Behold, the power of the DC universe

Behold, the power of the DC universe...

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Sweat merciful heavens....


He's bulking. DYELs will enver understand.

It gets worse.

H-he's looking better than before!

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Thats the VR look

holy shit what happened to him


Yeah, I'm thinking he's back.

>that video of tommy wiseau speaking about the disaster artist


Hm? He quit being Batman you know.


>On screen, specifically, the goal is to reach at least 50 percent gender parity, with 40 percent inclusion for people of color,
>40 percent inclusion for people of color

They are 12.5 percent of the population.
THEY ARE 12.5 PERCENT OF THE POPULATION. By what fucking metric do they need to be 40 of film casts?

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I'm looking for warriors.

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Serious question to anyone supporting this shit: How do you define "diverse" or "person of colour" exactly? Nobody is 100% anything. I'm "white" but I'm also a quarter Jewish, 10% nigger and 3% Saudi. So am I diverse and if not, then why not?

I need to sit on his lap and tell him what I want for Christmas

In America I think it just means Black or Latino. Which should be fascinating in practice as according to this Pearl Street are producing something about the Apostle saint Paul. And The Batman if that's even still a thing.

>the apostles were white
Are you retarded?

Speak for yourself, mutt. Most of europe is still pure, do a test on someone from nordic countries and they'll give you >99.9% match.

They weren't Black or Mexican mate. Anyway Hugh Jackman is playing Paul anyway.

Well does this policy apply to just American productions or worldwide?

You also didn't answer my question, how do we define who and what is "diverse" in an increasingly mixed world? Identity politics is not only cancer, it's a logical fallacy.

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It's the production company saying they'll only do projects with that diversity clause attached. Which now you've mentioned it would be confusing, if they film in London would just using a general English crew count because they're not American, or do they have to get a colour pallette out? If they have to be non white how do you apply it to stuff like GoT which films a lot in Eastern Europe.

Is that zizek?

maybe in the appalachian mountains where you live, meth for brains

This stranger others like him, see i believe an enemy is coming. Not coming bruce its already here

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People of color are any non-white

So 40% is accurate, since 44% of the US population is nonwhite and the majority of the world is nonwhite

What is white? Who is white?

Are Italians and Jews white? Latinos are considered white on the US census.