Eat more ass

Eat more ass.

Attached: 43ECDD44-9E66-4DA4-82EE-FA1E7ABD8585.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

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Golem get ye gone!

Múscle Gölem


Thats fucked

Attached: 1516052928121.jpg (467x440, 28K)

What's his ethnicity?

Ninja turtle


Attached: 1511341619400.jpg (2048x1984, 342K)

Attached: 1520873281928.png (461x506, 302K)

How does this guy stay so muscular? Every time I see him he can barely move...

Porch monkey.

Damn, Uncle Phil.

his parents were FOB poles

Attached: 1520872160191.png (395x415, 150K)

What the fuck how much Delray lore have I missed this past year?

What the FUCK who is filming Lenny's porn?


Attached: LEAN.jpg (720x960, 119K)

Fucking based

I'm sensing you're abnormally short and a spic


Especially insulin/hgh, which is what causes such roidgut

That's a guy, isn't it?

what is this about?

dude is a meme
that's about it

Jesus lenny

Attached: 1520218744682.jpg (176x180, 33K)

Lenny what are you doing here this is a television board.

>Has the tranny wear a condom
>Still eats the ass raw

I think that's for her protection