Was it rape?

was it rape?

Attached: fclub.jpg (480x360, 19K)


Holy shit, I remember thinking this was a good body


Fight Club was 25 years ago

t. 'Strongfat' looking goblinoid trying to beat the Chad aestheticmode

What was the glove for?

fisting marla.

You're not big, /fit/, you're fat

Helping Marla with the plumbing.

staying sanitary

But that's him... So during sex with Marla on the bed he gets up cause he hears himself knocking on the door... That must have looked weird from her point of view

Post bodies before you talk shit

90's Brad could rape me

Its never rape when Chad does it


Attached: pjimage-4-1.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

Attached: BreakfastClub.jpg (1200x675, 125K)

well considering we see her spend the entire scene trying to just sit up and he's a rather stange guy anyway, she probably didn't think much of it, especially considering his response when she asks whats going on

Yeah he was also clearly fucking her brains out the sex sounded great. She didn't know what was going on anyway

Achilles easily

For judging purposing only I'm sure....

She haven't been fucked like that since grade school.

Tyler obviously


you can go back to rebbit anytime

you do know that's her line in the movie

ask any woman who isnt a retard if she prefers that (cover his face) or whatever the fuck your body is.

>The original "pillow talk"-scene had Marla saying "I want to have your abortion". When this was objected to by Fox 2000 Pictures President of Production Laura Ziskin, David Fincher said he would change it on the proviso that the new line couldn't be cut. Ziskin agreed and Fincher wrote the replacement line, "I haven't been fucked like that since grade school". When Ziskin saw the new line, she was even more outraged and asked for the original line to be put back, but, as per their deal, Fincher refused.

Ahahahaha fucking Finch

How come Brad's abs were so big and flat in Fight Club?

Can you rape yourself?

by browsing Sup Forums

For the better grip on her sweaty ass

She was too fucked out to notice or care.

I wish