screams for help to lure out more prey. That's a terrifying idea and very good sci-fi horror. Then we're told by the intelligent science girl that the dead woman had actually melded her consciousness with the manbearpig on dying somehow because prism waves before she becomes a tree.

i didnt take what she said serious and went with your first explanation it was a mimic bear from the mutations

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i want to know the conversation Oscar Isaac had with it why the fuck did this bitch have to fight it

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She was only guessing though, I don't know if it's more clear cut in the book, haven't read it.

Seeing how his team of organised soldiers fell apart in the shimmer, culminating in his broken self having a discussion about existence with the duplicate before it returned to his home as him would have been a better film.

when he meet it he was excited when she meet it she ran and try to kill it want to see how it responded

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That was fucking brutal. The only time it didn't imitate her was when she pulled the pin and ran, so it had probably developed some kind of sentience by then. Welcome to existence I guess. Enjoy.

Why would you go in the hole though? After seeing that video I would've peaced out, maybe thrown a few grenades down there before leaving. No meme responses like "it fucks with your thinking bro" because she was clearly lucid and rational the whole time.

I dunno man, as soon as it showed the hole I was like I want in that hole.

what's the name of the movie?

her fighting it and trying to get away made no sense to me after seeing what was on the camera know your husband is dead i would have wanted to know what it was even at the cost of my life

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The Blackening of Hershlag

She heard the last survivor down there and at that point I'd finish the job.

BLACKED: The Movie

every tiem i forget where i am when asking for a movie name :(

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its like adventure time mother gum when someone meets it copies that person and part of it goes off no part of the chick with cancer wanted to leave after meeting it so it just adsorbed her it t copied lena tried to get in her mind to fully become her and he fucked it

maybe a new mother gum will grow from her being infected and the copy of Oscar Isaac

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Tell me about the skulls, why are there fucking here

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~~**bEcAuSE iT'S k00L & sP00PY XD**~~

Oscar Isaac was in there for a year going mad

>Literally run into a dilapidated version of her current home
>she has little to no reaction to it

The fuck

i think that was a fuck it on the making on the movie right when you walk into her house there are 3 pictures on the wall in the house they enter only had one

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I hate how no one ever talks sense in these movies. why can't they just calmly sit down and have a rational discussion about the events going on REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I feel like they really wanted us to notice the similarity, and that there were picture frames missing, and wonder what the photo that is there actually is, but didn't want to bring attention to it with her character.

Why did it spread the phosphorus grenade and destroyed everything

Why would a phosphorus grenade of all things kill it ?

> i dont think it died i think when held her hand and copied her face it became self aware and saw it was a mutation and saw that it had infected her and already have a copy alive outside of the shimmer so it chose to destroy the other mutations and live as lena and kane

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>wat do with fire

Goddamn alien you dumb

It wanted to spread the fire to its genepool before realizing it got played like a born fool.

>muh self destruction
if you paid attention to the shitty exposition when they were on the boats, it's explained everyone who volunteers for the mission is self-destructive/suicidal. That's why no one ever gets out except the husband and Lena, but they still struggle with it. Same with her husband, only a part of him was self destructive, but in the end he lost the struggle and killed himself whereas Lena is a stronk independent woman who defeats her inner demon and literally and figuratively destroys the part of herself that was self-destructive, which the alien had copied, which is why it becomes an hero.

A part of her got merged with it, causing it to do her bidding which was to kill itself. She won, she was strong enough to eliminate it

I still can't get over the fact that this supposedly high-intellect sci-fi movie has an entire alien ecosystem that's constantly evolving destroy itself because all of it tries to replicate fire at once.

well if the ending wasnt forced in and it was written for kane to also die when it died part of it is still alive in both of them

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What was up with Kanes accent being completely different in the immolation video? He really did lose his shit in there

She was probably wrong though. One of the recurring story beats is the characters misunderstanding the shimmer and applying their own baggage to it. Like Tessa Thompson thinking it's new agey woo bullshit and deciding to lay down and die because she's done with feeling pain, Gina Rodriguez seeing it as a sort of hell, Ventress seeing it as "annihilation" because she's a nihilist faced with death, etc.

The closest and most realistic explanation is basically just The Color Out of Space: an incomprehensible entity crashes (or the crash rends space-time and let's it in) and it unconsciously starts altering the world like an animal acting on instinct. Everyone trying to act like it's an agent of action was externalizing their issues on it

dont think it it was a creature think of it as just force of nature it as even replicating radar signals so when faced with fire it just did what what the laws that govern it told it to

>read pic related
>cool stuff, let's make it into a movie
>make movie that has absolutely nothing to do with the source material except DUDE SPOOKY ZONE, MUH LIGHTHOUSE, FEMALE PROTAGONISTS LMAO
what the fuck were they thinking

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is the book just 100% hard scifi

I find it hard to accept that an alien lifeform that replicates fire on instinct would survive long enough to make it out of its own planet, let alone make it to ours. It's just 2deep4u symbolism about self-destruction that makes no sense given all known life follows a basic program to survive and reproduce above all else.

it wasnt a life form it was a force like gravity its only law is to replicate reality sounds life radar FIRE NO MATTER WHAT well that people theory about the ending

i saw it as it became self aware and saw what it was and chose destroy all the other mutations and live on as lena and kane

I got the impression it wasn't so much a "life form" or the usual alien species shit as just a strange dormant cell stuck on an asteroid through space that finally happened to land somewhere that sparked its life again.

the book is fucking terrible though.

The real question is, did the shimmer manage to duplicate Kane's house purely from his memories?

it's unironically very lovecraftian

>Sir, the bubble is continuing to expand at an increasing rate, it will contact this base within two months, the first city three months after that, we estimate it will cover the entire earth within two years. It is the gravest threat the human race has ever faced. The last team we sent in comprised of highly trained special forces completely disappeared
>Suggestions lieutenant?
>We have a thirty man team made up of the best soldiers we have along with the best scientists from both America and the EU who specialize in xenobiology. My plan is that we have them board a US Navy destroyer just north of the edge of the bubble along the coast, then we sail south at full power. We should be at the lighthouse within 45 minutes from mission launch.
>Hmm, its a good plan. But I've decided to go with something else. Remember that psychologist we hired to screen the teams going in? Dr Ventress? Well she wants to lead a team into the shimmer.
>S-sir? A psychologist? What could she possibly-
>She also wants to take a cutter, a hoodrat lesbian, a suicidal geologist, and some lady who cheated on her husband and feels guilty about it.
>Sir is.. is this a joke? Are you messing with me right n-
>This is deadly serious lieutenant, and I suggest you start treating it that way.
>Yes sir, and the destroyer, we take them down the coast that way then?
>Nah were just gonna have em walk in, longest possible route, should take em about a week to get there encountering god knows what along the way

What brilliant writing. Absolute genius gentlemen.

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He was becoming part of the being itself and the other soldiers he went in with. Literally picking up some traits from them He isn't even sure who he is anymore by the time he offs himself

no it left out 3 pictures

>it wasnt a life form it was a force like gravity
That makes even less sense. Gravity isn't a magical force, it's a result of mass.
A replicating cell is a living organism, by very definition.

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I feel like this is far worse than just the bear mimicking people

well it was a retarded space version of evolution that aliens sent to earth as an experiment to survey life it mission was to read the cells of every creature / material then run experiments on them by swapping in genes and making clones and it got fucked by fire

Oh wow the infinity sign that's like soo fucking deep *slurps soy drink*

The difference is mimicry is something we understand as an absolute possibility, there are birds who can mimic the sound of cars for example, so a creature mimicking screams in order to lure people to their deaths is within the realm of possibility, it's terrifying because actual creatures could evolve in such a way, whereas mind-melding 'her soul is trapped in the bear' stuff is just retarded hippy shit.

This movie was shit.

You're the first person I've heard speak positively of the book

Could be that Kane subconsciously blocked those pictures out. Would fit with the whole self destructive theme.

That still doesn't explain why it made all of it try to emulate fire at once when so far we'd seen clear distinctions between mutated creatures (the alligator-shark wasn't also a manbearpig and they both weren't also glass trees).


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Kane was really really really really bored

Is it ever mentioned how much time total they spent in The Shimmer? I was wondering since they said it would spread over the facility within in a few months.

in made in abyss there is a bird who mimics creatures it kills to lure in more people to its nest that idea is terrifying

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What I'm wondering is why Kane's mimic started suffering organ failure and internal bleeding. Not fully adapted?

that why i think the fire didnt kill it simply destroyed all of the rest of things it didnt need after becoming self aware and live as adam and eve in kane and lena

In the first scene of the film the fat chinese guy says 'You were in for nearly four months'.

>Kane was really really really really CRAZY

We were showed the body of sheppard and saw that her throat got bitten out. So it was pretty obvious that the bear took her vocal chords and merge it inside itself.

it only purpose was to meet lena after that it started to self distrust not until the mother shimmer died did it come back to life cause it was the only one left

So I'm guessing this movie is on torrent sites now since there's a shitload of threads all of a sudden and you virgins don't ever go to the theater.

Sounds like somebody wants a link

over the past year only two movies i wanted to see in theater this and blade runner and this isnt in my country


maybe you should go back

Why was she begging the bear for mercy anyways

Not like it could understand her pleas

It doesn't need Lena, though. With duplicate Kane out of the shimmer it could reproduce freely already.

>At last, i truly and finally have become Annihilation, now available to stream on Netflix globally

Ah jesus come on that line was unnecessary


A lot of people didn't even get the movie in their area, or it's already out of their theater. It came out on Netflix, and yes there are torrents now. Not really shocking that much more people that post here will have seen it.

>It goes from splicing genetics resulting in fantastical mutations to a manbearpig eating out vocal chords and assimilating them into itself like Sylar from Heroes and somehow also knowing how to manipulate said chords perfectly

The more I think about this film the more retarded it gets.

Not in cinemas in Europe
I would be pretty mad if I paid to see this trash though, so I'm glad for that

What in the name of fuck makes you think she was begging the bear for mercy?

It needs Lena to understand itself. For the first time it is "completely human" but still confused. Kane and Lena are next step in evolution and we do not know what they are or if the shimmer alien even has the ability to create shimmer again.

it's pretty good compared to the movie

Nigger we see the shimmer in both of their eyes at the very end, the entire shimmer is creating more shimmer at all times, that is the very point of the shimmer.

The running theme of self destruction.

she wasnt telling the man bear pig help she was calling for help from the women seeing how the flower deer made a clone for itself and it skin was fuckedup cause the shimmer always adds something new did the man bear also clone it self but this time mutated with the sound of her voice instead of a man bear pig roar instead of that stupid explanation the woman gave about her mind being trapped in the bear

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A fucking aneurysm is pretty good compared to the movie.

Someone please answer this for me.

For those who have it on Netflix is it in 4K?

Are there any 4K rips out there?

BBC: Anus Annihilation

true, can't say I would enjoy an aneurysm like I did the book though

I really hoped the black lesbian would die first

She literally said "pleeaaaaseee" multiple times

Watch the scene again on youtube