Why does Casey Affleck always look like something's bothering him?

Why does Casey Affleck always look like something's bothering him?

Attached: henry case.jpg (667x717, 140K)

>OP doesn’t know

he can still smell pussy stank on his mustache


Why does casey affleck look like FUCKING FAGGOT

Literally the best actor of his generation. Prove me wrong faggots

He's a serial rapist. Thats why they call him Casey 23.

There's a lot of Jews on film sets.

your wrong

because he's not getting enough recognition for being the most based actor of 2018

he hasn't done anything in 2018


Because he's aware of his surroundings?

guilt over being a woman abuser

He has an incredibly punchable face

Looks like forrest gump when he went run-ning

he's the manlet brother of a big guy. This allows him to be a top notch dramatic actor though

>Ben Affleck
Lol. A big drinker, maybe.

Disdain for plebs

because he's Casey Affleck

98kg and 192cm is pretty big, his brother is like 175cm

Because he is ALPHA as fuck

>bothered by things
Pick one.

not a single good performance that wouldn't have been done better by any number of dramatic actors

he lives in constant pain

An alpha is constantly bothered and distressed by a variety of things. Betas float through the world in soy-induced, worry-free bliss. That's why they're betas. They follow the stream. Alphas see the world for what it is, and act accordingly.