Checkmate racists

Checkmate racists

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>Checkmate racists

what are the movies btw?

>Make new Star Wars
>And one nigger
>Hype is real
>2 billion dollars
>It happened because the niggaaaaa

Wow :D

John Bowlega is a star. You'll see when Pacific Rim 2 comes out and it makes a billion dollars

Blocks your path

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I specifically pirate the movies that have forced bullshit like cuckolding interracial empowered females. Hopefully in the following years more and more people wake up and become like me, the revolution shall be cruel and violent then, blood spilled first of the traitors, days of vengeance, days of wrath, days when mercy will be forgotten.

>all big budget blockbusters arbitrarily mandated to have incredibly diverse cast
>big budget blockbusters with $200m marketing budget outperform smaller movies
>diversity equals success

It's amazing how unsubtle it all is really.

I wonder if it's a good thing...

>study shows

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Better yet

> Buy the most successful movie franchise in history
> Make a new movie
> Spend millions upon millions marketing it
> Put one nigger in it
> Financial success
> Diversity works!

>force diversity into every single big budget film from major studios
>The only movies that make huge box office are big budget blockbusters
>"Diverse casting leads to box office success!"

Lmao, are people really stupid enough to fall for this?

And that's a good thing

Can Americans explain why diverse now means more black people? What about Asians, Indians, Spics, etc

Surprise black people don't know what the words they use mean.

Attached: hella diverse.jpg (640x687, 82K)

>Study shows
>Scientists have established
>Scientific basis
I'm noticing a lot more headlines like this, and yet there is hardly ever any actual "science" or "study" involved

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counterpoint: a wrinkle in time, tyler perry's everything.

>confusing correlation with causation

Here's an idea: maybe Hollywood just hijacks giant franchises that will make big bucks at the box office no matter what's in them and pumps minorities into them so they can virtue signal and then after-the-fact convinces everybody they really want to see this shit.

how many threads like this do we need?

It's true.

Big budget movies with diverse casts such as The Fast and the
Furious, Star Wars and Thor make bank, whereas nobody showed up to watch big-budget movies with all-white casts released recently such as...



Attached: this one is from 15 years ago.jpg (940x529, 72K)

>study shows
>never links the study

i hate the guardian and guardian readers, they think they are level headed when they are the most disagreeable people

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I swear now being white and straight is almost a crime

>correlation equals causation


To be honest, the new trilogy has "actual" diversity, as most new characters are actual minorities and not just black.

>diverse casting leads to success
But the #1 movie in the world right now has a cast that's entirely one race

Study by liberal crazy think tank .usa

A sexy crime

Someone tell the guys that made Troy about this.

Yeah and it's not white so it's diverse. These people change the meaning of what the word is every other day.

That's one way to read statistics I guess.

>the guardian

Come on now, they make CNN look integrous

The grauniad sure do love reporting studies that defy observable fact as the truth. I mean it’s honestly bordering on Orwellian.

I've seen more than one which was a rewrite of a rewrite of a rewrite of an article which mis represented the abstract of the study.

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>>Study shows
>>Scientists have established
>>Scientific basis
>I'm noticing a lot more headlines like this, and yet there is hardly ever any actual "science" or "study" involved
The Emperor has no clothes and a surprisingly small dong

Are you not required to take stats and data in University anymore? I took it in highschool. This is correlation between two dependent factors with an unseen independent factor (who's making the fucking movie). Meanwhile that stitch in time or whatever the fuck movie just bombed.

These people aren't scientists, they're a TALENT AGENCY

Because leftists have chosen to give "science" absolute authority it's now used like the word of God is used in organised religion. Can't argue with "science".

yeah pandering leads to wider market appeal. Doesnt mean it makes a good movie.

And that's a good thing, real science is bigot. Critical theory is the thought process of the future.

E.T. Cum home

Creative Artists Agency LLC or CAA is an American talent and sports agency based in Los Angeles, California.
It was founded by (((Mike Rosenfeld))), (((Michael Ovitz))), (((Ron Meyer)))

It's also a marketing company. Would you accept a two year "study" done by non-scientist agents from a marketing company that has a vested interest in what is being studied?
How much do you want to bet that they decided what they wanted the answer to be and changed the timeframe and criteria until it gave the answer that they wanted

Who took part in this "study"? They went somewhere with certain minded people and asked them questions. Probably on a college campus. How would those people respond to a study like this? Are you picking up what i'm putting down?

This is no more science than an obviously biased infographics that you would find on Sup Forums. It's these people (science hipsters) that are ruining the good name of science.

It's not even an experiment, it's just a case study. This is literally just looking at the data. Then STILL somehow drawing the wrong conclusions.

I mean sex should never be a part of star wars so at least subversion man understands that

>obviously biased infographics
>Sup Forums
>It's these people (science hipsters) that are ruining the good name of science.
No argument there.

You're aware of what niggers consider science, right?

well given america is half nonwhite it makes sense that they would like to see themselves represented

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>“We have always believed that diverse voices and backgrounds make CAA stronger, and, years ago, implemented a strategy to address the issues of diversity in our industry,” said CAA President Richard Lovett.

>“We developed and executed programs to ensure a more diversified workplace, and launched a series of industry events to support and advance underrepresented voices in Hollywood. A natural next step in our continued promotion of inclusion, Amplify will convene influential and impactful multicultural leaders, who, together, will create opportunities to move our businesses forward.”

This was from a year before the "study"


>The National Orginizaion of "Women are as Strong as Men" has released this cool new study
>It proves that women are just as strong as men!
Wow, beautiful universe, much thinking

>leads to
>What is correlation not causation
The Guardian is pure clickbait now

>blockbuster success
pick one

SCIENCE *midcrop*

Attached: smugscience.png (638x305, 40K)

They think you won't question it or will be afraid to if they say it's "science".